Ruck dept of correction.

Discussion in 'AFL' started by buzz, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. buzz

    buzz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have Ryder and pulling the trigger on that trade. Willing to admit it as a mistake. Bit of a hurried year getting the team together and as soon as I saw the amount of ruck time Bellchambers was getting I knew I was up the creek without a paddle. He even looked to Ruck well against jamar and still no great points. His occasional high ceiling is no replacement for out and out consistency. I already have Maric and Cox in the forward line. Wondering what the options are as to how best spend the coin. I.m liking the look of McEvoy. Not sold on minson. Kruezer is looking good but still unsure about his consistency. Leuenberger is the other where I can save some dosh, or Jacobs looks set for a big year and seems durable. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  2. Dirtydog

    Dirtydog New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    MINSON is your answer..
    with Roughy going back and Cordy playing forward Minnow will be consistent and the new ruck rules seem to be playing to his Strengh. He can hold front position and will also push forward. Especially considering Jones still marks the ball like he's catching butterflies.

  3. Tommy18

    Tommy18 Guest

    I have the same dilemma. The two options are McEvoy and Goldy. McEvoy will be reliable. But Goldy has a higher ceiling and is $60K cheaper. I'm thinking Goldy is the answer.
  4. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wilbur has been good in first two rounds, no doubt about that. But he has been matched against 2nd string opposition rucks to date, so beware of this in choosing to bring him in for SC. In R1, Minson was up against Billy Longer in the main and occasionally Stefan Martin. He won the day comprehensively, Longer was then dropped for the following week. In R2, Minson was up against Jon Griffin who actually didn't have any similarly tall player to support him in the 22. As a result he struggled and tired in the 2nd half, with Minson finishing up about 2:1 for hitouts compared to Griffin by the end of the game. Need to see how Minson goes against better opposition. I think this week against Maric will be the real test. Mike Pyke is $100k cheaper than Minson and has an average 100+ also, surely worth a good hard look.
  5. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As one of the 1.6% who have Jolly, I wish I had yourdilemma..
  6. funkyc

    funkyc Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I had the same dilemma and went with Jacobs. In hindsight should have gone with Goldy and kept Currie on bench - at least you know one of them will play - and then you can leave Cox in fwd line
  7. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i have a dilemma as well and would really like to go Minson as a POD but Jasons opinion has swayed me, but i was going to start Mcevoy but STK swayed me to stay away so who knows. I have been burnt by Kruezer as well in the past, I could go Luenberger but he still wont change price until another week and is always a massive injury threat, also like to have a pod, so many choices
  8. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Its funny because Ryder looked GREAT on Saturday night... he is showing more aggression and has further improved his technique in the ruck... pitty it is not translating into SC points! Bellchambers is no doubt having an impact on his scores, I expect Ryder to average 90/95 this year... currently overpriced for that.
  9. Bucko

    Bucko Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I too am looking to offload Roughead who doesnt seem to be getting as much ruck time as I would have hoped with Bailey & Hale sharing the duties.
    I have McEvoy, with Rowe & Blicavs on the pine. I'm tossing up between Goldy & Leuy.
    It's extremely hard to look past Leuy's price, and I think the $196k difference between him and Goldy is worth the punt.
    The extra points I can gain elsewhere with the upgrade of another player (I'm looking at you Karnezis...) will more than make up the difference between Leuy & Goldy's average, its just a matter of Leuy staying injury free.
    I'd love to wait one more round to see how Leuy goes, but with Roughead about to drop $50k I have to pull the trigger now
  10. purple_haze

    purple_haze New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If the buzz word of the day is dilemma thenI too have one. Had planned on avoidinga repeat of the Sandi/Mumford debacle of 2012 but alas here I am again burning early trades in the ruck division- this time Ryder. I'm thinking McEvoy slightly ahead of Goldy. Not sold on Minson. Worried about Burgers longevity. Have Cox in the forward line andGriffin as R2.
  11. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've been bouncing around between different options for my rucks...
    I think I've settled on Leuenberger... He was all the rage in the per season, and a week into his season we know he has banged out a ton against quality opposition first up.
    As was stated above, the nearly 200k that can be saved can be invaluable for upgrading other lines.
  12. HOLKY

    HOLKY Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My draft team is waiting for Nic-Nat to recover, but I've got Cox in my normal team and Melbourne should give him heaps of points, Essendon got 2113, Port got 1868. West Coast should get ~2000 and of those 2000, Cox should get 120-150 easy.
  13. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    May I suggest a ruck who anyone and everyone should consider, Jacobs. Has scored 100 points every week in living memory. Okay that's a lie, but in 2012 he hit the ton 12 times, missed only one game, and his scores under 100 read like this: 48, 66, 68, 74, 76, 78, 80, 80, 80, 82, 85, 87, 91, 93, 93, 98, 99. He also broke 120 on 4 occasions. Those numbers are just about R1 worthy, but definitely R2 worthy. For the past two seasons I have used him as a cheap R1, especially this year when I can load my forward line with Cox, Nic Nat when he returns, etc. Jacobs has zero competition for the bulk of gametime in the ruck, and he's as consistent as they come. He won't smash the ceiling (yet), but he's solid as a rock, and IMO one of the very best rucks in terms of consistency and durability. Will only continue to improve also.
  14. HotPiesColdDrinks

    HotPiesColdDrinks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Getting rid of Ryder. I have Cox as R1. Who should I use to replace Ryder? My first instinct was Minson. Tossing up between: -Minson -Jacobs -Goldstein -Griffin Goldstein probably my least favourite from those 4.
  15. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HotPiesColdDrinks wrote:
    Getting rid of Ryder. I have Cox as R1. Who should I use to replace Ryder? My first instinct was Minson. Tossing up between: -Minson -Jacobs -Goldstein -Griffin Goldstein probably my least favourite from those 4. I don't understand why Pyke and Leuenberger aren't viable options also at this point.
  16. Tommy18

    Tommy18 Guest

    Pyke has only played GC and GWS so far. He'll average 85 at best. No way should he be considered. Luey is a viable option though.
  17. Tommy18

    Tommy18 Guest

    Pyke has only played GC and GWS so far. He'll average 85 at best. No way should he be considered. Luey is a viable option though.
  18. The_General

    The_General Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jason wrote:
    HotPiesColdDrinks wrote:
    Getting rid of Ryder. I have Cox as R1. Who should I use to replace Ryder? My first instinct was Minson. Tossing up between: -Minson -Jacobs -Goldstein -Griffin Goldstein probably my least favourite from those 4. I don't understand why Pyke and Leuenberger aren't viable options also at this point. To anyone who saw the Sydney game (I didn't), it appeared as though Pyke spent the majority of the second half in the ruck. Was this due to Mummy getting a knock to the knee? From memory and looking at the live scores, Mummy was doing well early in the match and then disappeared.
    If this was the case, I'd probably be sticking away from Pyke.
  19. canada_blues

    canada_blues New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm actually giving Pyke a pretty serious look and not just because he's a fellow Canadian. He's been a steady improver for the past 3 seasons, especially last year with Mumford's injury concerns.
    For those saying he's only played GWS and GC, that might seem like an easy way to rule him out but if you compare his scores from 2012 against those teams, he's still 20-30 points higher for this season. I haven't seen anything other than highlights from the Swans games but he might be an astute early season pick. If he's not a season-long keeper, he should still be able to hold a high-enough average to make enough coin for a 1-up 1-down to get NicNat in when he's back from injury.
  20. HotPiesColdDrinks

    HotPiesColdDrinks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jason wrote:
    HotPiesColdDrinks wrote:
    Getting rid of Ryder. I have Cox as R1. Who should I use to replace Ryder? My first instinct was Minson. Tossing up between: -Minson -Jacobs -Goldstein -Griffin Goldstein probably my least favourite from those 4. I don't understand why Pyke and Leuenberger aren't viable options also at this point. With Pyke, I'll admit that it's a little bit of an 'unknown' issue for me. I also took on board with what you said about Minson against Longer and Martin in R1 and in R2 against Griffen who lacked support. So you had questions on his opposition. I just thought that this logic should apply even more for Pyke considering he played against GC and GWS, though he is cheaper. Just a little unsure about Pyke. I also had Leuenberger before the season and he had a minor set back, and went Ryder. I'm not sure I trust Leunberger's body completely, though the main reason is that I am already making 1 correctional trade with Ryder. I don't know if I want to take a risk with Leunberger, as I'd hate to use 2 trades in the season to fix my R2. That's my only reason.

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