Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by anthak, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It has been great to see that we have developed these rules with input from all 16 coaches, with everyone having several opportunities to provide input and contribute to them, however, and without taking anything away from that, I reckon the rules will always be a work in progress.

    As stated in the rules at 7j, anyone can propose a new rule or a modification to the rules.
    Do so at this thread: http://tooserious.net/forum/threads/orfff-rules-proposals.89339/#Rc8ggmrxxbDDWXx7.97

    The rules are posted below:
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  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    1. TEAMS

    1(a) Outer Regional Fantasy Football Federation (ORFFF) teams shall be named after a remote or regional Australian town/place or offshore territory.

    1(b) Weekly ORFFF sides selected from playing lists of 30 players will consist of 15 players. 4 Defenders, 4 Midfielders, 1 Ruck, 4 Forwards and 2 Interchange. In addition, 4 Emergencies can be selected, maximum 1 emergency per line. They come into the side if a selected player on that line does not play. To avoid any doubt, an emergency will not come into the side to fill a position that was left blank.

    1(c) SC points and player position eligibility - including dpp - will apply, with “out of position” players receiving half their SC score.

    1(d) Interchange players can be of any SC position and will score full points.

    1(e) Submission of a Round 1 ORFFF team each season via TS leagues or other method prescribed by the ORFFF Commissioner and/or Board is essential.

    1(f) Submission of ORFFF playing sides for subsequent rounds is highly desirable. Non updating of an ORFFF side for an extended period of time to the extent that avoidable donuts are fielded in one or more weeks will be viewed unfavorably due to the impact that this has on the competition overall.
  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    2. FIXTURE

    2(a) The ORFFF season will be played over 19 AFL rounds, with each team playing each other once each and a 4 week finals series.

    2(b) There will not be any ORFFF rounds scheduled during the 3 AFL multi-bye rounds. This period will be known as the mid season break.

    2(c) While there is a 23 round AFL season, there will be no ORFFF games scheduled during the final AFL round each season, with the ORFFF Grand Final played during the penultimate AFL round each year.

    2(d) Split AFL round - Where matches are held over a 2 week period, there will be a 2 part lockout for the first and second week of the round.

    2(e) Any non-split rounds will be locked out at the beginning of the first match of the AFL Round, except that Matches on Thursday (or opening Anzac round matches on Wednesday) will be locked out at the start of the game, but the remaining games for the rest of the round will be locked out at the beginning of the next game played.
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    3(a) After each round of games the ORFFF competition ladder will be sorted in order by ORFFF ladder points (Win =4, Draw = 2, Loss = 0), then by Points Scored, then by % (calculated as Points Scored/Points Against *100).

    3(b) The top 8 teams as at the end of the roster series will qualify for the ORFFF finals series.

    3(c) The ORFFF finals series will be played over 4 weeks and will mirror the AFL finals system.

    3(d) Pursuant to 2(a)(b)&(c), the ORFFF Grand Final will be held during the 22nd AFL round each season.
  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    4. TRADES

    4(a) Teams can trade players and/or draft picks during the designated trade periods, ie pre and post Midseason Draft (MSD), pre and post Preseason Draft (PSD), and post season.

    4(b) Specific Draft and Trade period timeframes will be communicated in advance by the ORFFF Commissioner and/or Board, with there always being at least 3 clear days between the end of a trade period and the next ORFFF game or draft. As a guide the MSD and MSD trade periods will usually be held during a 3-4 week period around the multibye rounds. The post-season trade period has specific rules around its timing and duration. The post-season trade period is to be no longer than 5 weeks and must not commence until the ORFFF grand final is completed and must conclude prior to the start of the AFL trade and draft periods.

    4(c) Teams may trade players and/or draft picks subject to the restriction that they can only trade draft picks relating to the 2 ORFFF drafts directly ahead. (Note this is now 3 drafts, not sure when it changed).

    4(d) In the trading period prior to a draft, teams can trade uneven amounts of players, however the player component of all trades conducted following the end of the draft must be on a 1:1, 2:2, or 3:3 (etc) basis in order to maintain even player list sizes.

    4(e) An “Auction thread” can be posted during any trade period. Coaches may post a player or players or draft pick or picks or any combination of these as a package to auction in this thread. All players or picks to be auctioned should be listed with a closing day/time, and they cannot be withdrawn before that time. No player or pick being auctioned should be the subject of private trade negotiations nor used as part of a bid in another auction, until the auction of that player or pick has reached it's conclusion/closing time, with or without a sale. The initial posting of a reserve is optional and the reserve is not reached on any auction until the seller says so. Once a bid is tabled the bid is live until rejected OR deemed beaten by the person conducting the auction, it cannot be materially altered once tabled. Bidders cannot request "change back" from the auctioneer, in the form of players or picks. No bid can be conditional on outcomes not directly related to the auction at hand. Once a reserve has been reached the seller has the option to adjust the auction length, but to no less than 48 hours, or the end of the trade period, whichever is the lesser. As soon as practicable after receiving multiple bids on an auction the seller should indicate whom is in front, any reasoning is optional. If reserve has been met, the winning bid must result in a trade, which is final and irreversible unless vetoed as per 4(f) or via a subsequent mutually agreed trade between the parties (which would also be subject to a veto period).

    4(f) Trades will be cancelled if 4 ORFFF coaches believe the trade is unbalanced in favour of one of the participating teams and cast a veto vote in the relevant thread.

    4(g) Within alll trade periods teams will have 24 hours to veto a trade (e.g. If a trade is proposed at 2.15pm on a Tuesday, ORFFF coaches have until 2.15pm on a Wednesday to cast their votes). The ORFFF Commissioner or Trading & Lists Manager will announce the trade is cancelled if 4 vetos were posted in the timeframe.

    4(h) Traded assets can be on-traded within the 48 hour veto period, provided that the on-trading party clearly communicates (via relevant thread) the conditional nature of the asset.

    4(i) (new rule permitting in draft trades, to be trialled during the 2024 MSD)
    In draft trading will be commenced from the 2024 ORFFF MSD on a provisional basis. In draft trades must exchange even numbers of assets in terms of current draft picks and/or players, future draft picks can also be included in the exchange

    Trade and veto rules in-draft for the 2024 MSD, differ to standard veto rules (refer rule 4g) and will apply as follows
    • Indraft trades for the current draft pick must be posted and confirmed within 6 hours of the previous draft selection being made (again the clock pauses midnight until 6am in the coaches local timezone). This allows the team that recieves the current pick by trade a minimum of 3 hours to take the pick within the original 9 hour limit.
    • Vetoes in draft have to be raised within 9 hours (with the clock pausing between midnight and 6am for trades posted between 3pm and 6am Melbourne time).
    • If an indraft trade is vetoed then all draft selections made in the time between the trade and the veto being confirmed will stand, potentially including pick/s that are later reassigned to the previous pick holder due to veto.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2019
  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    5(a) PSD delistments must be completed by the designated time and date to be advised by the ORFFF Commissioner and/or Board.

    5(b) To delist players, simply post the players delisted on the designated delisted players thread.

    5(c) Prior to the PSD, ORFFF lists can be no greater than 24 players. If an ORFFF list exceeds 24 players by the deadline mentioned above, players will be delisted from that team for them (previous season averages from lowest to highest) to take the list down to 24 players and the coach will be in serious risk of losing their place in the ORFFF.

    5(d) ORFFF lists may be cut to fewer than 24 players prior to the PSD.

    5(e) The ORFFF MSD is not mandatory, provided that teams retain exactly 30 players following any trading and/or delisting of players.

    5(f) To participate in the MSD, teams must have reduced their playing list through trading and/or delistment to 29 or fewer players by the designated time and date (again, to be advised by the ORFFF Commissioner and/or Board) in the relevant MSD trades and delistment threads. Teams who have reduced player numbers to 29 or fewer solely through trading uneven numbers of players will also participate in the MSD.

    5(g) The MSD delistment deadline also applies to ORFFF teams who have gained players through trading uneven numbers of players, as they must reduce their squad to 30 players or less.
  7. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    6(a) The PSD each year will be in reverse order of the ORFFF ladder after finals results. The MSD each year will be in reverse order of the ORFFF ladder at the commencement of the draft.

    6(b) The PSD and the MSD in each season will commence on designated times and dates to be advised by the ORFFF Commissioner and/or Board, with a time lime limit of 9 hours for each pick, with the clock paused from midnight until 6am in the coaches local timezone.

    6(c) It should be the intent of each coach to make their selection as soon as possible when it comes to their pick, with the time limit only in place for emergencies etc, so that the draft can keep moving if someone is not available for any unforeseen reason.

    6(d) If in either the PSD or MSD a coach does not pick within their allocated time, they will be given the highest ranked player on the previous season SC averages (PSD) or current SC season averages (MSD). If the time limit isn't practical for a coach, they must notify the ORFFF in advance; i.e. if it is one or two picks before yours but you are flat out at work or have a wedding etc then post that you may need to extend your time. Alternatively, nominate a proxy and give them a standby list.

    6(e) Teams involved in a draft must continue to draft until their lists are at 30 players.

    6(f) as stated at 5(e), the MSD is not compulsory to participate in for teams who have 30 players.
  8. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    7(a) All official positions will be filled for 12 month periods effective from February 1 to January 31 the following year. Official positions are: Commissioner and the Board (made up of the Commissioner and 2 other ORFFF coaches).

    7(b) In addition, there are also the positions of Fixturer, Trading & Lists Manager, Pre-Season Previewer, Year In Reviewer, and The Run Homer. These additional positions are not deemed “official” for the purpose of this clause, and their roles will be determined in consultation between both the coach filling the position and the ORFFF Commissioner.

    7(c) All positions will be open for nominations and then filled in January each year. In the event of more than one nomination received and accepted for an official position, there will be an election with all ORFFF coaches receiving 1 vote each. For all other positions, a process will be determined by the ORFFF board, with more than 1 coach being able to fill any of those positions.

    7(d) Anyone wishing to fill a position not mentioned in this clause should be encouraged to do so and could raise the idea with the league as per the process outlined in 7(j)

    7(e) The role of the Commissioner is to regulate and control the operations of the ORFFF. This encompasses making a final ruling, casting a tie breaker vote, ensuring that all coaches have an opportunity to have a say, discussing matters of issue raised in ORFFF with the Board and to ensure the success and enjoyment of the ORFFF for all that are way too serious for fantasy football.

    7(f) The role of the Board is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the operations of the ORFFF. This encompasses discussing matters of issue raised in ORFFF, proposing a variety of recommendations to those issues for a collective and united solution / decision and assist the Commissioner with ensuring the success and enjoyment of the ORFFF for all that are way too serious for fantasy football.

    7(g) The Commissioner and Board may seek opinions from all ORFFF members on varying issues and this will occur through polls, forum posts, PM's, and emails; as such please advise others of your current email address and check the Too Serious website periodically throughout the offseason. The Commissioner and/or Board will take decisions in any way they deem appropriate, other than significant decisions which are pursuant to 7(i).

    7(h) If a team coach has gone “AWOL” for an extended period, the Commissioner and Board will be responsible for making reasonable efforts to make contact with the Coach.

    7(i) Significant decisions will be taken by a vote with a poll that must be open for at least 7 days. A winning vote is considered as the majority of voters in the poll. Significant decisions include: additions to the rules; rule changes; decisions regarding a coaches further participation in the ORFFF competition; and any other decision deemed significant by the ORFFF Board.

    7(j) Any ORFFF coach can propose a new rule, or propose a modification to any current rule, by posting a proposal in the ORFFF Rules Proposals thread and then setting up a poll under the guidelines of 7(i). A proposal of a particular rule, or to modify rules in any particular way, should generally only be made once in any 2 year period. A coach wishing to make a proposal less than 2 years after the previous vote on that same matter, may do so if they have gained permission from the ORFFF Board. If a vote decides in favour of a proposal made in line with this clause, a ORFFF Board member will update the rules accordingly.

    7(k) Any disputes between coaches or in relation to these rules can be raised with the ORFFF Board, who will endeavour to resolve the issue satisfactorily.
  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well put @Len, when we end up facing a rule that has unintended consequences then we all have the option of agreeing to bend the rules or interpret them in a particular way (preferably made by the Commish, Board or majority opinion), or to re-write them.

    I would add the veto rule is also to provide protection to the non involved parties who also bear the consequences of a horrible trade (whether by collusion or not) in a non salary capped league. While you rightly point out the veto rule should protect coaches on the bad end of an unbalanced trade partly from themselves, it is more than likely they will manage to draft and trade and list manage poorly enough in the longer term that the protection will only be by a small degree.

    As for the likelihood of a veto in this instance, I would argue it is irrelevant. If I trade a pick or player for Zac Dawson or the same pick or player for Patrick Dangerfield then the pick or player should still be subject to the same restrictions or lack of restrictions in either case.

    Some potential options going forward, there may be others which may be better
    - re-write the veto rule and/or the trade/auction rules to reflect the spirit of the veto rule not being intended to impede other trades. This would allow assets to be on-traded within the 48 hours, provided that the bidding party makes clear the conditional nature of the bid crystal clear to all concerned (ie subject to Pick 32/40/111 being acquired from Cockburn my bid in the Nathan Fyfe auction is Pick 32/40/111 and ........ )
    - or leave the veto rule and trade/auction rule as is, with either the "precedent" of this example or a group discussion or directive of the Commish or Board saying that the rules should have allowed the Pick 16 bid to stand meaning the rule would not need to be re-written
    - or abolish the veto rule altogether, given we a lot of us believe the chances of ever having to veto a trade in the ORFFF is as likely as me succeeding you as Prime Minister.

    Cheers TTH
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  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not sure if it's come up in FF yet, but FA often has trades made right up until cutoff when there is no time for a veto.
    We've never had a veto, couple of times there has been a call for one but it was voted down.
    We had a bad trade retracted/amended that may have been vetoed but I am now of the opinion that it should never be used for that purpose, and that it should exist only to prevent outcomes that could be deemed cheating.
    It is only my opinion and I agree we need some revising of the rules to state clearly the intended application, if we need to have it.
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  11. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Commencing from the 2024 midseason draft the following rules shall apply (rules above have been updated)

    (Per the recent poll)
    Rule 6b
    All draft selections will be made within 9 hours with the clock paused from midnight until 6am in the coaches local timezone.

    (Change to the standard veto rule)
    Rule 4g
    We will reduce trade veto window during non draft trade periods from 48 hours to 24 hours

    Rule 4i (new rule permitting in draft trades, to be trialled during the 2024 MSD)
    In draft trading will be commenced from the 2024 ORFFF MSD on a provisional basis.

    In draft trades must exchange even numbers of assets in terms of current draft picks and/or players, future draft picks can also be included in the exchange

    Veto rules in-draft for the 2024 MSD will apply as follows
    • Indraft trades for the current draft pick must be posted and confirmed within 6 hours of the previous draft selection being made (again the clock to stop midnight until 6am in the coaches local timezone). This allows the team that trades in the current pick a minimum of 3 hours to take the pick within the original 9 hour limit.
    • Vetoes in draft have to be raised within 9 hours (with the clock pausing between midnight and 6am for trades posted between 3pm and 6am Melbourne time).
    • If an indraft trade is vetoed then all draft selections made in the time between the trade and the veto being confirmed will stand, potentially including picks that are later reassigned to the previous pick holder due to veto.

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