Worst Team Of The Round - 385

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Silverback, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Silverback

    Silverback New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    good afternoon all,

    just a quick listing before the ANZAC Day game starts...

    feel a bit guilty about this week's WTOTR as there's a couple of injury inflicted scores... but it is what it is.

    hopefully your team hand none of this combo:

    Carrazzo, Andrew - CAR - $515,500 - 3
    Tapscott, Luke - MEL - $312,300 - 15
    Tape, Sebastian - GCS - $248,100 - 16
    Suban, Nick - FRE - $319,500 - 16
    Selwood, Adam - WCE - $352,000 - 19
    Rutten, Ben - ADE - $317,900 - 20
    Paine, Jackson - COL - $106,600 - 24

    Petrenko, Jared - ADE - $350,000 - 0 (c)
    Hill, Bradley - HAW - $106,600 - 7
    Wingard, Chad - PTA - $193,300 - 17
    McGinnity, Patrick - WCE - $331,700 - 19
    White, Matt - RIC - $322,100 - 20
    Harwood, Ryan - BRI - $295,100 - 20

    Cordy, Ayce - WBD - $180,000 - 25
    Sellar, James - MEL - $229,900 - 37

    Rohan, Gary - SYD - $274,700 - 13
    Harper, Keiran - KAN - $301,100 - 13
    Horlin-Smith, George - GEE - $113,200 - 14
    Maric, Addam - RIC - $315,60 - 17
    Dunn, Lynden - MEL - $349,400 - 20
    Edwards, Aaron - KAN - $415,300 - 25
    Cornes, Chad - GWS - $415,200 - 25

    bench of who you like 'cos there's $3.6m in the bank ($3.6m = 5 Ablett's)

    special mentions to:
    Israel Folau on NOT making the team. (his HUGE score of 56 fell 2 points short of surpassing his total from the first 3 rounds! Just goes to show how much of a difference Dermie can make... imagine how he'd go if he spent some time with Dunstall!)
    Keiran Harper - KAN - second mention (consecutive)
    Addam Maric - RIC - second mention (consecutive)
    Ben Rutten - ADE - second mention (consecutive)
    James Sellar - MEL - second mention
    Andrew Carrazzo, Chad Cornes and Aaron Edwards made this week's WTOTR but have all made previous TOTR's!

    Thankfully I had none of these players in my team!

    Have a great day.

    kind regards,

    The Silverback


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