Too Serious' Fantasy Football Best and Fairest.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by PIEMAN, Apr 8, 2009.

By PIEMAN on Apr 8, 2009 at 10:00 AM

    PIEMAN New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We here at Too Serious think its a damned shame that there are all these dedicated fantasy football coaches and not enough ways for them to be repaid for their efforts with some cold hard cash. So we got to thinking that there needs to be a fantasy Brownlow equivalent and who better to provide it than... us. :D

    How it works
    Each week, points from 3 to 1 will be awarded to the players who have the highest score, per game, from each competition (3 being the highest and 1 the third highest). These scores will be tallied throughout the season to find our fantasy football best and fairest players. Ahh yes. The fairest bit. Any player who is suspended throughout the season is immediately disqualified.

    How to play
    The rules are - You pick one player from DreamTeam and one player from Supercoach. You cannot pick the same player twice and you cannot pick two players from the same team (so kiss goodbye to your Ablett/Bartell combo right now :p ). Pick these guys carefully because once youve picked them, theyre yours for the season.

    The winner at the end of the season is the guy who has the highest score with his two picks totals combined.

    How to enter
    Any person who donates (or has donated this year) $10 or more to TooSerious is allowed to enter. Just email your two picks with your user name to me at before round 5 lockout. That would be Friday, 24 April 2009 To avoid any confusion, please make it clear who is your SuperCoach pick and who is your DreamTeam pick. Remember you dont need to actually coach a team in both competitions to play in this one. Just take a stab.

    To become eligible to enter (if youre not already), hit that donate button up there and go to town on that bad boy. :D

    The prizes
    Currently, the prize pool is $500. In the case of a draw, the prize pool will be split evenly between the winning competitors. I say the prize pool is *currently* $500 because it could be readjusted in an upwardly direction depending on the level of interest and numbers of people wanting to play.

    So get involved. Get your friends involved. Get those people you dont really like involved. Yes... workmates and family can (and should) play too. Remember that the more who play, the more we pay. This has got to be one of the easiest ways to walk away with a fistful of cash this year and the best way to help keep this site up and running. :)


Discussion in 'Blog' started by PIEMAN, Apr 8, 2009.

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