Trade Krak down to...

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Holey, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Holey

    Holey Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So the time has come to trade down the Krak, with him unlikely to be recalled in to the rd 6 line up, and the bye coming up, $240k on the bench just won't cut it...especially considering he may need to go to avoid a donut in rd 6 with so many stars out...(congrats to those who have already gotten rid of him).

    And in terms of a POD, he is still the no.1 player in the comp in terms of % teams he is in, so now is the time to make up some points...

    But who is the man to come in - ideally you can pick up $120-130k spare change for him (with only $30-40k of that being profit)?
  2. NedFlanders

    NedFlanders Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Depends on whether you are trading him out of your mid or out of your fwd line.

    Could easily go Krak to Hibberd and Knights to JRoo. Would cost me MF DPP, but reckon I could cope.
  3. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    I'm looking at Polec and Wallis ATM. In the back of my mind I'm also aware that with Swan and Pendles in my team, come round 7 I'll need to start one of Libba and the above mentioned players on the ground. Which is a bit hard to predict two weeks in advance.

    It's that old risk/reward chestnut.
  4. Moonwalker

    Moonwalker New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Personally I only have Franklin and Fyfe (MPP to midfield bench) to deal with in R6 so I'll look to trade him down in R7 as he could easily play next week.

    I don't see why there is a rush to downgrade Krakouer this week with no midfield rookies sitting on two games with definite job security - wait and see on Wallis/Iles. A forward upgrade is different and preferable but Chapman, Rioli, Franklin, Fyfe, Pavlich and Johnson are all unavailable to play this week. It might pay to be patient is all I'm saying, especially if you have cover this round or MPP.
  5. Moonwalker

    Moonwalker New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Personally I only have Franklin and Fyfe (MPP to midfield bench) to deal with in R6 so I'll look to trade him down in R7 as he could easily play next week.

    I don't see why there is a rush to downgrade Krakouer this week with no midfield rookies sitting on two games with definite job security - wait and see on Wallis/Iles. A forward upgrade is different and preferable but Chapman, Rioli, Franklin, Fyfe, Pavlich and Johnson are all unavailable to play this week. It might pay to be patient is all I'm saying, especially if you have cover this round or MPP.
  6. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Be careful with Krak.
    Trades to Polec, Hibberd or Wallis look to be knee-jerk.
    Krak has scored 100, 36 (in a quarter as sub), 80 and then a shocker with 50-something.
    Although Krak has been dropped, Wallis has just begun, so has Polec and Hibberd is in the VFL.
    If the $100K+ gain allows you to upgrade to an important player then fair enough.
    But if it’s a ‘doubtful’ rookie who will sit on the bench I wouldn’t do it.
    And if it’s a ‘doubtful’ upgrade I wouldn’t do it either.
    The trade of Krak > Whoever would need to be good.
    Yes, I’m a Pie fan but my team only has Pendles, Krak and Keeffe so you can’t say I’m too biased.
    If you can wait to see what Malthouse does with Krak, then I suggest you wait.
    I’m certainly waiting as I think Krak will be a SC ripper.
  7. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    <blockquote>Quote from Moonwalker on April 25, 2011, 21:01
    I don't see why there is a rush to downgrade Krakouer this week with no midfield rookies sitting on two games with definite job security - wait and see on Wallis/Iles. </blockquote>

    Um, Polec?
  8. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Krak's the same as he was at Richmond. All promise with no delivery.

    I've seen enough in 100 games at the Tigers + the 4 at Collingwood. I should've known better given my previous watching of him as a Tigers fan, but fell into the trap and now paying for it.

    Bye byer Krak, and not before time.
  9. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah, I see him as a SC experiment that failed (could be proved wrong) as it is now hard to see him getting back in to the team for a while. My other failed experiment C Knights was part of a double trade this week. Krak to Iles(early jump I know) and Knights to JRoo (loving that one so far).
  10. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I had him in my forward line with no mpp link and was stretched thin with Darling and Tapscott not playing and a weak emergency in Richardson so I pulled the trigger earlier than planned and brought in Higgins.

    As for downgrade targets if you go that way...with Krak in the mids an option to look for could be Buckley, if selected obviously, who's currently sitting on 2 games with a BE of -50
  11. banz

    banz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For those that keep him, have no doubt that he will do okay as the year goes on.

    Personally, I took him to Petrie this week, just got tired of wondering if he would be sub, or would be subbed every week. Just want an F7 who you know will be playing.
  12. swerva3

    swerva3 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree with banz...think he will do ok for those that hang on, BE is only 26 when he plays again and will probably plateau out at about 300k maybe unless he has a couple of blinders which he is capable of.

    Got cover for him this week but no emergencies in the midfield a big chance of a donut with bad news on existing players between now and the weekend. Im going to hold on though and not pull the trigger yet.

    A downgrade to Polec hardly seems worth it to bank 70k...reckon Krak will ave more anyway if he gets his spot back.
  13. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you didn't have Petrie, going Krak to Petrie wouldve been the best trade possible. Now its going to be harder to jump off him successfully. I may sit on him another week and see. Have to deal with Rioli and Yarran now as well.
  14. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Probably worth a good look at team lists this week.

    Also worth knowing where you have him.

    I could put him out for JTip but that's a short term move to get Petrie in, which I can wait a week from without causing any damage whatsoever.

    Krak down really as a forward could only be done to JTip or Johnson, both with next to no job security, but will give cash to upgrade in the middle a week early. The issue with that is there's no one perfectly priced for that strike in that position.
  15. banz

    banz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ouch Nick, Tough week mate :(

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