NBA Matchup 5

Discussion in 'Blog' started by piCARSO, Dec 1, 2010.

By piCARSO on Dec 1, 2010 at 11:00 AM
  1. piCARSO

    piCARSO New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What a round. So many close games! Going into the final day, almost every game could still go either way!  And the lead changed in a few games on that final day too.

    This entry is going to be a smaller one today as Im pretty flat out with other things at the moment, and probably will be the same next week.

    We still have 2 undefeated teams in Jasmines Mob and Run TMC, but both were given a run for their money this round; but importantly - both got the job done again! Jasmine is also sitting atop the overall points ladder, whereas Owen comes in in 4th place. And on the other side of things, we still have 3 winless teams in Fudges Sixers, Pikus United and Elbonanzas. Fudge is actually sitting in 11th spot on overall points ladder, but still hasnt been able to muster up a W! :(

    Before I get to the reviews and previews, just want to give an update on Elbonanzas...   Still no word from Elbonz himself - and as discussed, we have made a change to his team and will do another in the coming days. We have dropped Michael Redd for Jeremy Lin and there is currently a poll to decide who to bring in for Donald Sloan with Manny Harris in front - but only by 1 vote so Im not going to do it just yet. If you want to influence the decision at all, and havent yet, make sure you log in and <a href="" target="_blank">go to our league homepage[/url] and vote. Ill do the swap when there is a clear leader. And want to point out again that Elbonz should get 1st priority on Redd and Sloan if he wants them when he comes back.

    Now over the break will be the reviews of each game in matchup 4; and the preview of matchup 5 :::::


    Matchup 4 Review:

    <a title="Ruddys Cavaliers (Peter Rudd)" href=";teamId=14&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Ruddy’s Cavaliers[/url] 784 v <a title="Team Stowie (Daniel Stow)" href=";teamId=8&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Stowie[/url] 882

    As expected Josh Smith dominated this matchup with 5 games and 217 points. Ruddy had his own 200 point performer in Steve Nash (and only from 4 games) however it wasnt enough to beat Stowie. Both teams only had 1 other player score over 100 in this low scoring game. And Stowie is now 3 and 1 despite sitting 15th on the points for ladder.

    <a title="Stevos Nuggets (Stephen Nilsson)" href=";teamId=12&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Stevo’s Nuggets[/url] 864 v <a title="Wade Machine (Daniel Laengst)" href=";teamId=15&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Wade Machine[/url] 1125

    I havent tipped Dan yet, and he keeps proving me wrong - sitting 3 and 1 after this game. He led this one from start to finish and actually only lost 2 of the individual days. He had 2 players score over 200 in Nowitzki and Wade and another 3 top the ton; whereas Steve only had 3 players over 100 with the highest scorer - Pau Gasol - on 149. Also interesting that Steve and Dan were able to negotiate a trade while playing against each other.

    <a title="Kings of Karlos (Sean Minetti)" href=";teamId=10&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Kings of Karlos[/url] 1263 v <a title="Fudges Sixers (Jim Tsilikas)" href=";teamId=16&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Fudge’s Sixers[/url] 929

    Almost the highest score of the round by Karlos - missing out by only 2 points. The lack of my tip and the burden associated with it didnt seem to help Fudge as his team put in one of their poorest performances of the season, although it was always going to be tough to beat Karlos this round with 7 of his players scoring more than 90 and 4 of those over 140! Especially as Fudge had a couple of big names out injured and Aldridge only scheduled to play the 2 games. Dwight Howard was Karlos best with 209, and Iggy was best for Fudge with 203.

    <a title="Pikus United (Adam Ziegler)" href=";teamId=9&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Pikus United[/url] 1049 v <a title="Dannys Lebronts (Danny Smith)" href=";teamId=18&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Dannys Lebronts[/url] 1265

    Fzilla almost did a Doobs of matchup 3, as he had a huge round even though he didnt turn up and had only 9 players play for him all round. He scored over 1000 with 6 of his 9 players scoring over 100! Jason Richardson the best with 202. Luckily Danny10 was good enough to win this one, and he did it in style, with the highest score of the round - 1265!  He only had 5 players finish with more than 100, but included in there were Noah with 244 and EGordan with 198.

    <a title="Doobia Dominators (Andrew Dubowik)" href=";teamId=20&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Doobia Dominators[/url] 1016 v <a title="Run TMC (Owen Beebe)" href=";teamId=19&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Run TMC[/url] 1081

    So Doobs showed his head back around his team this round, and by the end of the matchup had worked out what was going on in regards to changing his lineup. This is the 1st time Doobs has used more than 10 players in a matchup, but still had points sitting on the bench early in the week while he was working it all out. For him to push Owen (with or without Rondo) and lose by only 65 points says a lot of his team. If you are playing Doobs in the near future, I would watch out! He had 6 players score over 100, compared to Owens 4. What got Owen over the line was having 5 more games played by his players and also having a monster round from Blake Griffen with 228, and 2 others with at least 160 in Prince and Jefferson.

    <a title="Jasmines Mob (Jasmine Johnson)" href=";teamId=5&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Jasmine’s Mob[/url] 1178 v <a title="Team anthak (Anthony Hack)" href=";teamId=1&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team anthak[/url] 1104

    I thought I had her. Well I hoped anyway. I led for most of the week, but was outscored over the final 2 days by 136 to lose by 74. I was pretty lucky that Bogut didnt play at all and a few of her big names underperformed early in the week. We both had 5 players score over 100, with the best scores coming from Deron Williams (254) and Monta Ellis (193) of Jasmines Mob and Derrick Rose (176) of team anthak. Jasmine really has got an awesome team and she is proving that by sitting undefeated, and on top of the points for ladder.

    <a title="Adelaide Maggots (Cameron Sears)" href=";teamId=4&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Adelaide Maggots[/url] 1161 v <a title="Westside Hardcore (Michael Walters)" href=";teamId=6&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Westside Hardcore[/url] 1049

    Great win by Cameron! knocking off our 2nd highest total points scorer so far this season in Micka. Mickas top scorer was Grant Hill with 147 and Cameron had 3 players score at least 180 in DJ Augustin, CP3 and Ginobli. Micka also had 2 players on 146 and Cameron had 1 on 146 as well.

    <a title="Team El Bonanzas (Al Lee)" href=";teamId=3&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team El Bonanzas[/url] 667 v <a title="Do Something Knicks (Chris Riches, Steve Smith)" href=";teamId=7&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Do Something Knicks[/url] 1045

    Chris announced that he wouldnt be around for a while, however he wasnt really needed here for this matchup as his team did what was expected and flogged Elbonanzas. Smitty seems to be doing alright without his co-pilot, however they have a tougher assignment this week coming...

    <a title="Too Seriouseses (Les Wales)" href=";teamId=2&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Too Seriouseses[/url] 1020 v <a title="Under Achievers (Richard Chambers)" href=";teamId=11&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Under Achievers[/url] 996

    I found this game really hard to pick and nearly tossed a coin to decide my tip, and as it turned out was the smallest margin of all 10 games with only 24 points in it! Both teams had 4 players score at least a ton, however the heroics of someone not amongst those centurions needs to be acknowledged. Chauncey Billups - the player picked with my original 1st round pick that I traded to Walesy - was injured for most of this matchup, but then suited up on the final day with his team down 125 at the final change. He led his team to glory with a score of 64 while playing hurt, as Too Seriouseses put up an amazing 298 to 149 final day, doubling their opponents score for that day to win by - the aforementioned smallest margin of - 24 points! What a great clutch performance!

    <a title="Team Fezkat (Kristian Collins)" href=";teamId=17&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Fezkat[/url] 1078 v <a title="Team HEAVER! (David Tong)" href=";teamId=13&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team HEAVER![/url] 1117

    I also tipped this game to be a close one. Both teams had a player out for the whole matchup in Delfino for Heaver and Brooks for Fez, and both teams had one of the best players playing 5 games for the matchup. I had a feeling it would come down to who played better out of the two Hawks - and it was Horford who led team Heaver to victory with 183 compared to 157 from Joe Johnson for Team Fezkat. Although the two highest scorers were Stoudamire (204) for Fez and Love (199) for Heaver. Last week I mentioned the irony that Heaver picked up someone from waivers that he had indirectly and unknowingly suggested I not pick up (at that time I had #1 rank on waiver order so could pick anyone). I did not paint the whole picture, and I want to add that Heaver also privately had a conversation with me about Harden which helped me make my decision to grab him off waivers on that same day. I am so very happy I chose Harden in stead of Krstic as he has been a good contributor for me since then, especially compared to what Krstic has been in the same time.

    Matchup 5 Preview:

    This matchup is going for 7 days again, and all teams are playing 3 or 4 games within it - none more and none less. And Ive just been in settling my daughter for the last 30 min so this is turning into a really late night for me, so these will be very brief previews:

    <a title="Team Stowie (Daniel Stow)" href=";teamId=8&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Stowie[/url] (3-1) v <a title="Wade Machine (Daniel Laengst)" href=";teamId=15&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Wade Machine[/url] (3-1)

    Gotta keep the trend going and pick Team Stowie here.

    <a title="Fudges Sixers (Jim Tsilikas)" href=";teamId=16&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Fudges Sixers[/url] (0-4) v <a title="Ruddys Cavaliers (Peter Rudd)" href=";teamId=14&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Ruddys Cavaliers[/url] (1-3)

    Both very good teams IMO but neither have had much luck so far. Sorry Fudge, but I gotta pick your Fudges Sixers in a close one. Tipping against you didnt do any good anyway!

    <a title="Dannys Lebronts (Danny Smith)" href=";teamId=18&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Dannys Lebronts[/url] (3-1) v <a title="Stevos Nuggets (Stephen Nilsson)" href=";teamId=12&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Stevos Nuggets[/url] (2-2)

    Who knows??  Tough one to pick.  Gonna go with Dannys Lebronts as they are the form team of the two, but it could go either way (as most games could i suppose :lol:).

    <a title="Run TMC (Owen Beebe)" href=";teamId=19&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Run TMC[/url] (4-0) v <a title="Kings of Karlos (Sean Minetti)" href=";teamId=10&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Kings of Karlos[/url] (3-1)

    Rondo or no Rondo, I still think Kings of Karlos will keep up their good form and give Owen his first loss.

    <a title="Doobia Dominators (Andrew Dubowik)" href=";teamId=20&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Doobia Dominators[/url] (1-3) v <a title="Pikus United (Adam Ziegler)" href=";teamId=9&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Pikus United[/url] (0-4)

    Doobs is back on board now so gotta pick Doobia Dominators to beat the currently unmanned PU.

    <a href=";teamId=1&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_blank">Team anthak[/url] (2-2) v<a title="Westside Hardcore (Michael Walters)" href=";teamId=6&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top"> Westside Hardcore[/url] (2-2)

    I picked myself to cause a great upset last round and almost pulled it off, so Im going out on a limb again and tipp Team anthak. Even though we are both 2 and 2, Micka has scored a lot more points than me over the season - but wont during this week coming!

    <a title="Do Something Knicks (Chris Riches, Steve Smith)" href=";teamId=7&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Do Something Knicks[/url] (2-2) v <a title="Jasmines Mob (Jasmine Johnson)" href=";teamId=5&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Jasmines Mob[/url] (4-0)

    Gotta pick Jasmines Mob - very solid lineup!

    <a title="Under Achievers (Richard Chambers)" href=";teamId=11&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Under Achievers[/url] (1-3) v <a title="Adelaide Maggots (Cameron Sears)" href=";teamId=4&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Adelaide Maggots[/url] (2-2)

    Might be a bit of an upset, but Im gonna go for Under Achievers here. Sorry Cameron, you have just put up a massive score - just going with a hunch on this one.

    <a title="Team HEAVER! (David Tong)" href=";teamId=13&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team HEAVER![/url] (3-1) v <a title="Team El Bonanzas (Al Lee)" href=";teamId=3&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team El Bonanzas[/url] (0-4)

    Team Heaver!

    <a title="Team Fezkat (Kristian Collins)" href=";teamId=17&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Fezkat[/url] (2-2) v <a title="Too Seriouseses (Les Wales)" href=";teamId=2&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Too Seriouseses[/url] (2-2)

    Fez has already mentioned his worry about being publicly shamed for gloating and losing, as JoshyC had been in the VS premier league soccer comp. Not sure if being humble will affect the outcome of the match, but I reckon Team Fezkat are quietly confident and im tipping them to get the W.



Discussion in 'Blog' started by piCARSO, Dec 1, 2010.

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