Late outs, Green Vest and the rolling lockout.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by ~walesy, Mar 20, 2013.

By ~walesy on Mar 20, 2013 at 11:00 AM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Unlike years past, where you set your team on a Friday night, then went to the pub and drowned your sorrows as Bartel gotappendicitis- no longer is that a problem with the rolling lockouts in SuperCoach and Centrebet.

    However, it does add a new challenge to the equation. You might be running a couple of teams, across a number of comps. Tracking198 games over 23 weeks will get old. Which is where TS plans on helping.

    If you have your teams inMy Teamsyou'll receive an email whenever one of your players is either a late withdrawal, or has been given the dreaded Green Vest.

    Hopefully, giving you the chance to jump into your squad and adjust it asnecessary.

    Now, I'm certain that there will be the odd times throughout the year where I'm unable to catch a vest or two, so I'm going to keep it as a non-donor function, available to everyone, until I get that sorted.

    Anyways, hopefully no-one got any of my test emails from earlier tonight- let me know if you do! (Or if you don't, and should, get any notifications in the future.)


Discussion in 'Blog' started by ~walesy, Mar 20, 2013.

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