The Josh Gibson - Jack Grimes Dilemma

Discussion in 'AFL' started by BennyC88, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. BennyC88

    BennyC88 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm just pondering over this and it could be a masterstroke.... or my season up in a inferno.

    I have Jack Grimes in my side and he's been solid. On a shorter price, Josh Gibson is on fire.

    Now, this has a connecting saga. I'll have a fair amount of money left over and with that money I could trade out Andrew Swallow for Dane Swan.

    Now the dilemma could be self-explanatory, but if I trade out Grimes for Gibson will there be a chance of a "points-reversal" with Grimes doing well while Gibson going down in points production.

    I know the Dees face the Witches Hats this week but I'm wondering if I hold out I'll miss out on Gibson or even Swannie.

    Midfield is solid (Pendles, Bartel, A.Swallow, Boak, Shuey, D.Swallow [Higgins, Libba, Harris]).

    So few questions:
    Should I do the trade or hold out?
    Will Gibson's form hold up?
    Will Grimes break out?
  2. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With Stratton going down, I'd be holding off a week on Gibbo and seeing who we bring in and how it functions without him.

    Gilham may need to play taller than what he is again, and the 3rd man up at some contests might not be possible if we don't bring in a like for like replacement.

    With the Eagles this week, Gibbo is likely to get stuck on a bloke twice his size so I wouldn't worry about getting on just yet.
  3. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Side note here Spud...thoughts on Suckling? How does the Stratton injury affect him, aside from maybe making him a perm def for the next 4-6 weeks.

    Can he sustain his average or will roles be shuffled to cover Stratts?

    Looking for ANY reason to remove Otten down back...

    Tks mate
  4. RonBurgundy

    RonBurgundy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd keep Grimes
    13 Carlton players scored above 100,10 bulldogs I think his price should rise then bye rnd 5 for melb,Hawks bye rnd 6 2 more games to see how if gibson can keep it up than hawks bye so no need to rush your trade till after rnd 6 bye than you should know who is the real deal
  5. RonBurgundy

    RonBurgundy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    against Gold coast(carl, dogs)
  6. bonesy

    bonesy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tom Murphy the likely replacement for Stratton. Structure shouldn't change much. Suckling's in the team for his pace, so I can't imgaine them using him in a different role
  7. bonesy

    bonesy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    also, trading Grimes for Gibson is a classic case of chasing last weeks points imo. their scores can easily start going the other way. just look at the Goodes Vs O'keefe vindication seesaw
  8. jb

    jb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Whats the go with Bruce? Was there any reason for him being the sub? And his low scores?
    I think he must be traded. What you Hawk boys think?

    For mine Grimes has more potential for a higher average than Gibson but Gibson is clearly in a team that will have far more wins this year.
  9. BennyC88

    BennyC88 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah was only pondering, most likely won't be doing a trade this week anyway.

    In a way it is sort of the case of chasing last week's points, but the thing is the week before that Gibson did well also. So it wasn't like one huge spike from the average scores. Grimes has just been solid and I was wishing he'd score more than his 80's, since Duigan is doing the solid 80's himself

    Wouldn't see too much of Bruce as a sub. Most likely the last time he'll be sub. Jordan Lewis revealed they are on a rotation for the sub. Appears to be the case for all subs with the exception of the Eagles with Gaff being tried as a "super-sub" until he can work a full game

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