ORFFF calendar of events

Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by anthak, Apr 9, 2016.

  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Midnight Monday June 13th - Trade period begins
    Midnight Monday June 20th - Trade period ends
    Midday Thursday June 23rd - Delist deadline before MSD
    Midnight Friday June 24th - Mid Season Draft begins
    End of draft - Trade period begins
    5pm Tuesday July 5th - Trade period ends
    19/08/16 to 21/08/16 - ORFFF Grand Final
    Midday 26/08/16 - Rep teams named
    26/08/16 to 28/08/16 - Representative game
    6:30pm 08/09/16 to midnight 20/10/16 - Post season trade period
    9am 03/01/17 to 11:59pm 21/01/17 - Nominations period for board positions
    11:59pm 22/01/17 to 11:59pm 30/01/17 - Election period, if necessary
    11:59pm 31/01/17 - Trade period opens
    11:59pm 22/02/17 - Trade period closes
    11:59pm 24/02/17 - Delist deadline
    11:59pm 26/02/17 - Pre-Season Draft commences
    08/03/2017 *Completion of the PSD* - Post PSD trade period opens
    11:59pm 17/03/17 - Trade period closes
    21/03/17 - 2017 ORFFF Round 1
    19/05/17 to 21/5/17 - 2017 ORFFF representative game
    28/05/17 - Trade period opens at conclusion of round 10 WCE v GWS game (approx 7pm)
    10pm 06/06/17 - trade period closes
    11.59pm 08/06/17 - delist deadline
    3 clear days between end of trade period and start of draft
    9am 10/06/17 - MSD commences
    (late on 12/6/17) - post draft trade period opens
    7pm 19/06/17 - Trade period closes
    22/06/17 - ORFFF round 10 (AFL round 14)
    04/08/17 - ORFFF 2017 Finals series commence
    ~25/08/17 - 2017 ORFFF Grand Final

    4pm 07/01/18 to 11:59pm 21/01/18 - Nominations period for board positions
    9am 15/1/18 to 11:59pm 18/2/18 - Pre-season trade period
    11:59pm 20/2/18 - delist deadline
    9am 22/2/18 - PSD commences
    11:30pm 27/2/18 - Post PSD trade period opens
    11:59pm 18/03/18 - Trade period closes
    22/03/18 - 2018 ORFFF Round 1
    25/5/18 - 27/5/18 - 2018 ORFFF Representative game
    9pm 3/6/18 - Pre draft Trade period opens
    9pm 12/6/18 - Pre draft Trade period closes
    11:59pm 14/6/18 - MSD delist deadline
    9am 16/6/18 - MSD commences
    9am 20/6/18 - post draft trade period opens
    9pm 25/6/18 - post draft trade period closes
    28/6/18 - ORFFF Round 11
    3/8 - 26/8/18 - ORFFF Finals
    24/8 - 26/8/18 - ORFFF Grand Final
    9pm 26/8/18 - 9pm 1/10/18 - Post season trade period
    9am 8/1/19 - 9pm 21/1/19 - nominations for board positions
    9am 26/1/19 - 9pm 22/2/19 - Pre season trade period
    9pm 24/2/19 - Delist deadline
    9am 26/2/19 - PSD commences
    7am 4/3/19 - 9pm 11/3/19 - post PSD trade period
    21/3/19 - 2019 ORFFF round 1
    9pm 3/6/19 - Pre draft Trade period opens
    9pm 10/6/19 - Pre draft Trade period closes
    11:59pm 12/6/19 - MSD delist deadline
    9am 14/6/19 - MSD commences
    MSD Conclusion - Post draft trade period opens
    9pm 26/6/19 - Lists final
    26/7 - 18/8/19 ORFFF Finals
    16/8 - 18/8/19 ORFFF Grand Final
    9am 24/8/19 - 9pm 21/9/19 - Post-season trade period
    9am 11/1/20 - 9pm 21/1/19 - nominations for board positions
    9am 25/1/20 - 9pm 22/2/19 - Pre season trade period
    9pm 23/2/20 - Delist deadline
    9am 24/2/20 - PSD commences
    PSD Conclusion - 9pm 15/3/20 - post PSD trade period
    List final post last trades from period above.
    19/3/20 - 2020 ORFFF round 1
    9am 16/7/20 - 9pm 20/7/20 - MSD trade period
    10pm 20/7/20 - MSD delist deadline
    8am 21/7/20 - Mid season draft (conclude by 5pm 23/7/20)
    17/9/20 - 21/9/20 - ORFFF grand final
    9am 23/9/20 - 9pm 21/10/20 - Post season trade period
    9am 21/1/21 - 9pm 3/2/21 - nominations for board positions
    9am 25/1/21 - 9pm 22/2/21 - Pre season trade period
    9pm 23/2/21 - Delist deadline
    9am 24/2/21 - PSD commences
    9am 2/3/21 - 9pm 9/3/21 Post draft trade period
    18/3/2021 - 2021 ORFFF round 1
    9am 7/6/21 - 930pm 12/6/21 - MSD trade period
    10pm 12/6/21 - MSD delist deadline
    9am 14/6/21 - Mid season draft
    7am 18/6/21 - 9pm 22/6/21 - post draft trade period
    12/8 - 15/8/21 - ORFFF grand final
    9am 16/8/21 - 9am 13/9/21 Post season trade period
    13 Jan 2022 - nomination period opens for new board and commissioner.
    27 Jan 2022 - nomination period closes.
    9am 28 Jan 2022 - trade period opens.
    9pm 25 Feb 2022 - trade period closes.
    10pm 26 Feb 2022 - PSD delists due
    10am 1 March 2022 - PSD commences
    when PSD is completed trade period 2 re-opens
    10pm 12 March 2022 - end of trade period
    16 March 2022 - ORFFF Round 1 commences (Melb vs WB)
    6pm 20 April 2022 "Early season/post Easter” trade window opens
    6pm 28 April 2022 “Early season/post easter trade window” closes
    9am 30 May 2022 - 930pm 11 June 2022 = MSD trade period (pre-draft)
    10pm 11 June 2022 - MSD delist deadline
    9am 13 June 2022 - Mid season draft commences
    end of draft - 9pm 21 June 2022 MSD trade period (post draft)
    5 Feb 2023 - Trade period is open.
    10pm Tuesday 7 March 2023 - Trade period 1 ends
    10pm Wednesday 8 March 2023 - PSD delists due
    10am Sunday 12 March 2023 - PSD commences
    when PSD is completed trade period 2 re-opens
    10pm Wednesday 22 March 2023 - trade period ends.
    7pm acst 30th May 2023 - TRADE period opens
    9pm 13th June 2023 - Trade period CLOSES
    10pm ACST 14th of June 2023 - Delist deadline
    10am 17th of June 2023 - Commencing ORFFF MSD
    Post draft trade period opens at end of MSD
    10pm ACST 27th June 2023 - trade period ends.
    Trade (1) From 8 Feb 2024 (9am) until 28 February 2024 (9pm)
    Delist 28 February 2024 - 10pm
    PSD commences 3rd March 2024 at 9am
    Trade (2) From end of PSD until 12 March 2024 at 10pm

    9pm 28 May 2024 Melbourne time - pre-draft trade period start
    (round 12 is 6-10 June)
    9pm 16 June 2024 Melbourne time - pre-draft trade period end
    10pm 16 June 2024 Melbourne time - midseason delists due (delists can occur from 28 May)
    6pm 18 June 2024 Melbourne time - ORFFF MSD commences
    Post draft trade period opens at end of MSD
    10pm 26 June 2024 Melbourne time - trade period ends
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2024
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  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    OP is up to date.
    Probably my last action as Commish
    Its been fun. Now happy to pass on the baton :)
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Calendar updated with MSD dates and times
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    11.59pm 08/06/17 - delist deadline
    3 clear days between end of trade period and start of draft
    9am 10/06/17 - MSD commences

    Not sure on the intent there but it's 33 hours, somewhat short of 3 clears days, should be more than enough time though ;)
  5. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Trade period ends Tuesday night - 3 days is to Friday night same time (delist deadline is in between)
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  6. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers, that'll teach me to comment after a speed read ;)
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  7. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    3 clear days doesnt mean 72 hours, it means 3 full days (midnight to midnight) in between. Len is right i think
  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Finish Trading Tuesday - Wed, Thurs, Friday - Start Saturday ??
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  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If it was 3 clear days in between and we're going from tuesday night, then wednesday thursday friday need to be clear, then we go from anytime saturday.
    Thats what 3 clear days means, but im not too fazed about the current calendar. If we want to stick to the rules that we worked out togther then it should be changed, but im not proposing that.
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  10. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That's why the MSD starts on Saturday morning
    • Like Like x 1
  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry, I got confused. Its the time between end of post-draft trade period and start of round 10 that is too short. I realised back when it was announced by board but i didnt feel it was a big enough deal to mention at the time. When Len asked about it above, and from TTHs reply, i mistakenly assumed it was what id noticed previously but i shouldve checked. Sorry for mistake.
  12. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is this being changed or leaving as is?
  13. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With no replay as yet from the fearless leader @Bearfly here is a calendar of the 2018 afl pre-season

    AFLX - Thurs 15th-Sat 17th Feb
    JLT1 (4 matches) - Sat 24th-Sun 25th Feb
    JLT2 (5 matches) - Wed 28th Feb, Thurs 1st, Sat 3rd, Sun 4th March (ie no game on Fri 2nd ??)
    JLT3 (9 matches) - Wed 7th, Thurs 8th, Friday 9th, Sat 10th, Sun 11th March

    The 2018 AFL season commences on Thursday 22nd March.

    What do people think about starting the 2018 ORFFF PSD on Thursday 22nd February (ie exactly 1 month prior to the start of the AFL season) with the pre-draft trade period opening on Monday 15th January 2018??

    These dates would allow everyone time to enjoy their festive break and still give @leematty1 plenty of time to negotiate 6 billion trades prior to the draft, as well as providing heaps of time for admin etc post draft if we track close to 2017 ORFFF PSD timeframes. For mine a draft could potentially start anytime in February or as late as Monday 5th March (ie post JLT2) and still be over by the 14th March or thereabouts, leaving a very short (ie 3-4 days) post draft trade period.

    Feel free to make alternative proposals regarding dates so that @Bearfly (or the board) can take any suggestions into account !!
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  14. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sounds like a reasonable proposal for trade and draft timing.
    Thanks @TheTassieHawk
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  15. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Works for me also
  16. James84

    James84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Happy with it as well!
  17. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  18. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey Y'all FFFers!
    With no formalised FFF calander of events beyond the GF, feel free to jump in and give your thoughts on this proposal by @TheTassieHawk
    This will then give the commish and board something to mull over and make a decision as we head into the new year.

    @Bearfly @Dale Duivesteyn @Darran @leematty1 @stowie @anthak @thokash @Brett Sanders @MrsBear @tyze1 @port_leschenault
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  19. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TTH's agenda works for me
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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