Rd18 -Help with my SC team

Discussion in 'AFL' started by GoonEx, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. GoonEx

    GoonEx Guest

    G'day fellow punters...

    Since there are so many awesome, knowledgable peeps out there I was looking for some team advice:

    My team:

    B: Delids(d/m); Heater; Godds(d/m); Birch; Adcock; Lake; Bugg; Ellis; S.Shaw
    M: Gazza; Mitchell; Jelwood; Sloane; Swan; S.Thomo; D.Nicholson(d/m); M. Williams(out for season);
    R: NicNat; Hale; Redden; Big O;
    F: Danger(m/f); Buddy; Tex; Goodes(m/f); Porps; Zorks(m/f); Cloke; Smedts(d/f); Couch(m/f)

    I have about 4 trades left (I dont want to reveal exactly how many but enough to wonder if I should hold all for finals or nab a bargain now) and $237k in bank.

    Obviously my forward line is my big problem...

    Any suggestions?
  2. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well I reckon you'll need to do at least one more downgrade which could be this week as there are some good options on the bubble. Perhaps cull one of Bugg, Ellis and S.Shaw, flip Nicholson to the backline (I haven't watched much of him but he seems to be scoring pretty well and could even be your D7 for the moment) and bring in the likes of Miles in the midfield.

    Then as you say you could upgrade a forward (possibly Cloke, although he does have GWS this week) because that's where some big points are available compared with what you'd otherwise be fielding, with the likes of Beams killing it.

    As for whether you do that upgrade now or later, I'm not aware of any absolute must-have bargain premiums right now so I reckon it's more about whether you need more wins to get into the top 8 or top 4.
  3. grav

    grav Guest

    Agree with Stampede, although I would move on Cloke this week.
    At a BE of 139 he would have to have a monster to not suffer another big price drop (L4 avg 50 and only 4 games at 100+ for the season).
    Beams BE 66 or Pav BE 109 are the way to go.
  4. chibbingus

    chibbingus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pav for sure, has been in red hot form and I think with Fyfe returning it will cause more problems for the opposition than it will for Pav's SC scores.

    Cull Bugg for sure, I think that GWS will rotate heavily the remaining part of the season. Your coverage is reasonable so I would suggest Baguley so that you can alternate him and Nicholson as you need. This will give you approx $150K leftover after upgrading Cloke to Pav and you can use that cash next week to either upgrade Porplyza or Shaw.
  5. huvaduva

    huvaduva New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you're looking to trade and upgrade you team the best tactic IMO is to try and increase your MPP links while you're at it so that if you run out of trades you can try and cover. It seems this week is the week to downgrade, so if you're up for the gamble (and assuming you have four trades or more) I'd consider:
    This round: M.Williams->A.Miles/S.Clifton (+70-100k or so) & Cloke->Pav
    Next round: Bugg->M.Johnson
    M.Johnson has D/F linkage with Smedts, who will most likely be in and out of the Geelong team. Coverage in Defence is pretty good so moving M.Johnson to the forward line when/if needed could be a good option to have.
  6. G-Train

    G-Train Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wait for Cloke, he plays GWS and may turn form around. You don't have enough trades to be upgrading fallen premiums IMO. You need to stick them out and pray.
    Porps is in form and has a good fixture.
    Rest of forwards are fine for your situation.
    You will need the trades for your league finals IMO, and can do some upgrading during that time if required.

    <img src="http://scrapetv.com/News/News&#37;20Pages/Entertainment/images-4/braveheart-3.jpg" />



  7. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Haha excellent - well we've successfully suggested about five conflicting plans of attack..! Nonetheless, IMHO everything that people have said is pretty reasonable so I'd say just pick one and go with it. Pretty much comes down to your appetite for risk in the end.
  8. GoonEx

    GoonEx Guest

    Well thanks for the suggestions everyone.
    I should be a shoe-in for the top four and depending on my opponents' team this week I may hold my trades or just downgrade someone to a rookie.
    As always though JS is always a big concern with Rookies.
    Cheers and good luck to you all

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