Alright boys and girls, the time is upon us to start smashing in the leagues. Now, if you remember last year, we essentially left it up to the community to manage, and I thought it worked wonderfully. In short, if the leagues are full, just make a new one! Give it a fun name and post it's details in this here forum. ie- [TS] UsuallySerious - leaguecode After that, I'll keep a track of our leagues- whether they are open, or full, and keep this post updated accordingly. -------------------------------------------- Current leagues: Open "RooSerious" all welcome. Code: 152080 [TS] LateThanNever - 571638 Full TS Divorce Pending league [TS] SooTerious - 214103 [TS] why so serious-code number 633241 [TS] SC Hard Yakka = 929747 [TS] SC Hard Yakka 2 - 697487 (TS) SerialSerious - 865952 [TS] Seriously Good - 398250 TS Trophy Room - 187311. (TS)2fast2serious - 286886 TS HARRY O HATERS LEAGUE =652596 TS FootyLovers - 346616 TS death by mummy 781098 [TS]TooSeriousGOLD - 670674 TS TooBuddySerious - 382533 TS Golden Globes = 870594 [TS]Bronze League code #439130 [TS] To September. 705020 [TS]RUSerious code 439189 (TS) Serious Club 862346 TS STATS NERDS 729774 TS CHAMPS - 956733 TS SilverShoes [TS] Too Cool : 237943 Too something, cant remember : 111100 TS-Bert the Turtle - Code: 264697 TS crazy people-958479 [TS] Top Score 847617 TS GAME ON - code 238827 [TS] Winter Wonder code 976163 TS Trilobites Code 108665 TS IGOTATHEORY 802590 (TS) Premier League Code 114235 [TS]SeriouslyFun 528466 why TOO SERIOUS - 124602 how i met 2SERIOUS - 124982 [TS] Fully Serious - 614528 [TS] Swamp Donkey - 421589 [TS] Too Good. Code - 695065 TS Last minute. 595093 Donor Team League - 496782
im interested in joining a few leagues, particularly one through Too Serious.. Came in at 467th last year and hoping to improve on that this year.. happy to join any serious league for a challange
What was the name of the league that finished 2nd last year ~ Lucas was in it, as was I...a few other stalwarts.....was it the Kebabs ? that one Bandit ~ I guess there are a bunch of us poor buggers out there going thru the same
Hey guys, So very glad SC is finally back? Just wondering if you have a preference for skill level or finishing position for your leagues? I finished 6115-ish last year but dont want to detract from anyone's league if you're aiming for high rankings.
Well, SC Hard Yakka filled up extremely fast, so if you joined the original one, please don't join this one. SC Hard Yakka 2 - 697487
<blockquote>Quote from UncleChipsy on February 1, 2012, 08:01 Jumpers for goal posts LEAGUE CODE - 716380</blockquote> reckon you can get a [TS] into that league name somewhere?
Ack, my bad for being apain in the arse, I didn't add in the TS, so those leagues are ditched, here are the new codes; TS Hard Yakka - 344464 TS Hard Yakka 2 - 659508
I welcome anyone to my league... I am just asking people to inbox me so I know they have actually joined as members of TooSerious... not just lurkers, after all, if you use the resource you should show yourself!
<blockquote>Quote from walesy on February 1, 2012, 15:12 You don't have to ditch em! You can just change there names. </blockquote> Woops.
Whats to go with the TSVic Metro Vic Country etc leagues also the TS Crows league TS lions league etc