Upgrade Planning

Discussion in 'AFL' started by JPK, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For the first time I've gone with a GNR strategy, with a 13-1-16 spread at the moment. Assuming my mid-pricer is the right choice and becomes a premium, I'm effectively starting with 14 keepers. From here I need to upgrade 8 players to premiums for a complete team.

    The way I see it you'll need "1-up 1-down and some cash" for each upgrade because each rookie is worth around 110k while the premiums will be around the 500k mark. So if two rookies go up 200k each, then when you trade them out that'll be around 620k in total. Take off the 110k for the downgrade, and you have around 510k for a premium each time. I can't see this working 8 times over, because you'll either run out of time waiting for the cows to moo, or you'll simply fall short and have to pick a "cheaper premium".

    Is it fair for me to budget 16 trades for direct up-down trading, 1-2 for tweaking prior to R3, another 1-2 for LTI's (lets call that a total of 3), plus 2-3 downgrades purely for cash generation, in which case I'll likely only have 3 trades unaccounted for across the season for anything completely unforeseen (such as negating tactics and the general)??? Is this normally how the GNR upgrade plan works?
  2. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    8 for downgrades
    8 for upgrades
    8 for cover (inc 2 pre-R3 trades)

    Nice symmetry to it imo.

    Could be all thrown out the window come bye time. :D
  3. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Last year i was really going for the leauges, keeping trades for late but after seeing impromptu's team im thinking about doing what he did, go all out early, but maybe il keep a few extra for late, as it seems injurys follow my team year in year out....
  4. gbj

    gbj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Newbie with TS please forgive any stupid things I say below. :)

    Plan A
    I tried your 13-1-16 spread as above yes it works, but found it left me very limited in $ to choose rookies.

    Plan B
    One CHEAPER premium in each section leaving extra cash for rookie choice (good)
    But is that not going towards mid price players?

    Plan C
    Take a risk and select injured players returning, they are just expensive rookies e.g. Lake,Porplyzia & Winderlich e.t.c. if they come thru NAB games they are not such a risk unless history of injuries e.g. Porplyzia (keep until broken then trade up) EXTRA CASH COWS. :D

    As we see (2011 SUPERCOACH champion's Jay To / impromptu's), those that are prepared to take a risk CAN reap the rewards. Lets face it if you don't take the risk you are just one of the VERY BIG COWARD. :(

    Thank you for taking the time to read my views ALWAYS open to suggestion. :?
  5. gbj

    gbj Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    port_leschenault as above

    8 for downgrades
    8 for upgrades
    8 for cover (inc 2 pre-R3 trades)

    Could be all thrown out the window come bye time.

    6 trades for injuries,I wish I had your luck if that's all you need for injuries

    If you incorporate downgrades/upgrades into bye weeks kill 2 birds with one stone.

    Very simple on paper at least. :x

  6. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My plan is to use 3 trades in the first 5 rounds. Then trade hard from then on and have a full premium team by round 13/14 hopefulling I'll still have 3 trades to get me through the rest of the season.
  7. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The problem will be when a rookie doesn't moo as quickly as we need or not at all.
    It's inevitable that a double downgrade will be needed on some occasions. To upgrade 8 players might require 12 (or more) downgrades leaving only 4 for early corrections and LTI's.
  8. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You could also get premiums at very cheap prices thereby saving you money/trades.

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