Trades or Donuts?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by H_Dons, May 29, 2012.

  1. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So I sat down tonight and really put some planning into my BYE strategy.

    I have found I can get through the BYE rounds with 2 donuts in round 11, and none in the other rounds.

    This would leave me with a fully upgraded team, and 3 trades left for the season to cover injuries.

    But is that enough spare trades?

    All of my trades to avoid donuts involve purely upgrades and downgrades - no sideways.

    EXCEPT for two of my round 12 trades, which would involve getting rid of Dempsey and Watson to avoid donuts. I could also save another trade by keeping Giles in R2, but I can always upgrade him if need be.

    So my question is - is it worth making those two trades in round 12? Or should I just cop the donuts, and have 5-6 trades left to cover any potential hiccups in the back half of the season.

    Opinions please!
  2. Powerfan777

    Powerfan777 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Trades are more important in my opinion - injuries or form slumps are going to be inevitable and three trades would be pushing it too thin. Five trades would probably be acceptable if your team is finalised!
  3. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    More important is what your goal is...
    If you're going for overall, and a legitimate chance, then $50k says trade like a mofo.

    However, if you're going for leagues, you need to cast an eye over your opponents... For that round and beyond. How are they sitting? Will you cruise through without trading, or is it going to be a bloodbath? If you do lose, will it really affect your long term ladder position?

    All questions that need to be answered before considering trades...
  4. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well this is just my second season of SC so unsure of my position.

    Ranked in the 4000's and I am just over 1000 points off the leader...too far away? Most likely.

    I am 160 points behind the top player in one of my leagues...and he is ranked 1800.

    IMO my team is fairly strong, and all of my rookies have already or are about to moo soon so I can upgrade to the best premiums.

    I haven't analysed my opponents over the BYE rounds so might get on that! I'm 2nd in 3 leagues and 5th in my last league.

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