Have we finally seen the end of the enmasse week off ?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Bongwater, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. Bongwater

    Bongwater Guest

    I'm sure many of us suffered mightily in Round 24 this year following the decision to deprive our Supercoach teams of a large group of stars. :(

    Maybe more teams will now see this is fraut with danger, flirting with form etc. No matter how you move the names on the magnetic board giving a group of fully fit stars a week of rest has clearly been a bad one for the Hawks.

    The scribes will inevitable draw the conclusion (and its not exactly a long bow) that the week off affected last nights performance.

    Here's hoping this becomes a core value for all AFL teams next year. Then maybe our Supercoach Teams will truly reflect each coaches individual brilliance.

    The campaign has begun "No resting Guns in 2012"

    Cheers and bring on the NFL. :D

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