Rucks possible trade

Discussion in 'AFL' started by taminater, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. taminater

    taminater New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ok first year supercoach so still learning. Team is reasonable so far.

    my rucks are Cox, Jamar, Fraser, Keefe

    thinking of trading Jamar for mcevoy, my thinking is get back $100k for upgrades later on(5k left salary cap atm). The way i see it they probably are both likely to average similar scores over the year but mcevoy more likely to get bigger scores as is a better foward.

    btw only going for league win not ovarall

    but my concern is that i may have to burn another trade down the track if/when gardiner comes back and he is no longer no 1 ruckman.
    my plan was set and forget from the start.

  2. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wait a week.
    Jamar shouldn't fall in $$ and watch Z Smith and Fraser have a 2nd game.
    Fraser OUT, Smith IN would seem a better move but see what they all do in Rd 3.
  3. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Trust your initial selections. That's my advice.

    If just going for leagues, Fraser is an option, but I think you can let him appreciate a bit (and he should do just that) before you kill him off.

    Upgrade well that could be Jamar into Sandilands is probably the best you could do.

    I'd wait quite a few weeks before doing that though, probably wait until a sizeable lull in the Sandilands performance, then strike.
  4. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Taminater - I could not stress enought that you don't want to burn many of your trades in the rucks. As any experienced Supercoach could tell you the week after you trade a new ruckman is when they or your other "kept ruck" will be rested, suffer an LTI or get suspended and may cost you a close match if Fraser doesn't fill in very well.

    My advice would be to wait and see, keep trades up your sleeve unless Cox or Jamar gets an LTI or Sandy gets very cheap (ie drops 100-150K) - and then review when you get to the business end of the season - basically to win your league you should be keeping at least 10 trades for rounds 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 (and 6-8 of these in rds 21, 22, 23, 24) and you may have a greater need in the def/mid/fwds when you are gettign your final team together.

    This has worked well for me in the past (in public/mates leagues), even when I haven't finished in the top 4!

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