Discussion in 'Blog' started by ATGANI, Sep 18, 2012.

By ATGANI on Sep 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM

    ATGANI New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The leagues have now been confirmed for the 2012-13 fantasy basketball season. Over the course of the next few days Anthak will set up the leagues for each division and an email will be forwarded to your nominated email address that you have set up in ESPN asking you to join the league. Please activate this request as soon as possible.
    The leagues consist of the following teams

    Premier League

    (Team Heaver, Kings of Karlos, Jasmine’s Mob, Run TMC, Westside Hardcore, Ruddy’s Cavaliers, Ant hak, Fudge’s Sixers, Adelaide Maggotz, The Jug-O-Naughts, Linsanity 17, Wade Machine)

    Division One

    (Too Seriouseses, Albert Park Rangers, The Bucks Fizz, Crossy Crusaders, Get Knicked, Team Stowie, Canuck Steelers, Team Farken White, Broady Broncos, CK Nicks, Nahla Vs Little Dee, Doobia Dominators)

    Division Two

    (Everton 149’ers, SmokinJoe Misiti, Six Ten Two Forty, Cyril33s Crushers, The Hinrich Manoeuvre, AC-BC2011, Lano 24, Cazza, Red E Cool, Philosoraptor, Lethal, Popey)

    The most important thing to now think about is to agree upon a date and time for each draft to be held. During weekdays in September the draft does not open on ESPN until 9.00pm weeknights (AEST), Therefore we could arrange for the drafts to be held on a weeknight commencing at 9.00pm (AEST). Or the other option is to hold the draft sometime on the weekend however this becomes more difficult as people have other commitments.

    Note that the season does not commence until the last week of October so we can leave the drafts until sometime in October however we do run into problems with daylight saving which means that the draft will not open on ESPN until 10.00pm weeknights (AEST). Therefore if we were to hold the drafts in October, the weekend would most likely be the only opportunity to hold the draft.

    Can you please post your requests as to when you would like to hold the draft in the comments below and I will sort them out and let everyone know what the preferred time is each for league (just nominate either Sept or Oct and either weeknight or weekend)

    For those who have not been involved in the draft before it works in the following manner:

    The draft order is randomly selected and is in a snake format.

    In leagues with 12 teams, the person who has pick number one will then have the last pick in round 2, e.g pick 24. Each round works in reverse order. There are 13 rounds in the draft.

    Each person has 60 seconds to make their pick.

    In previous seasons, the draft has taken just a bit over an hour to complete.

    Prior to the draft being held you can trade draft picks with other teams in your league. All you need to do is to propose a trade to another team via the ESPN site and the other team will review the trade and either accept it or reject it or even come back to you with a counter offer.

    If you are going to be away on the day of the draft, you can set up a pre draft list whereby you can nominate players that you want on your team. If a player is still available at the time of your pick, that player will then become part of your team.

    For those people who have not played ESPN fantasy basketball, I will be posting a summary of how the competition works in the next week or so keep an eye out for it.

    Apart from that if you have any other questions, let us know in the comments below and we will be able to provide the answers!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by ATGANI, Sep 18, 2012.

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