Orffan rmt ?

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Simonoz, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wondering if anyone minds if we run our own SCRMT thread here.....or are we keeping our teams top secret :)
  2. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I can't think of a single good reason why we cant snoz, the commentary pool is smaller, but no less discerning :) My problem with any RMT thread is that my team is only ever my team for a few hours at best...
  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Personally, I think we should use the other parts of the site. There have already been concerns raised in the past that the ORFF comps have resulted in less people commenting around other areas of the site. Although it was just a perception, I believe having our own RMT (and SC discussion thread) will almost definitely result in it. And I personally don't think it's great for TS, but that's questionable in itself anyway. Even still I think we should be using other parts of the site that are set up for those purposes and keep this ORFFA forum for ORFFA stuff.
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote:
    Personally, I think we should use the other parts of the site. There have already been concerns raised in the past that the ORFF comps have resulted in less people commenting around other areas of the site. Although it was just a perception, I believe having our own RMT (and SC discussion thread) will almost definitely result in it. And I personally don't think it's great for TS, but that's questionable in itself anyway. Even still I think we should be using other parts of the site that are set up for those purposes and keep this ORFFA forum for ORFFA stuff. Just my view by the way. I won't hold it against anyone if they do RMT in here :)
  5. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Even still, we could do it in both places. Ant has a point. BUT!!! RMT is a huge workload, one that walesy can barely touch, due to just keeping TS rolling along. Jason (Doggies) does a lot of the work and his observations are astute, if not always appreciated. Myself and BB try to tackle some of the load where we can. It is a thankless task, because many don't get it, or many make changes and ask to be rated again. Then there are always the smart-arses who know more than the whole site. However, there is that cream at the top who listen to advice, do better as a result and eventually become contributing members of TS. This, I suggest, is the group we want to attract. RMT is essentially a recruiting pool for TS and attracts more hits than even TiB vs Nobody. Taking ant's observation into account, I don't think RMT is where ORFFA should be sticking our teams (NB: Donors usually have their own RMT). Rather, I think it should be here. BUT!!!! With the proviso that anyone who sticks their team up in here to be rated does at least 24 hours service giving advice on the regular RMT (none of that 'I'm not good enough' BS either). I would add that, anyone logging on to TS can view all pages of ORFFA, which is an integral part of TS, so it's not like we are just doing our own thing disregarding the rest. And yes, Simon. My team is secret. I will attempt to ask she who must be obeyed where she has put it. Len's team is so secret he can't even log out.
  6. graeme

    graeme Guest

    Among the last thing I would like to see is the RMT'ers finding the ORFFA RMT thread and gumming up the system.
  7. grav

    grav Guest

    TerryinBangkok wrote:
    Even still, we could do it in both places. Ant has a point. BUT!!! RMT is a huge workload, one that walesy can barely touch, due to just keeping TS rolling along. Jason (Doggies) does a lot of the work and his observations are astute, if not always appreciated. Myself and BB try to tackle some of the load where we can. It is a thankless task, because many don't get it, or many make changes and ask to be rated again. Then there are always the smart-arses who know more than the whole site. However, there is that cream at the top who listen to advice, do better as a result and eventually become contributing members of TS. This, I suggest, is the group we want to attract. RMT is essentially a recruiting pool for TS and attracts more hits than even TiB vs Nobody. Taking ant's observation into account, I don't think RMT is where ORFFA should be sticking our teams (NB: Donors usually have their own RMT). Rather, I think it should be here. BUT!!!! With the proviso that anyone who sticks their team up in here to be rated does at least 24 hours service giving advice on the regular RMT (none of that 'I'm not good enough' BS either). I would add that, anyone logging on to TS can view all pages of ORFFA, which is an integral part of TS, so it's not like we are just doing our own thing disregarding the rest. And yes, Simon. My team is secret. I will attempt to ask she who must be obeyed where she has put it. Len's team is so secret he can't even log out. Good points from both TiB and Ant. tbh I hadnt noticed that RMT had fired up again on TS so will jump in there and make use of it (incl rating others). Totally agree, this is best way to attract and retain followers.
  8. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks all for your thoughts..........the RMT blog post has crawled to a halt, no teams posted in about 3 days; probs too early with so many question marks, not to mention fluid rooks :) The Donor forum hasn't started an RMT yet either, but yep.....it will pop soon. I'll start to jump in on the blog post as instructed !!! And Chels......if any minion tries to come in here & clog it up you know what I'll do. Just thought it would be a good idea ~ as we are all here conversing right here, right now Van Halen....to help each other and make the ORFFANs SC League a goodie ~ even at this embryonic stage where NAB matches, as Len points out, each day results in complete reshuffles !!! If its decided this is a big no no......I'llquickly remove it, after I count all the medals we.....I mean the yanks......have won in Sochi. /Portals/0/Users/184/64/1464/simonoz%202014%20SC%20Team.png]</img>
  9. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I looked and found the same sNoZ, so; I have a very similar structure (currently same ruck approach and one less back, one more mid) with a different rookie set. Not convinced McVeigh will hold his avg, like the Swallow pick, I went Shaw, one or the other will be in a lot of teams, Hanley & Sucklings firmly in mine also atm.. If you are only going to run 4 mids they are good ones to run, not keen on Grundy, I am looking at Hickey there atm, Fwds very much the same, I have Zorko where you have Mitchell. I think it's a fine squad, I wish I had drafted it :p
  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For the sake of discussion here is where I am at right now, it's the shape I want, inevitably some names will change, $145K left over. Although it's what I have I am not 100% on starting with both Ablett & Pendlebury. I use the JR 'Higginator' for byes management, thus the SS is of that, not SC. /Portals/0/User%20Images/NewFolder/Clipboard02.jpg' style='width: 468px; height: 622px; See anything stupid, let me know :)
  11. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Easy to see I have done this before. YOU DIDN'T SAY HOW MUCH LEFT IN THE BANK SNOZ. Overall, like it. You have 4 MIDS in FWD, 1 FWD in RUCK, 5 MIDS in DEF. But you have no one to swap them with to take advantage of DPP. Finding a relatively painless way of moving McDonald and Garlett into MID would help resolve this. Also, if you had, say, Charlie Dixon FWD, you take advantage of the DPP there (specially if Sandi stubs his toe). I take Len's point on McVeigh, but it is a toss up with Arbtel and Hodge. Ellis is speculative, but could be a winner. Rohan, again speculative, but not so sure on this one. Polec, just gut, don't know anything, but suspect he could be this year's Karnezis - and there are a lot of good rooks to choose from in MID. FWIW.
  12. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Len - essentially the same message re. DPP and bank. My only comment would be; be wary of NAB. Langford has been on the Hawks list for a while now and may be a flash in the pan. He will find it difficult to crack a regular gig in the premiership team. Besides, he has to get behind Grimley :) Can see a lot of wear and tear on the Prospectus with the rookie choices, no doubt some will change, but with a split R1, we have to get it right before the first whistle.
  13. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Len, you mentioned something about doubts on Ablett/Pendles? DEF Bartel (D/M) Kolodjashnij Hanley (D/M) Scharenberg McKenzie Clurey Swallow Suckling MID Barlow Sheed Sloane Dunstan Cunnington Crouch Grigg McDonald (M/D) Martin Honeychurch (M/F) RUC Minson Thurlow (R/F) Sandilands Nankervis FWD Dangerfield (F/M) Hogan Wingard (F/M) Billings Dixon (F/R) Lennon Gunston T. Lynch +16k The theory, at this formative stage of the season, is that there is a bunch of MID prems in DEF and FWD who will compensate slightly for not having the Ablett/Pendles scores early. Having the opportunity to take a look at a bit of form, the plan is to up to Ablett/Pendles/Swan/Griffin - whoever is going big time, hopefully around the byes.
  14. J_C

    J_C Guest

    Lewis Taylor won't play seniors early. Saw him say that he'll play ressies in r1. Needs to catch up on fitness. He's a likely downgrade option during culling season.
  15. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Interesting approach Terry, I meant I wasn't sure about starting with both, none I had not considered :) Structure aside, what's the reasoning on Grigg, he seems an interesting choice at that price, most seem to be going Beams or Swallow either side of him.. Having initially thought the rookies would be easy this year all of a sudden there are a lot not sure of early game time, I'd include Billings in that lot at the moment, will swap Lewis to Impey in mine, though no more confident about him either.. That struggle is also why mid mid eligible dpp rookies are not currently in the mid line :)
  16. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Len wrote:
    Interesting approach Terry, I meant I wasn't sure about starting with both, none I had not considered :) Structure aside, what's the reasoning on Grigg, he seems an interesting choice at that price, most seem to be going Beams or Swallow either side of him.. Having initially thought the rookies would be easy this year all of a sudden there are a lot not sure of early game time, I'd include Billings in that lot at the moment, will swap Lewis to Impey in mine, though no more confident about him either.. That struggle is also why mid mid eligible dpp rookies are not currently in the mid line :) Grigg? Grigg who? Two swallows do not make a Spring.
  17. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Indeed, nvm me :)
  18. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As the actress said to the bishop.
  19. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Len wrote:
    </br> For the sake of discussion here is where I am at right now, it's the shape I want, inevitably some names will change, $145K left over. Although it's what I have I am not 100% on starting with both Ablett & Pendlebury. I use the JR 'Higginator' for byes management, thus the SS is of that, not SC. <img alt='' style='width: 468px; height: 622px;' src='/Portals/0/User%20Images/NewFolder/Clipboard02.jpg]</img> See anything stupid, let me know :) Len......I hear you on Grundy/Hickey. I love Sandi at this price, but these other two make me go hmmm. I'd suggest if we do go R1, R2 at 300-350k, then we should have a bench guy at same.....or for you Longer backing up Hickey. At 279k its a bit to use on the bench....but you'd be covered. Agree on McVeigh....but Bartel & Heater fall into the same boat. KK Kadashian. I want him to start, I need him to start. But don't think he will. Bennell is a ballsey LOVE it pick......Mids are strong. Zorko. May just be me, but I'd look elsewhere. Yes its a shiny object & all......but man can he let you down. Lewis Taylor no go. Downgrade target. Dayle......see KK above. No way he gets into this team till mid season
  20. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TerryinBangkok wrote:
    </br> Len, you mentioned something about doubts on Ablett/Pendles? DEF Bartel (D/M) Kolodjashnij Hanley (D/M) Scharenberg McKenzie Clurey Swallow Suckling MID Barlow Sheed Sloane Dunstan Cunnington Crouch Grigg McDonald (M/D) Martin Honeychurch (M/F) RUC Minson Thurlow (R/F) Sandilands Nankervis FWD Dangerfield (F/M) Hogan Wingard (F/M) Billings Dixon (F/R) Lennon Gunston T. Lynch +16k The theory, at this formative stage of the season, is that there is a bunch of MID prems in DEF and FWD who will compensate slightly for not having the Ablett/Pendles scores early. Having the opportunity to take a look at a bit of form, the plan is to up to Ablett/Pendles/Swan/Griffin - whoever is going big time, hopefully around the byes. TiB......My team: I only had about 50k left I think with that team. Its so bloody fluid though but its about 75% done. Yes....the lack of DPP thru the Mids is glaring but just cant figure out yet how to solve it. Fwd rooks are bleh......I may just wait to closer to kick off & try to swing some changes. Just cant do Dixon. I loved him in his rookie season but not since. He has Rucks in front of him ( 3 of them?) and you can do just so much better in the fwds. Polec.....hate hearing that from you, you would know about Port. Shame.....can hold out hope for a few weeks. Your squad.......wow. No.....I mean wow :) Um.....I'll be honest, hate the Mids. I understand your thinking I guess. But you could be so far off the pace when/if this kicks into place. I dunno mate, maybe I'm missing something......but doesn't scream solid. Defense is very good, take KK out (see above) and Scharenfoot......he wont play this year. Fwds....Hogan/lennon wont start early I think......still holding out hope for Billings

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