NAB Challenge Points of Interest

Discussion in 'AFL' started by BrockyFreo, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey community, Saw there's a lack of posts on overall interesting points we can take out of the NAB cup and wanted to start a discussion on some of these things we've seen. Like Judd showing himself to still be only 25 years old, and ready to average 120+ (maybe?) But seriously, what about the form of Lumumba, he is killing it 3 weeks in a row, and seems to be playing the same position (off half back and through the guts). Is he more of a 'must have' then Newnes (or is this the year to go in with both mid pricers?). What about a real smokey and say Scott Thompson who did very well against the Hawks. Seems like Joel Tippet is going to take his low scoring lock-down role from last year, and perhaps he will be as free as Gibson? Really keen to seem him in the next Nab game to get a better gauge. Come on and have an opinion, give away a few secrets you've been hanging on to and add to the discussion! Who have you been eyeing off? Who is it that people aren't talking about (but this TS community should be?)
  2. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pass on Judd for me. Will miss a bunch of games during 2015. All aboard the 'Prince' train - toot toot! Will be in most teams by the start of R1. Is now in my team.
  3. JM

    JM Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lumumba has averaged 120 over the NAB, but I guess you've got to ask yourself can he keep that average up when the main season begins? Will he go back to being in the back line? Will he continue his current NAB roll off half-back and through the guts? Questions we won't really know the answer to till after the first couple of rounds. Newnes however has been earmarked since before the pre-season for a roll thorough the midfield, and from watching the NAB he has been doing exactly that. Keeping it consistent and have around 21 possesions in each game. As for defensive rookies Goddard didn't play the last NAB game and now there are ? about him fro round 1. Dalgleish looked good in his last game, with a great running goal from the wing. I hear that Adam Saad is a lock for round 1, and there are whispers Ciaran Byrne could be a chance for round 1 as well.
  4. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A handful of highlights from NAB cup for me include Cripps, Ellis-Yolmen and Dalgliesh on the rookie front (Clark should have been anticipated IMHO). Higgins has burnt us all in the past, but he actually played 20 games last year and is looking good in his new home; hopefully his new found resilience will continue. Gibson looks like he has a SC friendly new role at the Hawks which looks promising. Trying to figure out a Ruck strategy with the new scoring system is proving to be a bit of a challenge, for me at least. Go with proven Rucks? Go mid pricer with a view that the scoring differential will not be that high? mix of premium and mid pricer to hedge bets and get better value in other lines? 'Tis but a conundrum. :)
  5. weaze

    weaze Guest

    Lumumba will play the same role he did at collingwood imo that said he prob is worth the risk i don't see him scoring less than last year so should at least hold value

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