NBA Matchup 6

Discussion in 'Blog' started by akb1988, Dec 7, 2010.

By akb1988 on Dec 7, 2010 at 11:00 AM
  1. akb1988

    akb1988 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Still 2 undefeated teams! And both of them had >200 point margins this week. Owen has jumped ahead of Jasmine on the points for ladder and leads the league in that category; however Jasmines Mob are playing better D, as they have the least points against in the league, leaking more than 200 less points than Team Stowie who are 2nd best...  at defense that is - not sure exactly what that says in this game - haha.

    There are three teams with only the one loss: Wade Machine, Dannys Lebronts, and Team Heaver. While there are still three teams yet to register a win: Fudges Sixers, Pikus United, and Team El Bonanzas. Interestingly Fudges Sixers have the worst D in the league,  meaning they play D like the Golden State or that they are just plain unlucky to cop teams on fire.

    In the NBA, Boston are leading the East with a 16-4 record; and San Antonio are leading the West with 17-3, however Dallas are biting at their heals, on a 9 game winning streak, only 1 game back in 2nd place. Durantula is still leading the league in points with 27.4 pg; Love is miles ahead of the rest with 15.3 rpg; and Rondo is even further ahead of the next best in assists with 14.1 pg. Westbrook is committing the most TOs with 4 pg. And Pau Gasol and Love both have the most dub dubs, both achieving this feat in 75% of their games, while no-one has had more than 1 TD so far.

    In our league, Pau Gasol is on 59.9 fppg, and there are 3 ahead of him: Rondo on 60.1 fppg, Westbrook on 60.5 fppg and Chris Paul leading the way with 61 fppg. 8 of the top 10 scorers are PGs, however the next 8 players are not.

    And just quickly, we made another change to Elbonzs team: We dropped Donald Sloan as he is stuck in the D-League not likely to get a gig in the big time for a while, and we replaced him with Marcus Thornton as he was the winner of the poll we conducted. I want to say again that if Elbonz wants Sloan when/if he returns, then he should get first dibs on him, I reckon. Same goes for Redd too.

    Now over the break are the reviews of matchup 5, and the previews for matchup 6:::::::


    Matchup 5 reviews:

    <a title="Team Stowie (Daniel Stow)" href=";teamId=8&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Stowie[/url] 927 v <a title="Wade Machine (Daniel Laengst)" href=";teamId=15&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Wade Machine[/url] 1215

    Dan once again proved me wrong, showing that he thrives under adversity, managing to win by almost 300 points. His big 3 played exceptionally well with Westbrook the best with 259, followed by Wade with 223 and Nowitzki on 162. While his new recruit Kevin Martin scored 111 from 3 games and Mcghee scored 125. For Stowie, only 3 players topped the ton, and only 1 of them had more than 105 - who was Glen Davis with 130.

    <a title="Fudges Sixers (Jim Tsilikas)" href=";teamId=16&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Fudge’s Sixers[/url] 915 v <a title="Ruddys Cavaliers (Peter Rudd)" href=";teamId=14&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Ruddy’s Cavaliers[/url] 1056

    Once again Fudge loses, with a decent score, in a close game. Ruddy saw a couple of players come back from injury this week - most notably Boozer who played all 3 scheduled games this matchup. Both teams used 13 players and had 39 games played each as well. Ruddy had only 4 players score more than 100, compared to 5 for Fudge; and Ruddy had 2 players score less than 20, whereas Fudges lowest scorer had 23. The difference was that Fudges highest scorer was Wilson Chandler with 131, and Ruddy had 3 players score more than him, in Brad Miller (147), Conley (198) and Nash top scoring with 207.

    <a title="Dannys Lebronts (Danny Smith)" href=";teamId=18&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Dannys Lebronts[/url] 1122 v <a title="Stevos Nuggets (Stephen Nilsson)" href=";teamId=12&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Stevo’s Nuggets[/url] 850

    Steve used a remarkable 21 players during this matchup! I havent been keeping track, but I reckon that would be a record. That would have been a good trophy idea - maybe something to add to the list of things to implement next season. With so many players not playing the full week for Steve, he only had 2 players reach a ton: Scola on 100 even, and Pau Gasol with 150. Danny10 had 12 players play and 6 of them scored at least 100 with another on 96! with his best being Lebron with 206. This game was close for the first couple of days, but then Dannys Lebronts pulled away to, what eventuated as, an unassailable lead.

    <a title="Run TMC (Owen Beebe)" href=";teamId=19&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Run TMC[/url] 1262 v <a title="Kings of Karlos (Sean Minetti)" href=";teamId=10&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Kings of Karlos[/url] 983

    Owen continues to be the form team of our league - this week putting up the highest score of the round to remain undefeated. Not only did he have 5 players score over 100, but 4 of them scored over 145! And 3 of those 4 only played 3 games for the week! Rondo was one of them and was his best with 181. Karlos had 3 players score over 100, with another 2 stranded in the 90s, however his highest scorer was Odom with only 134. Run TMC seemed to be on a mission this week and started brilliantly, winning the points battle on each of the first 5 days of the week, before taking their foot of the peddle and losing the final two days of junk time.

    <a title="Doobia Dominators (Andrew Dubowik)" href=";teamId=20&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Doobia Dominators[/url] 1138 v <a title="Pikus United (Adam Ziegler)" href=";teamId=9&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Pikus United[/url] 867

    Great to see Doobs use 13 players this matchup! And I was also happy to see him dipping into the FA pool as well this week. Unfortunately Fzilla has now gone missing as his team, Pikus U, has only had the 9 players play for them the last couple of weeks. Doobs had a bit of an easy one here, so Im looking forward to his first real test - since working out what to do with lineups etc - this week coming. DDs top scorer was Felton with 175, while PU top scorer was Green with 174.

    <a href=";teamId=1&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_blank">Team anthak[/url] 1172 v<a title="Westside Hardcore (Michael Walters)" href=";teamId=6&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top"> Westside Hardcore[/url] 1005

    Including this one, my last two wins have been over the rounds highest scoring loser, which I am quite proud of - obviously, if I am writing about it here! :lol: We had a really close game all week, with not much separating us each day, until I pulled away on the final day with a massive score of 91 from Nene a big help. He was my highest scorer of the week with 161 and i had 6 more players reach a century and another on 97. Micka had 5 players reach 100 - Tim Duncan the best with a whopping 234! Micka, I think its time to let go of Terrence Williams...  I remember that the auto-picker grabbed him for you in the draft at pick 134, when you didnt realise it was set for auto-pick. He hasnt played for the last 9 games and was sent to the d-league, however just now I have noticed that he finished with a trip dub in his first d-league game - so maybe hang onto him after all... I had my eye on him in the draft as he had a TD last NBA season, but I hoped he fell much lower than where the auto-picker grabbed him for you.

    <a title="Do Something Knicks (Chris Riches, Steve Smith)" href=";teamId=7&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Do Something Knicks[/url] 794 v <a title="Jasmines Mob (Jasmine Johnson)" href=";teamId=5&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Jasmine’s Mob[/url] 1095

    Jasmine got the job done again, but didnt have much to beat this round with DSK scoring the 3rd lowest score of the week. Unfortunately for Chris and Smitty, Durant had to miss a couple more games from injury and Turiaf also isnt back yet and didnt play a game this matchup. Their highest scorer was Marc Gasol with 172, and they had another 2 over 100. Jasmine saw Bogut return to action which is a big boost to her team - not that one was needed! He scored 62 in his first game back. Her top scorer this round was, once again, Deron Williams with 193; and she had another 3 players over 100, and another on 99.

    <a title="Under Achievers (Richard Chambers)" href=";teamId=11&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Under Achievers[/url] 881 v <a title="Adelaide Maggots (Cameron Sears)" href=";teamId=4&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Adelaide Maggots[/url] 995

    Well I went for an upset here, but I have to eat my hat... Cameron has pulled off another win - making that 2 good ones in a row. This was a fairly low scoring game, with neither team breaking 1000 points. UAs only had 2 players top 100, with Brook Lopez his best on 138; while AMs had 3 players over 165, two of them with double centuries: Garnett on 203 and CP3 on 256! However, although good enough for the W, it was 3 man show with the next best scorer less than 60! Whereas only 6 of UAs 14 players scored less than 60.

    <a title="Team HEAVER! (David Tong)" href=";teamId=13&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team HEAVER![/url] 977 v <a title="Team El Bonanzas (Al Lee)" href=";teamId=3&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team El Bonanzas[/url] 488

    Not much to be said here. Heaver was losing after 2 days of this matchup, but pulled his team together and they showed Elbonanzas a bit more respect over the final 5 days to get the win that was expected of them.

    <a title="Team Fezkat (Kristian Collins)" href=";teamId=17&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Fezkat[/url] 769 v <a title="Too Seriouseses (Les Wales)" href=";teamId=2&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Too Seriouseses[/url] 928

    Very low scoring affair, with Walesys 928 the lowest of all winning scores of the round. Fez was missing two of his best few players to injury during this week and it showed with only Elbonz scoring less than him. Walesy had 5 players score more than 90, with Kyle Lowry the best with 181; and Fez only had 3 players over the same mark with all greater than 100, and Stoudamire was, once again, his best with 200.


    Now for the previews of matchup 6: (just quick ones again)

    <a title="Fudges Sixers (Jim Tsilikas)" href=";teamId=16&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Fudges Sixers[/url] (0-5) v <a title="Team Stowie (Daniel Stow)" href=";teamId=8&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Stowie[/url] (3-2)

    Fudge your luck has gotta turn around at some point, and I have a feeling it will be this week, but Im gonna try not tipping you again, so Team Stowie have my tip in this two horse race.

    <a title="Wade Machine (Daniel Laengst)" href=";teamId=15&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Wade Machine[/url] (4-1) v <a title="Dannys Lebronts (Danny Smith)" href=";teamId=18&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Dannys Lebronts[/url] (4-1)

    Battle of Miamis big two - there are only 2 arent there?? or am I forgetting someone?? Gee Dan, not sure if i can bring myself to tip you after my current streak of going against you, so Im gonna tip Dannys Lebronts here.

    <a title="Ruddys Cavaliers (Peter Rudd)" href=";teamId=14&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Ruddys Cavaliers[/url] (2-3) v <a title="Run TMC (Owen Beebe)" href=";teamId=19&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Run TMC[/url] (5-0)

    I have to go with an upset or two, so Im backing Ruddys Cavaliers, with the big Bull back in town.

    <a title="Stevos Nuggets (Stephen Nilsson)" href=";teamId=12&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Stevos Nuggets[/url] (2-3) v <a title="Doobia Dominators (Andrew Dubowik)" href=";teamId=20&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Doobia Dominators[/url] (2-3)

    Ok, so this is Doobs first real test since he has been changing his lineup, and its a formidable opponent to have it against. Although they are both 2 and 3, and Steve has been trying all year. I said a few weeks back that whoever is playing Doobs when he shows up, will need to watch out - so that was you I was talking to Steve; and therefore, I need to pick Doobia Dominators.

    <a title="Kings of Karlos (Sean Minetti)" href=";teamId=10&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Kings of Karlos[/url] (3-2) v <a title="Pikus United (Adam Ziegler)" href=";teamId=9&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Pikus United[/url] (0-5)

    Well now we got Fzilla MIA, so cant go past Kings of Karlos.

    <a title="Do Something Knicks (Chris Riches, Steve Smith)" href=";teamId=7&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Do Something Knicks[/url] (2-3) v <a href=";teamId=1&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_blank">Team anthak[/url] (3-2)

    Chris picked up on this interesting point: Chris and I have been in trade negotiations over the past week or so; and when I asked about Marc Gasol, he went and scored 70 next start, and when he asked me about Nene, he scored 91 next game. I have told Chris that I am not going to enquire about any of his players this week,but he should feel free to ask me about any of mine! So, for that reason, I am tipping Team anthak.

    <a title="Westside Hardcore (Michael Walters)" href=";teamId=6&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Westside Hardcore[/url] (2-3) v <a title="Under Achievers (Richard Chambers)" href=";teamId=11&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Under Achievers[/url] (1-4)

    Westside Hardcore continue to score extremely well, however have only won the 2 games. I reckon they will keep the good form going but get the W this week.

    <a title="Jasmines Mob (Jasmine Johnson)" href=";teamId=5&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Jasmines Mob[/url] (5-0) v <a title="Team HEAVER! (David Tong)" href=";teamId=13&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team HEAVER![/url] (4-1)

    Very tough to pick this one - two of the best teams so far. But with Bogut back, Im going to pick Jasmines Mob in a close one.

    <a title="Adelaide Maggots (Cameron Sears)" href=";teamId=4&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Adelaide Maggots[/url] (3-2) v <a title="Team Fezkat (Kristian Collins)" href=";teamId=17&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team Fezkat[/url] (2-3)

    Its hard for Fez to cover all the injuries he has at the moment, so I couldnt tip him this week. Adelaide Maggots to win by heaps!

    <a title="Team El Bonanzas (Al Lee)" href=";teamId=3&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Team El Bonanzas[/url] (0-5) v <a title="Too Seriouseses (Les Wales)" href=";teamId=2&amp;seasonId=2011" target="_top">Too Seriouseses[/url] (3-2)

    No brainer! Too Seriouseses!

    Just want to finish by saying, I am not feeling too well at the moment (**EDIT** just want to rephrase this as I am generally fit and healthy but will be out of action for a few days due to essential surgery on Friday. Thanks for all the good wishes! **)  and may not be around much for the next week, but have a good one and Ill see you back around here next week.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by akb1988, Dec 7, 2010.

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