Holey Bet batman.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by djay40, Aug 26, 2010.

By djay40 on Aug 26, 2010 at 10:00 AM
  1. djay40

    djay40 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We have good people that read this site. Good, entusiastic people. Some so enthusiastic, they add- and create their own content- so how could I not post this gem from regular commenter, Owen!

    Holeys excellent weekly brownlow post and his patent pending 210 x $1 bet system got me, and Im sure many others, very interested. So I figured Id create a spreadsheet to check other combinations of players, their odds and potential winnings based on whether they are correct or not.

    For people who are interested I have created a google docs spreadsheet that people can view (at the moment I have created it so people can download to excel to play with on their own computers, but am open to suggestions).

    Link: <a href="https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AkML7G_k9VMbdElhZUZyWG9iVlp0ZFhlNlpscVRJWWc&hl=en&authkey=CL-dv_wG#gid=0">Spreadsheet[/url]

    Good ol google supplied me with a VB code to output the different combinations - anyone interested can search for "Myrna Larson combinations" and you should be able to find the code."

    Hopefully Holey doesnt mind me spreading his idea.

    Now, Im just gunna throw this up here as well- it’s still gambling- and with all gambling there is a chance that you’ll be walking away with nothin’.

    So the standard of “don’t bet money that you can’t afford to lose” still definitely comes into play.

    That being said- multi-ing on the brownlow has fast become the gambling highlight of my year with an informed minority doing very well for themselves. Seriously though- read around, do some research and come up with your own 10 players who you honestly believe are a good shot to make it- and with some solid research (as Holey has done all year) – then a hit rate of 6/10 if definitely more than achievable, with any more hits than that making for some potentially lucrative profit. (keep in mind, a 250k payout for a 200 dollar investment is still taking on 1:1250 odds- aka- very unlikely- but for mine, you won’t find better value considering the research that you’ll find on the internets on the topic)

    Always remember though- gamble responsibly! miss 5 picks and you’re going home with nothing and for all the excitement, that is still a real option.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by djay40, Aug 26, 2010.

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