ORFFL Midseason Draft

Discussion in 'Blog' started by jwrossi, Jun 18, 2012.

By jwrossi on Jun 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM
  1. jwrossi

    jwrossi New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Aha, the ORFFL Midseason draft is upon us! Or it will be tomorrow night from 9pm AEST. Which is soon. Head over the break for info on the draft rules, midseason delistings and the draft order.


    <li>The ORFFL Midseason draft will begin at 9pm AEST Tuesday 19th June. It will be the standard 24-hour time limit to take your pick.</li>
    <li>List sizes must be at 26 at the end of the draft. No more, no less. So like Fight Club, if you have less than 26 players as of now, you have to draft.</li>
    <li>Lists have already been altered on the ORFFL STATS page to reflect delistments and player trades. Check it out.</li>
    <li>Also, a great many players have been added to the Watch List on said ORFFL STATS page, including all of the delistees.</li>

    1. JETTA, Lewis (HDH)

    2. PEARCE, Clancee (WOY)

    3. GOLBY, Mitchell (BDB)

    4. Bugg, Tomas (GG)

    5. Renouf, Brent (JJ)

    6. SHAW, Sam (TLP)

    7. Maguire, Matt (MDB)

    8. MOTLOP, Steven (QQ)

    9. JENKINS, Josh (POP)

    10. Hooker, Cale (HDH)

    11. Goldsack, Tyson (HDH)

    12. STANLEY, Rhys (MAL)

    13. Milera, Terry (MER)

    14. Hickey, Tom (MS)

    15. Schofield, Will(WAR)

    16. Jones, Clinton (POO)

    17. Blake, Jason (POP)

    18. Redden, Jarrad (CC)

    19. Callinan, Ian (WOY)

    20. Hargrave, Ryan (BDB)

    21. Sinclair, Ben (GG)

    22. McLean, Brockles (JJ)

    23. Elliott, Jamie (MBD)

    24. Tuohy, Zach (MAL)

    25. Magner, James (POP)

    26. Neale, Lachie (HDH)

    27. Kennedy, Adam (CC)

    28. Davey, Alwyn(QQ)

    29. MOHR, Timothy(MER)

    30. Hams, Ashton(HDH)

    31. Toovey, Alan (WAR)

    32. Smith, Clay (POO)

    33. Bartram, Clint (CC)

    34. Buckley, Simon (MS)

    35. Picken, Liam (WOY)

    36. Russell, Luke (GG)

    37. Cordy, Ayce (QQ)

    38. Paine, Jackson (HDH)

    39. Ah Chee, Brendon (CC)

    40. Edwards, Shane(MER)

    41. Smedts, Bill(HDH)

    42. Thomas, Mitt (WAR)

    43. Patfull, Joel (SIS)

    44. McDonald, Tom(WOY)

    45. Nicholson, Dan (GG)

    46. Hall, Aaron(QQ)

    47. Stewart, Paul (MER)

    48. PTard, Ricky (WAR)

    49. Pyke, Mike (QQ)



    Mitch Morton
    James Strauss


    Michael Talia
    Tom Lynch


    Jayden Post

    Stafan Martin


    Lewis Johnston
    Kane Lucas


    Angus Graham

    Tayte Pears


    Brad Dick
    Simon Hogan
    Brent Macaffer
    Matt Spangher


    Andrew Krakouer
    Ricky P-Tard
    Tommy Walsh
    Jordan Lisle
    Josh Growden


    Sam Kerridge
    Tim Golds
    Brent Staker
    Billie Smedts


    Sam Rowe
    Hayden Jolly
    Jeremy Taylor
    Cheynee Stiller


    Richard Tambling
    Kyle Reimers
    Ricky Henderson
    Ryan Harwood

    Maverick Weller


    Stephen May


    Sentanta O’hailpin
    Josh Fraser
    Michael Coad


    Nathan Vardy
    Jordie McKensie
    Ashley Smith


    Michael Osbourne
    Levi Greenwood
    Beau Wilkes


    Ben Johnson
    Jason Tutt


    Micth Banner
    Cameron O’shea
    Mark Seaby
    Rohan Bewick

    If anyone has any queries or comments, post below etc. Also let me know if I've boned up the draft order. I don't think I have, but I've been known to make mistakes with some frequency.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by jwrossi, Jun 18, 2012.

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