whats bad for the neighbourhood and has tracks?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by the_steadier, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. the_steadier

    the_steadier Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No, not a junkie- it's a dirty big TANK!

    So i've decided that in an attempt to lull my Supercoach PF opponent next week into a false sense of security, i'm doing something so magical this week, AFL HQ say it doesn't exist.

    Yes that's right I'm tanking.

    I've got bigger bollocks than Dean Bailey because instead of stopping short, i'm out and proud of my tanking.

    Speaking of Melbourne, in honour of that brave young fella James Strauss, I bestow upon thee the captaincy this week as a reward for having your leg go at all manner of ungodly angles... and yet not even a single tear shed.

    Lord knows if that were me I'd be crying for mummy like no man's business.

    And in appreciation of his magnificent 32.50 average and ability to turn Drew Petrie from a ruckman to a forward, time and time again this year.. Rhys Stanley, Vice captain is all yours buddy.
    Well done on a fantastically productive year.

    Also getting a run this week are:
    Ian (seems like) "26weekHammy" Callinan;
    Joel "whatdidhejustcallme?" Wilkinson;
    Tom "willbeagoodplayerbutnotthisdecade" Lynch; and
    Zac "wowyoureallyshouldhavetradedme8weeksago" Smith.

    Now of course when you put this much stellar talent on the paddock at once there are always going to be a few unlucky exclusions.

    The outs for this week include (reason for omission in brackets):

    Goddard (family reunion at pentridge)
    Delidio (facial soreness and butt hurt)
    Fisher (Roger Ramjet Lookalike contest)
    Swan (too scared to leave the house because of a scary old cleaner)
    Ablett (stuck in scrooge mcduck style moneypile)
    Cox (sore ribs from laughing at Melbourne last week)
    Franklin (injunctivitus)
    Rioli (new running style has developed into a ballet prance, adjustment needed)

    So there you have it folks, if tanking didn't exist before- it certainly does now.

    And you heard that straight from the mouth of an AFL (super)coach
  2. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For a second, I thought;
    "What the ****, don't tell me you Just did that, wtf!!!! "

    But then I realised (or I think) that you have the week off this week and you are not versing anyone, and you're ALREADY in the PF, not trying to get in this week, I understand, however, what is the point of this? He'll be studying your team all week, and you putting your stars on the bench, this will not effect his decision on who to field himself, he'll want to score quite well, and win quite easily so IMO no matter what you do this week will effect his decision next week. It still might throw him off guard, but he'll look at your line-up and may even pick what you're doing.

    The main reason this might not be a good idea, is that you overall ranking will fall massively, you're all leagues, but don't you want to finish as high as possible?

    Anyway, good luck for next week.
  3. the_steadier

    the_steadier Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    hey jack, yep i sure did tank with the above inclusions and omissions.
    Week off this week and not interested in overall.
    Its all about sticking it to my mates by winning our league.
    When you click on match centre this week, it only shows the live head to head games.
    Ie, it doesn't have my team vs. NA (view matchup).
    I have a sneaking suspicion that the other guys may not be as "too serious" and will just see my rubbish score this week, and take it easy next week. (by keeping trades in hand for the GF week.)
    and that is when i POUNCE! :)

    haha, well that's the theory anyway.

    I equate it to the high altitude training the AFL players do.... it's all about looking for that extra 1% advantage over your opponent.
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Very funny! And I like the tactic...
    I just hope your not in any of the top20 TS leagues! :)
  5. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    HA! That's a hilarious turn of events! :D Just don't forget to put them back on the field after lockout! :p

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