RATE MY TEAM Please :) !!!

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Sauce_17, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Sauce_17

    Sauce_17 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    B.Goddard, B.Gibbs, B.Deledio, H.Shaw, A.Otten, D.Heppel, M.Hibberd
    (N.Lower, B.Jacobs, M.Coad Emerg)

    D.Swan, C.Judd, K.Jack, R.Griffen, N.Foley, D.Swallow
    (R.Conca Emerg, S.Savage, S.Atley)

    A.Sandilands, S.Mumford
    (J.Tippet, T.Derickx)

    L.Franklin, B.Green, J.Riewoldt, M.LeCras, D.Petrie, A.Krakour, S.Day
    (L.Tapscott, C.Richardson, G.Horlin-Smith Emerg)

    $57,400 left over
  2. damnfunky

    damnfunky New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio, heppell and hibberd are multi position players, you should split them between the back and mid line so you can take advantage of this

    I dont like your ruck bench. I understand you've got tippet to be able to do the petrie swap...but i think you need some one with a better chance of playing than derickx. Try Z smith from gold coast.
  3. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Where to begin...

    In defence, leave out Duigan at your peril. Judging by pre-season SC form, he's this years Maguire/Waters. I'd have Toy in there as well, in terms of talent, I rate only Swallow ahead of him in terms of debutants this years.

    In the midfield I'd have to question whether Jack and Griffen will average 110+. They could, but they could also average 90 odd. Compounding that risk is Foley, who is a fair chance to do the same IF he can run out the season. Spells R-I-S-K-Y in my dictionary. Also Harris will most likely (read definitely) score more than Conca and he's a fair bit cheaper to boot. If Savage gets named Round 1, I say go for it as his pre-season SC forms been good, with the caveat that Hawthorn's midfield is already chockers so he might not play and if he does probably won't score the same.

    In the rucks refer to what the funk-meister wrote above, but also keep in mind that if Petrie is covering a Ruck spot, you're robbing him from the forward line in that round, so you'll have to cover that.

    In the forward line, get Riewoldt. The other one. Matera is a better option than Day, in terms of price, scoring ability and most likely the amount of games he will play. Same goes for Darling over GHS. I won't comment on the Frenchman because in all likely hood everyone's probably got a mid-pricer sitting in their FWD line that they want to have a punt on. We know we probably shouldn't, but we can't help ourselves.

    Structure wise you've probably got 15 players you consider to be keepers, yet I wouldn't keep Jack, Griffen, Foley or Frenchy. Or Shaw really TBH.
  4. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I like it, Newbies rate the Newbies saves everyone a lot of sweat.

    Guys, if you do a little homework on this site you will see we are holding our breath until Thursday when the Fantasy Freako newsletter comes out (with DT scores) before any teams are rated. Suggest you put it up then when a post is created for the purpose.
  5. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest


    I may be new to posting on this site, but I don't need to hold my breath. Suggest Sauce takes the free advice.
  6. dj62

    dj62 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Horny(sorry couldn't resist), I thought what you had to say was good advice, obviously we are all looking really hard in the next week & personally just can't wait for the first bounce!
  7. broge

    broge New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Quality, take the advice Sauce. It aint rocket science
  8. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah Sauce, take the advice.

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