Saint Kilda players muck up... again

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Ruddy, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  2. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Oh my...the season can't start soon enough for the Saints!

    While it may be a case of putting two and two together and coming up with five, I wonder if the consecutive Grand Final losses has played a part in the minds of a few of their players with respect to behavioral issues.

    Are we placing bets on how long it will take the infamous StKilda girl to come out with a remark?
  3. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I wonder sometimes about articles like this one. Is it more common for players to do things like this? Or is it just that clubs care more, and the media is getting more intense than it used to be.
  4. Daveo

    Daveo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just curious but the article didn't state weather they had clothes on.
    I wonder if it was sam gilbert who dobbed them in to take the focus of him.

    The saints cant do anything right atm.
  5. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Haha Daveo :)

    Ruddy, I'd guess it's a bit from column A and a bit from column B mate. When things happen to a club that is already in the spotlight, it's easier to sell and beat it up. Having said that, the fact the club have imposed sanctions (albeit during the preseason) seems to indicate that it wasn't trivial media beat-up. You would think that training away from the main group during the preseason would be detrimental to the club as a whole in terms of set-up and practice matches.

    I wonder if Ross will scrap the defensive 'around the boundary' gamestyle and adopt a 'straight down the guts' approach this year in an attempt to try and keep his players away from people!
  6. LiQuiD_SiXx

    LiQuiD_SiXx Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    what a shamble of a club!

    should have stuck to sword-fighting in the hotel room
  7. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    "The small sword or smallsword is a light one-handed sword designed for thrusting and as a result of its comparative lightness, is easily manipulated".

    Sums it up perfectly!
    The NDS sword, anyone? :)
  8. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Its got me stumped what the hell these guys are thinking. With all the crap we have gone through did they seriously think they could get away with it? It was a small freaking town for gods sake and you had media and the entire coaching staff there. In my opinion the penalty handed down to them was nowhere near enough. 6 weeks away from the club at this time of year, and to miss some crappy preseason comp that noones takes seriously is nowhere near enough for the stupidness of these 4 blokes, 3 of which are fighting for a freaking spot in the 22. Suspend them for 6 H&A matches and im telling you no other player will step out of line again this year.

    Stanley is the biggest one for me, he is basically our 2nd ruck atm with Kosi & Gardiner both sidelined for an unknown time frame, so now all we have is McEvoy & Blake. I hope to god Big Mac doesnt go down with injury.

    This club is pushing die hard supporters to the edge, they wanted 45,000 members this year, the way they are going they will be lucky to get another 45.

  9. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well written, StK.

    I was surprised to see Dawson in the list considering he's already had his publicity for the year. I would have thought those that have been in the spotlight recently would be doing everything possible to stay out of it unless it's for football performance reasons.

    Agree with Stanley. As you said, with the current injury situation I would have thought this is his ideal chance to shine and prove himself that he can own that second ruck position when needed.

    As a stand alone incident, was what they did drastic? No, not really. But given recent events I'm sure that each and every player has been told to be on their best behaviour to avoid adding fuel to the already brightly burning fire that the media is preying on.

    I hear ya mate regarding the supporters too. Supporters want premierships, it doesn't matter which club they follow. With a couple of near misses, the supporters will know that the club is strong and just needs to find that extra little spark to help push them that one step further, and a lot will be hanging onto the thought that the players will be doing everything they possibly can to get the best out of themselves not only throughout the year, but during the preseason as well to give them the best possible chance of taking that final step.

    What they don't want to see is the kids piss-farting around and misbehaving when they haven't yet achieved that ultimate prize (I'm not saying I'd condone the behaviour had they just won the flag, but perhaps it wouldn't be quite as big a deal to supporters if they had won it and then let their hair down). And now with time away from the club, it will put these 4 behind the 8ball in terms of team strategies/playing structure etc.

    Stick with 'em mate, I'm sure the boys will be back strongly again this year, and hopefully for the supporters sake the rest of 'em knuckle down and let their footy do the talking.

    (lucky the footy hasn't gotten serious enough yet or I'd be here sledging instead hah)
  10. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  11. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Probably for the same reasons people appear to make up stuff regarding Fev when he's been in trouble recently - it's easy to get people to believe if the spotlight is already on the person.

    Who knows whether it's true or not, but I can't imagine any of those 4 being able to knock one, let alone two people down :D Lets be honest, when's the last time StKilda beat something?
  12. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah i suppose. But given that some of them went out drinking and taking drugs, it wouldn't surprise me if they pissed on something
  13. Stew

    Stew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Ruddy - There is massive credibility issue in relation to this new issue. The NZ "reporter" mentioned in the story has issues... and has lost a lot of public respect in recent years.
    Furthermore, for this man to be reporting on incidents of assault is very rich indeed.

    I think this new story will fade away pretty quickly. However, the problematic St.Kilda culture may take a little longer.
  14. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It makes you think though. How many incidents will there be before somebody snaps and suspends a player for meaningful games? Also, i don't reckon they will win a premiership unless they have complete focus and trust in each other.
  15. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Unfortunately for StKilda, it's very much a case of once you're in the spotlight, it's very hard to get out of it. They would have been hoping to have things cleared up and forgotten about by the time the season proper starts, otherwise each minute incident or heck, even rumour, throughout the season will make headlines and only serve to destabalise or at best, distract the playing group.

    The season is still approx 2 months away so this could yet fizzle into oblivion. But it would want to be the last incident.
  16. Stew

    Stew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have to admit, I have been thinking very seriously about whether to include Reiwoldt in my starting team, due to these pre-season antics. Stanley has gone from a maybe, to a definitive no.
    Some players and teams may thrive in these conditions... but these events can't be positive for St.Kilda supercoach scores.
  17. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You won't be alone in your thinking, Stew.
    My own opinion is I think Roo will cope and come out with the intention of wanting to prove himself, he's a gun superstar rather than simply a very good player.

    On the others though, you do have to question how much impact the constant news headlines will affect the playing group as a whole. The minute even a handful of people start to get their noses out of join with a few others and the environment can quickly turn hostile.

    Thankfully they're the second non GC team to have their second bye (round14) so with the exception of Roo and Goddard (assuming they're being started in most sides which would be enough StKilda players to start with) the midfielders/rest would be better upgrade targets after Bye#2 by which time we should have a pretty good idea of how they're traveling.
  18. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I wouldnt think youd have any issues with Roo, BJ, Montagna, Hayes and their output. One guy that might be worth keeping an eye on in the NAB Cup is Tom Simpkin, especially with the uncertanity of Zac Dawson and when he will come back into the side.

  19. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The last time a club made a meaningful decision was Collingwood in suspending Didak and Heath Shaw, relegating Rhyce Shaw to a run in the magoos and then trading him away.

    Didak and Shaw broke the club code of lying to the faces of those who had backed them in, so they got the entire rounds of the kitchen. (Didak having been fortunate not to be suspended earlier for associating with a bikie, who later became murderer)

    Indeed they were suspended for the last few rounds plus finals in 2008, a decision that more than likely cost Collingwood top 4, and played a mitigating factor in an early exit vs St Kilda (though beaten by a better team on the night).

    2008 you may recall St Kilda were miles off top 4 until the last round when Essendon bent over and the Saints squeaked into 4th position, which by rights appeared to be the Crows'.
  20. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the heads up mate. Will keep an eye on him and see how he goes.

    Agree with you regarding the Saints big names - they're quality footballers there's no denying that or their SC potential.

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