
Discussion in 'Blog' started by eaql, Jan 20, 2011.

By eaql on Jan 20, 2011 at 11:00 AM
  1. eaql

    eaql New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    it’s about time to announce that we have a sponsor for our new competition!

    <a href=""><img src="" width="470px">[/url]

    Shaun from <a href="">Bladerunner Property Services[/url] has stepped up to the plate! What’s he offered? Well whilst the good folks at Bladerunner Property Services are out there mowing lawns and otherwise dirtying their hand making other peoples yards look awesome this summer, the winner of our iThink competition could be playing their choice of game console package. Think a new xBox with Kinect package, a slimline Playstaion or a Wii with a variety of games would make your year? Then thank Shaun and get into iThink.

    <img src="" width="470px">

    How to play? Its over the break-
    Here’s what it says on the competitions page:

    So what is the iThink competition? Its all about predicting a players average SC/DT score over the season. Reckon Bartel will average 120 for the season? Put it in. Think Stanton will get 110 in DT? Get it in there.

    Scoring: If you can predict the correct average, rounded down (SC or DT) for a player over the year, to within 2 points either way; and that player plays at least 5 games- youll score a point. Get both SuperCoach and DreamTeam right for the one player and you score 3 points. Score the most points and you win. (in the unlikely event of a tie, the player who got their final tip in first will be deemed the winner.)
    Entering: To enter the competition is easy- simply start filling details below and save. Theres no limit to how many players you can predict for and there are no points taken away for getting it wrong, so it makes sense that the more you enter, the more chance you have to score.
    Deadline: The competition will be locked for entries by the first bounce in round one- so get in early.
    Prizes: Winners choice of an awesome games console package (Playstation, Wii or xBox) valued at up to $550 from Blade Runner Property Services!

    Further than that, Shaun has offered a discount for his services to any TS users who live in his area- on the Mornington Peninsula anywhere from Rosebud to Portsea. It’s generous. He’s awesome. Get in touch with him via his <a href="">website[/url] or <a href="">Facebook page[/url] to get the details. Or just like him on there because we do.

    Sponsors like this help to keep the site going and allow us to make fun competitions like this for everyone to enjoy so we really appreciate it when you guys can show a bit of support to these guys.

    Anyways… Back to iThink. You can put in your predictions on the competitions page or on the player profile pages as you go about your business gearing up for the season ahead of us. It really is too easy and… Playstation! It’s totally worth it. iThink.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by eaql, Jan 20, 2011.

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