planning for next week - MPP

Discussion in 'AFL' started by damnfunky, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. damnfunky

    damnfunky New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I started thinking about planning for next week and I had one of those light bulb moments re the benefit of MPPs. I've set my team up with MPPs, both DEF/MID and MID/FWDs and fwd/ruc but probably didnt really understand the practical benefits till I started planning for next week. I started laying out my team and realised having the the MPP set up allowed me to have a greater choice of bench players to replace those who miss through the byes.

    eg. I set up my team for next week and had to bench Higgins with the bye. but instead of having to put mckernan or richardson on from my forward line bench on the field I was able to swap higgins to the midfield bench via swapping goodes to the forward line and put swallow on the field instead. a choice that I felt more comfortable with.

    now in my defence I have to choose between either otten or stanley on the field. aargh.

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