Where are you Studly Chad?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Seabass, May 4, 2012.

  1. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey guys, does anyone have an update on The Chad? Thought he would've been back this week, what injury does he actually have?

    Just wondering if I need to bite the bullet and offload him or not - with his early form I thought he may have been in the upper tier of forwards (or at least average 90-95), but now I'm not so sure, especially if he gets rested during the year, etc.

    Am thinking possible sideways to Dangerfield while he's still cheapish?
  2. Astro39

    Astro39 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Danger has an extremely poor draw next few - think his average now is as good as its going to get until the very end of the season.
  3. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Any other year I'd tend to agree with you Astro - but apart from his 39 possession game last week he's averaging low-mid 20s. So he's still getting decent points off of limited possessions, and I'm pretty sure most of his possessions are contested/hard ball gets. He's always been a bit of a burst player SC points-wise - can be 30 at half time then have a ball tearer of a quarter which gets him to 90.

    Maybe it's just because Adelaide seem to be a better side this year than the past few, which translates to him getting a bit more of the pie each week. And as others have said, his run home is gold.

    Honestly it's between Chad and Hale for me to upgrade this week, but with Sandi out I'm gonna have to swing Hale into the ruck. But if Chad's coming back soonish I might just munch a donut or two and get rid of Hale anyway.
  4. Astro39

    Astro39 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have Danger and he's staying even though I think he'll drop away the before the byes - wouldn't get him now though if I didn't have him - as you say has an awesome run home - think he's going to find it a lot harder though from now on after last weeks effort.

    Have the same issue with Hale - can swap him into the rucks now and avoid the donut - but what happens when Sandi comes back and I have three rucks with Giles? Hale is MUCH easier to trade straight out of the forwards rather than out of the rucks. Think I might eat the donut this week and leave Hale in the forwards - won't get rid of Hale just yet as the Hawks draw is opening up and McCauley was dropped this week.

  5. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hmmmm, you do have a point there about Hawthorn's draw. My only concern is Hale's scoring seems to be too dependant on McCauley NOT playing. Roughy seems to get the same amount of points regardless, but to me it seems when McCauley plays Hale spends a lot more time up forward or rotated on/off the bench with him.

    If I had a crystal ball and knew that McCauley was gonna be out of the team for a while I'd keep him for sure - went to the Hawthorn-Adelaide game and he looked fantastic, and scored accordingly. But with players like Pearce, Dangerfield, Christensen climbing in price and looking to be able to score more consistently it makes it hard.

    I don't really want to burn a trade on him, but long-term it might be in my best interests to.

    And if I knew what was going on with Chad my decision would be easier, *LOL*

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