Time to jump on Fyfe?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by BennyC88, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. BennyC88

    BennyC88 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He's been flying, but the question that would be raised is: is trading for him just points chasing, or is he a legit player to get? He brings in the points and a MPP.

    What's your thoughts?
  2. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    X factor move you might need to make up in the overall scheme, he has a bye coming up so I might wait till round 7 possibly trade krak if I have the cash
  3. aj

    aj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Glad someone brought this up :)

    Thinking of burning a couple of trades to get through the next 2 rounds. I've got Grimes, Grundy and Jack on the pine this week, with Broughton, Buddy, Pav and Cyril next week.

    Counter-intuitively thinking of going Grundy to Fyfe this week, then Cyril either back to Grundy or to any of Sylvia, ROK, Goodes or even Missy the following.

    It's two sideways trades in two weeks, but I'm figuring that that is what those extra trades are for and frankly, relying on Matera, Richardson, Markovic or Pedersen to provide adequate cover doesn't inspire me with confidence. Happy to let those guys slow-burn or MPP in the absence of any promising forward rookies, but on current form, Fyfe and whoever I move Cyril for will nett me 100 points plus easily over the next coupple of weeks. Would also make up to 60k in the process, aking a little of the sting out of the trades.

    It just comes back to it being a long season. Those extra trades could really come in handy in 6 months. My team average should get me 2250 this week which is ok for a multi bye imho. I don't particularly want to think about round 6 right now. All that helps is that Pav and Buddy have been worth the risk. Cyril would have been but for the MRP

    In response to your question, it depends on what you need Fyfe for. If your coverage is good and, then by waiting a fortnight, you gamble on missing out on his points this week, but having most of them covered anyway. Furthermore, he's only in 8% of teams, so you shouldn't be losing the march on too many teams by holding off.

    In a normal year, it wouldn't be wise to make the trade when you know he's about to miss a week. The extra cost to pick him up in round 7 will be in the order of 65k maybe. You should get that out of the Krak and either Tapscott or Darling by that stage so financially it makes sense to wait.

    He is a second year player so he should tire at some stage. I think his second bye is out at about round 16 though so that might work well for him.

    So at the moment, yeah he's totally on my watchlist. I've some sort of pretty flimsy justification for getting him now, but it could be too pricey in trades value. Will probably hold off for now and join the stampede in a couple of weeks.
  4. aj

    aj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry about the lack of paragraphing too. Do I need to add HTML tags to get that?
  5. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fyfe is good, but second year player. Like you said although he will rise, so will the player your trading (unless it's taylor walker)
  6. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    aj, IE doesn't show paragraph spacing in the forums. I use Firefox and your post above looks just fine to me.
  7. demonspud

    demonspud Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You make some good points aj.

    And chrome does the paragraph break function.

    Would like to get Fyfe, though my strategy is now shot since my expectations of some of my rooks not performing and my mid-pricers are so I can't drop them.

    Going to be a late charge from me and by then I will be well out of contention. Give me league.
  8. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If anyone is contemplating getting Fyfe, it should be for the long haul and not just chasing last week's score. He should be a crucial component of your MPP strategy, offering the opportunity to bolster your FWD or MID lines.

    He is in a similar basket to Shuey and Shiels, likely to be inconsistent over the length of the season, but hopefully providing reward when you need it most. If you already have Pav, he fills the same role. Higgins also does it for about 100k extra. If your idea is to turn Fyfe into a Swan or similar before finals, he should give a good return. Problem is those odd 150+ scores will make him hard to let go.

    He is a second year player and does not fit GnR, but buyers choice.
  9. damnfunky

    damnfunky New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    my plan is to burn a trade (i've only used 1 so far):
    Krak for fyfe

    About round 8 trade out fyfe for selwood in a double trade, probably trading out darling as well.

    not chasing the big score, but the $$$. Doing the fyfe thing will make me an extra $60,000 in the next few weeks where I cant see krak doing much.
  10. BennyC88

    BennyC88 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah I was pondering a move for him, he'll bolster my forward line that's for sure. But might need to make a move from the midfield to get him, which I won't be doing unless it's Swanny which will be after the pie's bye. Already have Higgins so really shouldn't be thinking about it. In the long run Higgins should be more consistent anyway.

    But in the game of Supercoach, they seem to love proving me wrong haha
  11. theclaud

    theclaud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I started with Fyfe.

    Looked really good last year, advantage of being over West and getting to watch him play more. And his preseason was good too. I think he was at a discounted rate too due to injury last year too.

    He was very much like Barlow in the sense that he fit in the team and made his impact straight away, which made me think he might be a good pick up this year.

    And he has been so far. Though some of my other picks or should i say non picks (Swan) hasn't worked out so far.

    I have him and Higgins as my swing men, which was great cover for me last round.

    Doubt he can cositantly pull out the +100 scores, but I'll guess only time will tell.
  12. theclaud

    theclaud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just to add

    I wouldn't say he was a keeper though, as Terry said he'll probably be and bit up and down. So with his jump in price over the next round and the bye coming up, you may be better to hold off on him. Might be a case of chasing last weeks points here.

    But it really bepends on your situation.

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