Trade Bait - The Run Home...

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Dirty Dog, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Dirty Dog

    Dirty Dog Guest

    5 Trades Left:

    Who do I trade and in what order?

    1. Lower
    2. JRoo
    3. Poops
    4. Peds
    5. Johnson, Alex
    6. Ryder
    7. Smith

    Cant do them all, so using their numbers give me your 3,2,1 to trade and who for.

    Cash no worries.
    League only
  2. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Depends of your team is all premiums and you are just looking to trade Out Of Form Premiums for In Form Premiums
    1. Ryder >> Cox if you don't have him, Mumford has the Bye this week but could prove handy if you can wait a week, POD for your run home.
    2. JRoo >> He keeps snagging the goals but can't score high enough to be a premium forward >> Franklin/O'Keefe if you can wait/Davis as a POD, Pavlich, LeCras maybe Cyril as a POD?
    3. Alex Johnson, assuming you're going for a premium defender, then Fisher with 30 and 70 subbed in recent times has seen his price plummet and could be a good time to get him, has GC this week. Broughton in fantastic form, Birchall, Lids if you can wait a week if you don't have. Avoid Hurn if you don't have him, had great games but very inconsistent always a chance of him knocking up 20-40

    Really depends on how your team looks..
  3. BleedingPurpleAndWhite

    BleedingPurpleAndWhite New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon we really need to know your full line up before we give you full & in-depth advice on what to do with this bunch of players. That way we can see if you still need premium spots or looking at bench options or whatever it is... We then can also see how your team stacks up with this week's multi bye round and SC League Finals as you're League only.
  4. Dirty Dog

    Dirty Dog Guest

    Thanks for your comments, here is my full Line Up Gents:

    Lids, Fish, Godd, Gibb, Peds, Low, Poops, Johnson, Andreoli

    Pendles, Swan, Boyd, Judd, Chap, Selwood, Mitch, Harris, Jacobs

    Ryder, Smith - Mccauley, Tippett

    Pav, ROK, Goods, Sylvia, Petrie, JRoo, Davis, Frank, Richardson

  5. Jake_in_NT

    Jake_in_NT New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here are my thoughts
    *Swap Petrie into the Rucks for Tippett allowing JRoo to still be bench cover if Frank is Franklin*
    *You need another gun backmen, this is also about the cash, you say it's not a problem yet we don't know whether it's for 1 trade, 2 trades or your remaining 5 trades. I.d probably trade Alex Johnson or Paul Puopolo. As Sainter mentioned Broughton is in fantastic form in the Midfield, I reckon Johncock would ve a good option, I can't see him playing too many more defensive roles because Milney kiked 8 on him, Grant Birchall has turned himself into a premium and probably the next best choice*
    *Another backmen, again, whoever you didn't trade out of Poops & AlJon trade now. Just go for the best Defender you can get*

    Sorry to be picky like others above - but if you mention your salary it can give us a clear idea on how many premiums for midpricers swaps you can afford.

  6. Dirty Dog

    Dirty Dog Guest

    Thanks Jake n NT.

    Got 435K in the bank.

    Good responses fella's, some I hadnt considered.

  7. Dirty Dog

    Dirty Dog Guest

    Thanks Jake n NT.

    Got 435K in the bank.

    Good responses fella's, some I hadnt considered.


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