Kieren Jack, the unsung hero

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Hellraisers, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Hellraisers

    Hellraisers New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Why has there been no talk about this guy? Apart from a 47 and a couple of 70ish scores early in the year he has been absolutely tearing it up, and is scoring every bit as well as Brent Stanton did when he was killing it, but Jacko has kept it up all year, and hasn't missed a game yet.

    But while his mate Josh P Kennedy has been getting all the attention, JPK only has an yearly avg 3 points higher than Jack's!

    This guy is regularly pulling out 115-150s, and started the year off as $438k! That's the kind of breakout player we're all looking for at the start of the year, having him would give you a huge advantage over picking more expensive elite players, and the likes of Brent Stanton who fall over mid year. I know more than a few people here paid more than $600k for that clown...

    Its a bit late now, but I think this guy deserves a little bit of cred for his bonefide breakout year. Definitely a good POD coming into SC finals and is a definite premium mid option next year. If only I had spotted him at the start of this year!
  2. Manikato1

    Manikato1 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The problem is probably because he has only fired up since round 8. Lot of people had him on the radar at the start of the season but he failed to impress only averaging 89 in the first 7 rounds which is not good enough for a mid. And especially since JPK and Stanton were going so well then. Agreed he has smashed it since round 8 and makes a great POD now but I think a lot of coaches back then were already upgrading their midfields to other players or setting up for the byes to worry about him.

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