What are we shooting for?

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Thrice, Jul 16, 2009.

By Thrice on Jul 16, 2009 at 10:00 AM
  1. Thrice

    Thrice New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We know that a handful of us here are shooting for the 50k and boy, Im happy to live vicariously though you.

    However, what about the rest of us? Cause there has been a bit of a discussion on this pop up in the comments recently.

    Essentially, the assumption is, that once youre out of the running for the overall prize, you pull up stumps and concentrate on league wins and the associated bragging rights that go with them.

    However, for myself, and other I assume, thats not always the plan. I am aiming for as high an overall as I possibly can get. I want to stay top 1000, break into the top 500 - even the top 100.

    I dont want to play safe, save trades or be conservative simply to better my chances at covering a pair of theoretical zeros in the finals.

    Of course, that doesnt mean Im going to go out and do something stupid either. Ive worked around a plan that has gotten me all premiums in all positions except two (Broughton/Grimes as the 7th back, Anthony/Rich/Beams as the 6th Mid). All the while keeping fairly good coverage on the bench.

    Essentially, Ive been tailoring the trades Ive been making, and the risks Ive been taking, with the idea that Im after OVERALL points. And if I win my GF, well thats just gravy.

    Having said that, of the three leagues Im in, one of them is Rank #1, one rank #6 and the other, rank 9000+

    The top two leagues, as you would imagine, Im middle of the pack, and am 50/50 to make the finals in the first place, whilst the other league, Im sitting in second behind an undefeated Sheedy (But almost a whole WEEKS score infront of him in the overall...)

    So theres not a lot I can do really, good strong footy is need to make the finals in the tough leagues, and then if the chips fall for the finals, they fall. The third league though, Im expecting to cruise. Except for one thing. I *know* that at least one person in that league, is sitting on 8 trades. With a decent enough team to make a real challenge of it should injuries strike.

    But if they strike, well hey. Thats the risk Ive taken, and Im not going to be too beat up about it. (Plus hey, its not like theres 15 slabs on the line!)

    Now, to wrap up this stupidly long post, I spose what Im asking here, is what philosophy do *you* subcribe to? Because a lot of the advise we offer here depends greatly on what youre aims are for the season. (see: that unwritten post of mine about trading. I keep mentioning bits and pieces of it in the forums.)

    Oh, and one last thing. Carn Aussies! I traded Cook OUT of my dreamteam this week! Dont let him get the ton! :)


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Thrice, Jul 16, 2009.

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