Supercoach Pro

Discussion in 'AFL' started by crew, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bunch of mates and i are doing Supercoach Pro for the 1st time.
    Anyone have words of wisdom in regards to Pro ??.
    I believe that rookie selection will make or brake teams MORE in Pro than Supercoach. I know trades are unlimited but if someone else has gun rookies then you can only watch through green glasses. :((
  2. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm no expert on it mate, I asked here and got no response, hence I am responding to you :)

    I have ended up with a squad I am very happy with using this order of selection;

    Ruck, Back, Fwd, Mid, Back, Fwd, Mid, Back, Mid, Fwd - For the team on the park
    And for reserves I went Ruck, Mid, Mid, Back, Fwd.

    The reasoning I used was so few goods rucks, I wanted to be at the front of that queue.
    Backs and Fwds next as genuine point generators are harder to find there than in the mid.

    My team fwiw is;
    Adcock, Enright, Fisher
    Watson, D Swallow, Montagna
    Pavlich, L Adams, NRoo
    Bench is Butler, Ward, S Selwood, J Griffin and Crameri.

    I found the pre draft composer less useful than you would think, other than to remove the injured players near the top so I didn't accidentally grab one under pressure.
    The only other real thing is to take time, 60 seconds is a butt load longer than you think, and at one point 1/2 way through there was a player available I really wanted and I grabbed him, then went back to my order, so even that is only a guide...
    Hope you have fun and we both do well!

  3. Gerardic

    Gerardic New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Interesting list.

    Now you have a good point re ruckman.

    Yeah I figured re injury. So with your order of selection, (since my draft is in two weeks time on 31st March), I should put in top 4 as best rucks, then 4 best backs, so on.

    Thanks heaps for your feedback, now i feel a lot more confident, and have a plan!
  4. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Hey Gerardic and Lenh,

    Here at TS we created our own SC Draft style competition, the ORFFL. Check it out

    I'm not sure of the specifics of SC Pro, but if you looks in the Draft thread, it should give you some idea about how coaches went about picking a side, and in what order.

  5. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks Hornsy,
    I looked there originally but couldn't see any sort of strategy discussion, however revisiting now I cn see tactics being used in the actual draft process.
    Joined this site well past the date that became relevant, hopefully forum growth will mean two leagues can run next year as the idea really appeals to me, good luck with the Savages! :)
  6. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Do it! Great fun.

    Yeah, there's not a lot of strategy being discussed, as everyone keeps those cards pretty close to the chest. Bear in mind that the ORFFL is a keeper league, and I'm going to make a wild assumption that SC Pro is a one year only thing.

  7. Hellbent21

    Hellbent21 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    1 spot left ... GET ON BOARD! should be some fun

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