Ive started a new thread cos some of the people involved arent donors and wanted them to have their say on stuff. Alright we have 18!!! Below is the complete list ill send a tweet to everyone so they can confirm. Please post your TS name if its not next to your name (so i can send code etc) @ant_hak - anthak @stkildathunda - stkildathunda @lucasgarth - Lucas @DirtyWhorks - dirtywhorks @chris8875 - chris88 @doobsia - Doobs @smittys07 @jpk82 - JPK @TooSerious_ - Walsey @ichero - Hornsy @fanniebay - HudsonFysh @lockie_campbell - apolis @TheStowMan - Stowie @Johnson_FBay - Johnson @au_sesquip @tillob2110 - bgt2110 @deasend - deasend @hevvieevvie - FlyUp So is everyone happy with making it a $20 cash league? Will be $360 in the pot so was thinking. Total Points - $140 Premier - $100 Runner Up - $70 TooSerious Donation - $50
quoting Homer Simpson: "Twenty dollars! I wanted a peanut! sure, $20 sounds good, although I'd recommend flicking a few bob the way of whoever gets the highest round score too
Alright guys ive sent everyone the code via Direct Message on Twitter, so check your messages on there! How do we want to arrange payment? Will put deadline of 1 week before season starts to have payment made. Everyone still happy with $20?
Also in case you all didnt get me tweet with the code and used the one i sent via DM, make sure you dont join the DM one!! Thats the wrong code. If your not in a league called #TSTWITS then your in wrong one and your in my own private league... Just a minor stuff up!! haha