Has the Forward Press seen the death of the Forward Tag?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Iain (BlueBeliever), May 7, 2011.

  1. With a lot of teams copying the Collingwood playbook to an extent this year and adopting versions of the Forward Press, has everyone given up on the hard Forward Tag? Players like Enright, Shaw and Yarran have all been good scorers so far despite doubts about their ability to score against a tag.

    Chief example being Yarran, dominated off the Half-Back in the pre-season but was tagged out of the Round 1 game against Richmond. Since then he's played well each game, but without a hard tag. Is this because coaches are concentrating on the Press rather than individual players? If so, players like these may need to be considered more as trade targets as coaches focus on structures over playmakers out of the backline. Anyone else seeing this trend also or am I over-analyzing?
  2. apolis

    apolis New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think it depends on the team. Ling tagged Hodge in the Hawks-Cats game and he played most of the game off half-back.

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