League just targeting round 12

Discussion in 'AFL' started by fidelsfinger, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If anyone's interested,
    a league of entries just designed for round 12,

    Round 12 Hunters
    SC = 458114
    DT = 441592

    So if family or friends have asked you to help em out with a team,
    might as well design it to score big in that round,

    It's a tough bye round so an entry put together just aiming for it should rank highly that week,
    I picked round 12 because the partial lockout makes it even more interesting.

    only half full so far, if we fill it, it should be the top league for that round & 1 of us might even snag the grand.
    GL :)

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