ROK - is he becomging relevant in DT

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Cubbie, May 11, 2012.

  1. Cubbie

    Cubbie New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I want Horse this week and I also want to win my league match this week. That means I need to downgrade to Horse (Manger) and upgrade somewhere else.

    My best place to upgrade would be in the fwd's, so Kennedy is on the block, however I will only have 396k to spend. ROk is in that price range, the question is has he turned it around will he be one of the better fwd's from here on in?

    Manger - Horse
    Kennedy - ROK

    other options

    Golby - Rookie
    Kennedy - Chappy

    or Manger - Horse
    Golby - Scotland

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