jpods supercoach score r2

Discussion in 'AFL' started by VanderHaar, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. VanderHaar

    VanderHaar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    James Podsiadly 12 kicks 3 hb 1 tackle 5 goals 108 sc

    i thought he took great contested marks when the game was in balance , and from memory of what was a fantastic tight game he kicked the last 2 goals sc bonus for winning goal ?

    108 deserved or ripped ?

    oh and like fyfe last week hes not in my team

  2. VanderHaar

    VanderHaar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    oh and i love sc ... just tryun to get my head around the scoring ;-)
  3. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @VanderHaar - But it's not as if you can score all his kicks/marks/etc as their normal point value and then say that the leftover must be all down to the remaining stat, ie, the inside 50. You have to multiply everything he did by a certain factor because it was late in a close game. I admit it seems like a massive score but put it this way - I don't think anyone would comment if he scored like 29, so we're only looking for about 20 extra points. If he had played a full game and looked like scoring about 70 but actually scored 90, I don't think anyone would think that particularly strange as he had a few good efforts at the end.

    @fidelsfinger - You make a good point that "involved in a match-winning play" sounds like a weasel words but I'm sorry but I just disagree that personal opinion could come into it. First, the stats are done by teams of people so whoever scored Pods' first goal is unlikely to have been the same person who scored his last one. Second, each person would be doing a different game each week so if someone had, say, a man crush on Judd it's not as if he'd be able to bump up his score every week. Third, it really is just some sort of outrageous conspiracy theory to think that, I dunno, some grand poobah head honcho down at Champion Data headquarters has issued an edict that certain players must be scaled higher than others.

    I think it's clearly just a very complicated scoring system that we as viewers at normal speed who are concentrating on the game not the minor details of the play wouldn't notice, eg, was that kick 39 or 41 metres, was that a contested possession if someone was half tackled, was it an effective kick if the next possession is by a teammate but it's just a knock-on rather than a kick/handpass... all these events we would not be able to accurately quantify but they would make a big difference to someone's score.
  4. VanderHaar

    VanderHaar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ stampede yer cheers mate im just going off the only scoring system i can find , some times im bamboozled some times i pick it right .
    i thought nroo was pretty ordinary vs port and assumed he got an inflated score for his winning goal and i was waiting for jpod to get a superbonus for those last 2 goals which he never got .

    as i said i love supercoach , dt scoring structure bores me to death , here you know your player who kicks the winning goal might just get you home in a league match ;-)

    i couldnt work for champion data cause i do have a few player biases lol fasolo for collingwood is a great kick good player , but i reckon hes a muppet , would drop my notebook or sneeze every time he went near it lol
  5. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Vanderhaar, your lack of love for Fasolo wouldn't have anything to do with his 123 SC points v Essendon in last years match would it?
    Pies might even rest him v Carlton this week so he's fresh off a 10 day break for Anzac day coz he really loves playing your guys :p

    lol Stampede, love your writing style.
    no conpiracy theory,
    just seems to me that not all players are equal in the collective minds of CD scorers,
    even when their contributions might be.
    & I'm not complaining,
    just as umpires tend to have favourites, which we take into account when betting on the brownlow,
    I reckon certain players are favoured in CD circles too, not by edict, but simply because we're all human & not completely impartial,
    which is why we dont use kicks/marks/handball/tackle etc stats to pick our premiums,
    we use prior SC scores to choose them.
    I'm cool with that, I've put a lot of work into filling my team with the most favoured ;)

  6. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Vanderhaar, yes I love the fact you're always a chance of your player kicking the winning goal too! And hmm yeah everyone did say that NRoo's score was inflated by about 30 points by kicking a late one so dunno why that didn't happen for the Pod. Maybe in the Geelong game there were a lot more good acts late in that game whereas there were relatively few in the Saints game?? I can't comment as didn't see the Saints one. DT bores me too.

    Fidel, haha yes well it's a good point that we work off past SC scores and they do seem to throw up certain anomalies. I'm thinking it may just be that the gamestyle of certain players is favoured by the scoring system. Eg, a tall forward who's fairly quick/evasive on the lead but who marks well may end up with a lot of contested marks coz he's only able to half get away from a defender, whereas if he were actually a bit quicker and better on the lead he would end up with uncontested marks (or mark on lead or whatever). Similarly I always notice midfielders who wait to basically get tackled before releasing the handpass - does that make it a contested possession whereas if they released it straight away before the tackler arrived it's uncontested? Ablett seems to like to take possession, then sort of swivel to protect the ball while backing into an opponent, then fire out the handpass. He's presumably doing it to release his teammate into a better position coz he's good enough to still get the handpass away but it has to help his scoring.
  7. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Listen to Stampede, he writes with strong sense.

    And fidels, if you're going to allege partiality on CD's part, you better bring some strong roof.

    And to all, for the LAST time, I50's don't score anything. It's just a line on the field.
  8. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Stampede on April 11, 2012, 07:48
    Maybe in the Geelong game there were a lot more good acts late in that game whereas there were relatively few in the Saints game</blockquote>

    Quote for truth
  9. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hornsy, I have colourbond :p

    <blockquote>Quote from Stampede on April 11, 2012, 07:48
    I'm thinking it may just be that the gamestyle of certain players is favoured by the scoring system. </blockquote>

    A most sensible explanation, Point taken m8.
  10. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>well gunston is interesting too
    gunston 49 supercoach
    4 kicks
    4 possesions at 75&#37; eff
    2cp 2unc 2 marks 1 cont mark 0 clanger 1 inside50 1 behind 0 tackles
    if you gave him the highest scoring off this page without watching the match

    3 eff kicks (75&#37; eff ) = 12 points
    1 behind = 1 point
    1 mark cont from op = 8 points
    1 mark unc from op = 4 points
    (giving the highest score avail in options )
    total of 25 points
    so his single inside 50 netted him 24 supercoach points</blockquote>

    I think long ineffective kicks can score points (maybe) so that might be 1 point, he could have had a hard/loose ball so that's 4 points, long effective kicks might be worth 5-6 points so you could add on 4 points, he add one 1&#37; so that could be worth 3 points. So it is at 37 points now if you include the 3300 rule and scaling his score could easily get up to 49.
  11. VanderHaar

    VanderHaar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    lol your lack of love for judd might be because you have a tonne on blues q1 and judd gets 2 posis ? lol
    no i dont like fasolo because i think hes overly arrogant when his teams dominating and not like a fun ballantyne , tony libba kind of way lol
    and as for brownlow that is a joke greg williams not getting a vote in a 44 odd possession game cause he used to tell the umpires to f** off , james hird not getting a vote after winning the game for us vs wc after he was fined by the umpires ...thats pure people bias and i guess it exists everywhere.
    anyways back to sc scoring

    @ stampede yer very good things to look out for , judd is one player who stands up well through tackles. there are some players who gather a tonne of uncontested ball and some who rack up a few contested in tighter games.
    i guess while trying to work this out for future trades/next year its like horse racing , you can study the form all you like but nothing beats studying and watching at the same time.
    players who start good early , quiet players who can turn a game on its head in 10 minutes etc.
    ryder had something like 4000 hit outs vs port , but we didnt use the ball well from them and it showed in his score . hudson for bris is a fighting ruck , great second and 3rd efforts blocks/1&#37;ers gets a hand in to slow an opponent ...but that doesnt seem to get rewarded in sc .
    rioli from hawks can be eating a hotdog in the stand for 25 minutes , run onto the ground and get 100 sc in 5 minutes . u want players like him cause he can get you scores even on a quiet day.
    if sc had a score for courage selwood would have got 400 points this week.
    and cloke always has a tonne of contested cause hes not the quickest player and always has a couple of opponents looking out for him.

    @scsuperstar thats another way to look at gunston cheers

    @hornsey we have a 50k comp that most people surprisingly in just for league wins , and bragging rights like me lol tho in the end 50k + car + 1k perweek with a scoring system thats not fully disclosed of course people are going to ask how and why .
  12. VanderHaar

    VanderHaar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    actually thats quite funny ... 333,080 people have entered a competition and not one of them know the full rules of how the game is scored .

  13. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest


    I mean no disrespect.

    What I would say, is that to my knowledge, CD would comfortably turn over &#36;1.5 million dollar a year. The chief jewell in their crown is the CD Player Rankings; commonly known as SC points. Their formula for calculating this, the hard work and expertise in statistical modelling, is what separates them from the competition. Because anyone can go around noting down kicks, marks and handballs. Graeme Bond made a career out of it for years.

    This is why they're not giving it up. It'd be giving up their competitive advantage.

    Virtual Sport, who actually run SC, and the HS I presume, purchase the statistical data off CD. I think if you have a beef with SC, it's with them.
  14. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I doubt anyone posting here has a beef, we're all SC addicts,
    all I see is an ongoing quest for more knowledge & understanding so as to gain a competitive edge.
  15. VanderHaar

    VanderHaar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Hornsy on April 11, 2012, 16:29

    I mean no disrespect.

    What I would say, is that to my knowledge, CD would comfortably turn over &#36;1.5 million dollar a year. The chief jewell in their crown is the CD Player Rankings; commonly known as SC points. Their formula for calculating this, the hard work and expertise in statistical modelling, is what separates them from the competition. Because anyone can go around noting down kicks, marks and handballs. Graeme Bond made a career out of it for years.

    This is why they're not giving it up. It'd be giving up their competitive advantage.

    Virtual Sport, who actually run SC, and the HS I presume, purchase the statistical data off CD. I think if you have a beef with SC, it's with them. </blockquote>

    no beefs no conspiracy theories no disrespect taken and i only believe in aliens cause i saw the martians once at an essendon game .

    i am however trying to learn something , thats why ive picked a few players to watch that arent in my team without bias . and thanks to starting this thread ive learnt to look at players and plays from a different perspective thanks to superstar and stampede.

    and to be honest the corporate side of things , if someone wanted to rip off the champion data sc formula , they have the last few years of stats laid out for them , all they need would be a dvd player , the last three seasons and 2 asians with a calculator and unfortunately i have a vhs and my asian ran away and stole my calculator

    ps and i also learnt fidels has a secret crush on judd
  16. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Podsiadly had 6 clangers and 3 frees against, that is -42 points.
  17. obleex

    obleex New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from fidelsfinger on April 10, 2012, 22:19
    When Judd does the identical he seems to go much larger.
    Not convinced pure formula is all that's in play here,
    with rounding ups and downs I think a smidgen of personal opinion & man love sneaks it's way in there a bit.</blockquote>

    The same happens with Cyril. The bloke touches the thing once and hits the target and all of a sudden he's 20 points up.
  18. Credmi

    Credmi New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm not questioning your figures SCS, I'm sure you've read a SC scorecard (which I haven't), but 15 possessions, 5 goals & 6 clangers?? WTF
    Does that mean that jpod only had 4 possessions that weren't either a clanger or goal?? or did he have 7 non- clanger/goal possessions, 5 goals & 6 clangers (which included 3 free kicks against him)??
    CD doesn't need to give away all the details of their 50 or so herbs & spices, but they need to be a little bit more transparent of the scoring system in my opinion.
    Last year Walesy posted a transcript of an interview he conducted with a CD representative, could another interview be done this year? Maybe the CD representative could be asked such things as:
    - Is the pressure a player is under considered when deciding if he has committed a clanger?
    - If a player gives away a free kick, is their score reduced by both a free kick against & a clanger?
    - What constitutes a contested possession? ie. does it have to be body on body when the ball arrives, or does it include instances where players jostle each other & 1 player shakes off the other & gains possession in the clear.
    - Are match winning acts of play (eg a goal after the siren) scored the same as match saving acts of play (eg Leo Barry's mark)?
  19. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Credmi on April 11, 2012, 22:45
    I'm not questioning your figures SCS, I'm sure you've read a SC scorecard (which I haven't), but 15 possessions, 5 goals & 6 clangers?? WTF
    Does that mean that jpod only had 4 possessions that weren't either a clanger or goal?? or did he have 7 non- clanger/goal possessions, 5 goals & 6 clangers (which included 3 free kicks against him)??</blockquote>
    I'm not sure what you mean.
  20. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from fidelsfinger on April 10, 2012, 22:19
    When Judd does the identical he seems to go much larger.
    Not convinced pure formula is all that's in play here,
    with rounding ups and downs I think a smidgen of personal opinion & man love sneaks it's way in there a bit.</blockquote>

    Judd plays as a Key-Position Forward?

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