National Diabetes Week: July 10-16

Discussion in 'AFL' started by stkildathunda, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yea yea this isnt football related but as its close to my heart and probably many on here ive decided to post it in the most viewed section of the forum.

    National Diabetes Week kicks off on Sunday and im trying my best to get as much awareness out there and also to help raise as much needed money as possible. Last year on True Sainters we managed to raise over $1500 for Diabetes Australia and im hoping we can pass that mark this year.

    If anyone has any ideas on how to raise more awareness to this im very eager to hear from you,

    You can donate to Diabetes Australia directly by following this link:

    <blockquote>National Diabetes Week
    About the campaign

    Diabetes Australia and Vision 2020 have joined forces for a National Diabetes Week campaign. The 'Diabetes: Don't be blind to the risks' campaign is twofold around encouraging the 2 million Australians at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes to assess their risk and also encouraging the 1 million Australians who have known diabetes to have regular eye checks.

    Type 2 diabetes continues to be the fastest growing chronic disease in Australia with many Australians not realising the seriousness of developing type 2 diabetes, and the ongoing health and lifestyle complications including blindness, before it is too late.

    Diabetic eye disease or retinopathy is a significant cause of vision loss and blindness in adult Australians. About one in six people with diabetes is affected by retinopathy.

    The diabetes epidemic is growing by a staggering 275 new cases every day and we have 1 million Australians registered on the National Diabetes Services Scheme. For every person known to have type 2 diabetes another is yet to be diagnosed.The burden of type 2 diabetes is increasing and it is expected to become the leading cause of disease burden by 2023.</blockquote>

    You can find out more info at the Diabetes Australia website:

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