Roundageddon 19

Discussion in 'Blog' started by matto32, Aug 9, 2009.

By matto32 on Aug 9, 2009 at 10:00 AM
  1. matto32

    matto32 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A round that will go down in imfamy.

    A round where I got knocked out of the TooSerious by 4 points. By fellow missing poster, Sizza, would was running with Goodes as captain. Quality choice boy! Nicely played! :D

    But the big news for the round has got to be Buster Gonad. Both Chris and PK Le Grand have extended a lead on the pack of over 300 points. Though at the same time, find themselves seperated by 4 points.

    Exciting times guys. Good luck Chris!

    The TS legends moved up to 2nd position. Great job guys!

    And to wrap up the round, Im just gonna go with the pros (cause there were enough disappointments in this round, a round where my 1775 saw me *only* drop from 800th to 900th!)

    Pulling in the highest score for the round- Adam "goddamnit!" Goodes, sinking my finals hopes with a MASSIVE 223.
    Shannin Hurn pulled out a Gonad Busting 172.
    Andrew Embley ran into third place with a 167.
    Greg "We *all* love you" Broughton came into 4th place this week with a 157
    and Diddles rounded out the five with a lovely 153

    Outside of those though, a couple of players this week stood up in a way where there stocks for next year may have gone up.

    Goldstein with a dominant 5 goal effort and 138 points.
    Le Cras, cracking the ton for a second week in a row with a personal best 135. (well, cept for that one game in 2006)
    And Cam Wood, since coming back in round 16, has been averaging just under 100- culminating in a 125 this round.

    Anyways, here to hoping that our players come back next week! Good luck all.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by matto32, Aug 9, 2009.

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