Hashtag Footy

Discussion in 'AFL' started by jumperpuncher, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. jumperpuncher

    jumperpuncher New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi all,

    I've put together a website that you guys might be interested in. It's aimed at footy fans, and is driven by twitter content.


    It's mainly aimed at people like me, who may not use twitter, but are interested in what is being said after Brock McLean tells some bloke that their mum gave him Aids, for example.

    It's basically a way of collating and displaying tweets from footballers and clubs without the need for a twitter account. There's also a player directory which lists the details of (almost) every player on an AFL list who uses twitter, where you can view recent tweets, and start following them if you do have an account.

    Take a look if you get a chance - And if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them..


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