Tooserious Keeper League for NBA

Discussion in 'Basketball' started by trav00, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Hi for anyone interested Im going to set up a keeper league for NBA basketball forall us who really do take things tooseriously. LOL. Its going to run in line with the usual fantasy hoops we play every year organised through this group. So far its just an interest thing once I get an interest wellstart to look atleague set up etc. So to start with can I please get a comment for all those interested and your TS name and we will take it from there cheers Trav
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  3. Troy

    Troy Guest

    Yeah I'm def keen sign me up.
  4. costak

    costak New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    count me in too trav
  5. Lano24

    Lano24 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guys, I'm keen to play keeper league
  6. karlos

    karlos Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm in Trav
  7. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Ok so that list plus the extras that gives us 12. you can have a total of 20 but I have issues with quality of teams the more we have? what do we think? should we knock that on the head at the 12? or go a little bit further and see what happens? ant are you joining?
  8. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Trav, Count me in you have room. I am not fussed if I miss out because of numbers.
  9. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    no worries steve. I think ill just wait and see numbers in total and go from there. so evryone keep putting in interest.
  10. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    I'm in, and I'm on Ants list :) I don't mind how many teams we have, more interested in squad sizes, Thanks for setting it up Trav
  11. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Well I think the more we have the smaller the squads will need to be.
  12. dabombers

    dabombers Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If there's room to fit measly old me in then I'd love to play for keeps.
    The salary cap version of fantasy has always interested me. GM style. Makes teams with lebron or durrant have to plan teams filled with rookies or lower ranked PPG players.

  13. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Yeah thats it dabombers, If we do this through ESPN which is probably going to be the easiest way to do it they have an auction draft to do just that.
  14. G-Train

    G-Train Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This was a great idea for this forum. I'm up for any format, and go as deep as you like as I personally follow pretty closely. I presume we will need to get the scoring pretty spot on if we are using points, but I a not too phased as I will draft accordingly.

  15. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Ok we got some great interest, so far we have 13. Looks like thats more then likely going to be the number which works out perfectly. What i would like everyone to do is look at this website comp. Its pretty full on, but from what im reading here with comments I think this is exactly what you are looking for in terms of 'KEEPER' leagues. Egnore the 30 team dynasty stuff as firstly we dont have that many and secondly I think thats to 'HARDCORE' for us to just start out with. Im looking at a 14 team draft league with the same principles as your everyday keeper league but it has the idea of running your team as 'GM', has salary caps, deals with real dollars, still has a draft in which it can be an auction or your standard snake draft. This website is alot more full on in terms of keeper league. what turns me off somewhat is that fact but also it will be the first time alot of us has done this sort of fantasy and maybe get a little hard but we learn as we go. Otherwise the other option is to use the keeper comp which I have played with last couple years, get it started and by the end of the season if successful etc then we move it to the real gm websites. please have a look and let me know what you all think. P.S. if you have an idea for other sites bring it up. its OUR league so lets work together to make it the best experience and the most fun for ALL of us.
  16. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    im happy with either mate, ive played espn before so its more familiar to me, but willing to learn as we go. 1 conference is my only preference
  17. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Hi all. How we going with looking at that website? I would like to get this sorted so I can get numbers and gives us time to get others if need be.
  18. karlos

    karlos Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey Trav, with the lack of response to a change in system I think we go the ESPN option. It would be my preference given we will be logged on every day for our non-keeper leagues.
  19. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Yeah looking that way Karlos. Not an issue really, If it is a success we can always transfer it over which a benefit of that website. Ill give it another day and see if anyone else comments in. otherwise ill just go ahead and do it.
  20. trav00

    trav00 Guest

    Ok. Also im going to cut it off at the total so far of 14 players. Thats more then enough. Those players are - Karlos, ddsaints, philosoraptor, stowie, fez, crossy, mick, rev, troy, costak, lano24, steve, dabombers and myself.

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