Hibberd or L.Thompson to play? + Rioli/Higgins trades?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by weedoo, May 5, 2011.

  1. weedoo

    weedoo Guest

    As the subject says, which of Hibberd and Luke Thompson should I start this week? Hibberd is at home to West Coast, Thompson is away to Melbourne. Must win game this week for me!

    Also are Rioli or Higgins worth trading, assuming they are out this week. Both very injury prone, and I'm having to go in with Petrie and Matera because they are out. I am going for League Win and have pretty tough games most weeks.
  2. Beauy

    Beauy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is there any chance Alex you can play both, Thomo in the backline and Hibbster in the mid? - throwing it out there.

    Sometimes I wait and see where they are inclined to line up on the ground, my feeling is you could pencil in Thomo to start on the ground and play a full match (bar injury of course) the big IF is that it's his 3rd game and without knowing who else apart from Hibbs in your team is competition for that last spot it's hard to judge.

    I will be trading in Hibbs next round but I haven't seen enough of him to make a call.

    Sometimes these ones are a roll of the dice, last week Thomo was my emergency and pulled out 126!! Who predicted that one??

    Give the Ticker a run and see if that helps.
  3. weedoo

    weedoo Guest

    Nah that it isn't an option to play both. I have both in the backline and no links to the backline in the Midfield. 6 of my defenders are set, and then I also have Toy and Batchelor on the bench. So yeah it is between the two of them for the 7th spot. Do you think Hibberd could be sub?
  4. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Picking the bench has been high impossible this year, with many inconsistencies. I'd just go with your gut.

    Also don't trade Rioli. Higgins you could trade but it would depend on the rest of your team structure.
  5. Beauy

    Beauy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If Hibberd is named on the bench that would be enough for me to put Thomo on the field.

    That said Nick is on the money with regard to the inconsistency.

    I wouldn't try to over complicate it too much, pick one and stand by it.

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