I'm trying to work out when to get Carrazzo at his lowest price point but this can work for any player. He hit 99, 109 and 123 before his injury match against the bombers and hit 3. His current price is $465,300 after falling from $481,500 so when will the 3 cycle out and his price range and start to rise? The next game or the game after?
Have a play with this: http://tooserious.net/player_calc.php?&id=26&pcid=16066&name=Andrew%20Carrazzo
He has a 150 break even. So unless he gets 150 in his next game he will drop in price. If you go to the stats page and look him up or type his name in player search box you can have a look at the estimated drop in price (around 24k drop after plays next game if I remember right!) Hope this helps
You've got through most of your trades without knowing about the calculator. It's arguably, but probably, the best tool on this site. You're gonna have some fun with your trades now mate