The Far Kew Issue

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Len, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Guys I will respond in the draft thread in as much as it refers only to the draft and that's my area, when it comes to whether we need a new coach or how we should deal with the lack of a Nick, that's really Terry's issue and one for the collective. In my opinion, and this is reflected in my draft response, we will remain Nick-less.
  2. G-Train

    G-Train Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah we need a ruling TiB.
    I think 9.30am 20/02 should be cut off for the pick. I vote for the drafting of O'Rourke at pick 7 for Far Kew after that point. I then think TiB should send a PM advising contact must be made within 48 hours or team will be offered up for someone else. He has not made contact for months.
  3. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Philosoraptor wrote:
    Yeah we need a ruling TiB.
    I think 9.30am 20/02 should be cut off for the pick. I vote for the drafting of O'Rourke at pick 7 for Far Kew after that point. I then think TiB should send a PM advising contact must be made within 48 hours or team will be offered up for someone else. He has not made contact for months.
    +1 to all of that And if he doesn't show, propose we stop the draft at pick 25 whilst we wait for a new owner to be found
  4. bama

    bama Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Why stop the draft at pick 25, if we need a new coach we should stop the draft now to find one, every one is saying that pick 7 is the most defining pick so if he doesn't need a midfielder why should we give him one?

    By the way I don't want O'Rourke!
  5. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bama wrote:
    Why stop the draft at pick 25, if we need a new coach we should stop the draft now to find one, every one is saying that pick 7 is the most defining pick so if he doesn't need a midfielder why should we give him one?
    Fair shout Bama...
  6. grav

    grav Guest

    Yeah I agree with Bama here, perhaps stop the draft and get a new coach on board (from what Len has said we have time up our sleeve to complete the draft). Dont reckon this will be too hard. An ultimatum PM to Nick giving 48hrs to respond would be good. Based on comments here and in draft thread on the Frogs list, agree it seems silly to give them a mid via auto pick when they need defs.
  7. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There is absolutely no doubt that Far Kew need a defender. Whether Nick would have picked one is another thing entirely. But Far Kew have 5 defenders, a couple that are long in the tooth and one of whom (Josh Hunt) has glandular fever and will most likely not play much this year. That said, it seems TiB has made a ruling that Nick won't get pick 7 at all via the draft thread. So if that's the case, Bama it may be your pick.
  8. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And just quickly too - its been really good to read and take part in the discussion on this one, with so many ORFFA coaches engaged and involved in having their say and working through to offer solutions and courses of action on this issue. Thanks to Lenh as well for keeping things rolling as we've waited and facilitating the discussion I guess. Hope the rest of the draft hums along more smoothly.
  9. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'll trade him a defender for pick 7 ;)
  10. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Bandit wrote:
    I'll trade him a defender for pick 7 ;) Zac Dawson for pick 7 is my offer
  11. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    BlueBeliever is going to nurse the Frogs and will enter the draft at Nick's 2nd round pick. Pick #7 is no more. The search for a new coach to take over the franchise is already underway and it will be put to the floor before a firm decision is made either way. Given these developments, can see no reason to interrupt the draft any more than has already occurred. However, healthy discussion is always welcome here in the meantime and I will summarize the issues/ideas as soon as I can. 'I think 9.30am 20/02 should be cut off for the pick.' Spelling Prap. Always check your spelling.
  12. J_C

    J_C Guest

    TerryinBangkok wrote: 'I think 9.30am 20/02 should be cut off for the pick.' Spelling Prap. Always check your spelling. Haha. Nice.
  13. grav

    grav Guest

    Bravo! Good to see we have some level and decisive heads steering this ship.
    On with the show!
  14. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TBH Nick was #3 on my hit list last year. I was looking forward to a clean up and starting this, our first full season, with 18 committed coaches. Basically so we could get on with it and return to having some fun. However, given the howls of protest at this dictatorial acting Commish, I opted to let the Nick issue slide. Being wise after the event does not help. Firstly, would like to address the issue raised by Prap: 'I am also wary of the possibility of some hungry wolves around here that will benefit from someone not taking their pick this early in the draft, it could easily sway their position on this. Sorry if that offends you but it could be the case.' Hungry wolves is good. It would be very nice to have 18 committed and hungry wolves. From where I sit, passing over pick #7 benefits, in fairly equal measure, 17 other coaches. One particularly hungry wolf might move up one position, but so does everybody else. The effect is pretty much the same as someone taking Brodie Grundy with their first pick. Since he was not all that high on everyone's list, effectively they all move up one. And thank you for it, hungry or no. Also, am pretty sure everyone, except Nick, have decided who they want with their first pick and are unlikely to adjust this greatly. Just means their chances of landing that one are marginally improved. Am I missing something?
  15. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And this from chels......... 'Seems to me we need to have a confirmation round to make sure every member of ORFFA is still in before a draft. We write into the agreement that if you do not confirm (say one week before hand) you forfeit your team, thereby allowing a new coach to get immersed in the draft.' This, to me at least, might provide some help. Open to thoughts, but if we asked everyone to re-register after our (say) ORFFA Grand Final laying out very clearly the penalties for not meeting the delistment deadline, not showing up for the draft, etc. Ant makes the point that he is into other things off-season but knew when he had to be back here. Perhaps now having a calendar helps in this regard. Any views?
  16. ChiefRussell

    ChiefRussell Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  17. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Skipping. Let's not suggest the Frog case is setting a precedent. The normal draft rule, as laid out, is that after 18 hours you fail to show up, your pick is passed over and the draft continues. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, you get to take that pick in the next round. This is designed for coaches who, for possibly no good reason at all, did not turn up at the appointed hour or within 18 hours of the time thereof. It does not eliminate the problem of a disinterested coach, but it does provide some incentive to be a participant. In the case of the Frogs, however, the rule has been applied with the difference being that the #7 is no longer available in any round. That is because it is known that Nick is not a participant now, nor in the future. Thus a penalty applies. Some might suggest that this is putting any new coach at a disadvantage. Debatable. Look at our two latest coaches and look at the odds CR is giving for them. It is possible to trade your way in. So the Frog's case is a bit unusual, otherwise the normal rule above is applied. TigersTooTough is interested, but due to Year 12 commitments this year can't be as active as he would like in forums, etc. He has acknowledged the need to enter a team each week. He has also been appraised of being in for the long haul. Fitzy is annoyed that Nick refused to trade with him, so he is offering up another 'mate'. [span style='color: #7030a0;]At this stage I would appreciate views of all coaches, except Nick, on the proposal for TigersTooTough to inherit the Far Kew franchise.
  18. bama

    bama Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All sounds fair and reasonable, well done TiB on a swift outcome.
    Now lets all move forward with gusto and enthusiasm!

  19. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ORFFA. Gusto and enthusiasm our motto, Jack Frost our patron saint.
  20. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have no issue with anyone you feel passes muster taking up a team Terry, we may need some form of anti-mogul rule to keep Fitzy's influence in check though.. [span style='font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.3;]Joke!
    I think that yourself and an alternate (I am happy enough if required) to hold at a bare minimum the email address of each coach, any further contact info also handy.
    I like the idea of re-affirmation on at least a seasonal basis, probably confirm at the end of the year that you are still wanting in and then again preseason.
    I am also strongly in favour of people buddying up with another coach (or some other form of proxy), exchanging login details and thus ensuring a better chance that they will be listing a team each week.
    Back to my patch, that pick will have to be rescheduled as a team of 25 isn't in the game, unless advised by Terry otherwise it's now the final pick of the draft, based on the numbers I have done this will still net a serviceable player.

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