TAB-SKY Racing Star Stable Fantasy Comp

Discussion in 'On the punt' started by Bearfly, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    G'day Punters,

    Just thought I would let you all know that the Sky Racing Star Stable fantasy competition is now open.

    I have set up a league for all you (too)Serious punters to jump on board and have some fun managing your own stable for the spring racing carnival.

    We had a bit of fun with this last spring, with about 8 or 9 of us involved, and our top 2 or 3 stables were fairly competitive - would love to get more involved in it this spring to see if we can do a bit better (especially considering we have the benefit of some serious punting communication happening here now).

    Anyway, go to the site to sign up and enter league code 491477 and join me for some fun over the spring - all details regarding rules etc can be found on the site.

    Just one thing though, if you join up please take the comp seriously so we can see how high a ranking we can get our league to.

  2. graeme

    graeme Guest

    will do as instructed Bear, and will try to be competitive!
  3. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    just throwing an idea out there maybe we could throw out some names of horses that we think should be in all stables will make our stables pretty similar though.
  4. J_C

    J_C Guest

    There's a horse that won OK yesterday and looks set for a decent Spring which is priced at the minimum 25k. I won't post the name until there's a view about information sharing!

    Oh, and I've thrown a team in too! :)
  5. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Guys, I haven't committed to this comp because I'm a spring punter only and don't follow them closely enough. But happy to make up numbers if you want, especially if weazel's idea above is considered worthwhile.

    Also; does the comp remain open right up until 6 October to set the initial stable? If so, no real urgency yet and I can put some research in.

    Bear; can you make a decision re my inclusion; I will not be fussed either way.
  6. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    yeah it's open up until 6 of oct so no need to lock in stable just yet trades are also unlimited up until the first meet as usual
  7. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    will wait and see what a few others think before we go throwing names around
  8. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @TheOnion - jump on board mate, the more the merrier, can have alot more in a league compared to fantasy footy

    @Weazel - love the idea mate, can really help us develop a strong league that way
  9. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i should have said suggestions for horses for stables in the end you can put whatever horses you want in there
  10. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    assumed you meant that mate :D

    I'll throw a couple up now:

    Southern Speed - will be hard to beat in all the main lead up races to the cups/cox plate
    Manighar - proving the autumn form was no fluke, Moody has really rejuvenated this grand campaigner and will be hard to beat in anything he goes around in
    Green Moon - cox plate is main target (not the cups) - next start is the guide as to where he will be headed, if he retains the quick turn of foot then the plate remains the main target, if he reverts back to his dourness then the plate will be put on the back burner in favour of the cups.
    Excluded - if they can avoid the main stars and keep him in handicaps rather than WFA events then he will win more races this spring
  11. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    One of my mates won this comp 2 years ago. First prize was a trip to the Golden Slipper and then Royal Ascot. Unfortunately he took his missus with him and not me!!!

    Last year's prize was terrible - I think it was a 10% share in some untried horse.

    What is the first prize this year?

  12. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    the prize is a trip for two to the Dubai World Cup

    Prize includes:

    Return Economy Class Airfares
    Return transfers airport/hotel
    Twin share accommodation at the Novotel
    Breakfast daily
    Dubai Orientation Tour
    Breakfast with the stars
    Premium Reserved Seating
    Arabian Nights Party
    Farewell dinner cruise
    Transfers to and from the racecourse
    $1,000 spending money

  13. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    pierro and more joyous prob trade ins rather than starters
  14. graeme

    graeme Guest

    be aware the original file with the eligible horses has been updated. We won't get fooled again!
  15. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm in, not a huge punter any more though it was once my profession..
  16. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Weazel - agree those 2 most likely trade ins rather than starters - a pity that half their main earning races will be run before the comp starts!!! Not totally convinced they're worthy of heading the Cox Plate markets considering the form of the Melbourne horses leading into the Plate (actually I'm stoked to have snared ante-post odds of $51 for Happy Trails in the Plate before the weekend, now into $18)!!!

    @Chels - thanks for alerting us to the updated list of eligible horses, hadn't checked it through since I printed off the original (more printing coming up later - and no doubt they will update again before the comp starts)!!! Am just finding it tough to decide how my starting stable will look, too many good options on the list!!!

    @Lenh191 - welcome aboard mate, always good to have someone involved who used to be heavily involved in the industry :D Not sure if you've noticed, but a group of us are starting up a TS Punters Club for a bit of fun and to try and make a few quid - if you're interested, there's an article on the front page (about 2/3rds down with details) check it out :)

    Have been pretty impressed with how good a few of the top horses have come back in the early spring races - Green Moon looks good, and how about the battle between Southern Speed & Manighar the other week!!!
    There's also a couple of decent quality UK horses coming over for the carnival, with Luca Cumani looking to have a real decent chance of taking out one of the Cups!!!
    But sadly, I've had confirmation from a Twitter friend in Japan - none of their horses will be over this year and it looks like it will be tough to get any of them over here again :(

    And then, of course, we've had the controversy with a few jocks over the past few weeks - Nikolic will be very lucky to ride again the way things are going!!!
    Jockey controversies even hit the Kalgoorlie races on Sunday after that meeting was abandoned - 2 hoops got into a fight in one of the pubs and last I heard charges were being laid by both the police and racing officials!!!
    What is it with jockeys - little man syndrome??? :mrgreen:
  17. itsinmydna

    itsinmydna New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Bear - l'm in and looking forward to it, l won some leagues in the old Superstable comp so l should be competitive
  18. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Itsinmydna - glad to have you in the league mate :)

    If you like your punting, you might even be interested in the Punters Club being set up too - going to be alot of fun and a few $$$'s to be made :D
    Check out the article on the front page, and the TS Punters Club thread if you're keen
  19. Swans2012

    Swans2012 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    just signed up bear, for both the punt club and star stable, god i love the spring......
  20. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    glencadam gold !!!!

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