Fantasy Freako ? @FantasyFreako Melbourne has declared that James Magner is ready to play in Rnd 1. #afldreamteam #supercoach
<blockquote>Quote from Lucas on March 21, 2012, 07:38 Cue sound of cookie cutter operating</blockquote> lol... you going to "dare to be different"???
I think lucas was hoping that Joe 'Cookie Cutter' Public would jump off him due to him not playing round 1
mmm, the use of the magnet as the captain option if a northern player in your team scores well seems gawwwn
Jason, as a Melbourne man, bloody disappointing. Apart from Magner I wouldn't go near another player, including Jamar, Grimes, Treeners....their game plan is not suited to SC.
Yeah thats who I was thinking too. Mumford is my Sydney player so kinda hoping he just has a solid 100 rather than having to change around my structure. Bock will be good value though I reckon.