Worst Trade Of The Year - The Top 8

Discussion in 'AFL' started by stkildathunda, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alright ive gone through the nominations thread and ive come up with the Top 8 trades this year that i believe are some the worst.

    They are in no particular order.

    <blockquote>Out: Selwood after round 1 concussion, fearing significant price drop in coming weeks, worrying about extended form loss In: Lenny Hayes, then does his knee</blockquote>

    <blockquote>Round 1 Out -> J.Brown In -> J.Riewoldt (0)</blockquote>

    <blockquote>Well as i said elsewhere im officially nominating my Nathan Foley to Libba trade. Did it as a cash injection and quick money making trade but since i did the trade: Foley: 110 & 140 = 250 points Libba: 84 & 74 = 158 points and only made &#36;84K from him... oh and he has been dropped now....</blockquote>

    <blockquote>was never going to say it , but my mates have been laughing at me for 1 week now so i thought i might as well share dream team last week tippet >mcculloch instead of tippet >mccauly just scrolled down to the 91k bris player when yes yes accept and didnt even notice till the round was over and looking at a doughnut sigh</blockquote>

    <blockquote>I think this one takes the cake... Traded out GRIMES for adcock, 2 seconds after i clicked confirm, I realised I was actually trading out GIBBS for adcock...FAIL!! :(</blockquote>

    <blockquote>Lower > Gilbee in round 9. Lower scores 143, Gilbee gets 53. Follows up with a 37 and is then dropped in round 11. Shocker.</blockquote>

    <blockquote>Changed out Swan to Selwood because didn't want his cash wasted on the bench when news of Arizona hit. Selwood then gets suspended. Then trades Selwood to Bartel (Cat for a Cat) thinking that he's output would go up. Bartel then concusses himself. Looks like he will now go Bartel to Swan. 3 trades down the toilet.</blockquote>

    <blockquote>For me it was Jobe in against Lions and put the big C on him. Then brought in Mundy for him only to loose Mundy not long after</blockquote>
  2. AndrewW

    AndrewW New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I would rank them,

    1. Swan > Selwood > Bartel > Swan
    2. Selwood > Hayes
    3. Brown > J Riewoldt
    4. Foley > Liberatore
    5. Lower > Gilbee
    6. ? > Watson > Mundy
    7. Gibbs > Adcock
    8. Tippet > McCulloch
  3. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Swan-Selwood-Bartel-Swan definitely the worst, trades are like gold and there is 3 wasted to only end up with the same player he had before!
  4. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No come on guys for mine Gibbs to Adcock was a shocker because he meant to do Grimes!

    Gibbs was more than serviceable after then while Adcock did his finger. A complete waste of two trades and no upgrade or MPP in sight.

    First two were just bad luck in timing so you can't hold it against them.

    So my top 8:
    1) Gibbs (Grimes) to Adcock
    2) Swan to himself via Selwood and Bartel
    3) Lower to Gilbee (unmitigated disater!)
    4) Foley to Libba
    5) Watson to Mundy
    6) Selwood to Hayes
    7) Tippett to McCulloch (Mccauley ended up crap anyway)
    8) Brown to J Roo (ended up OK if you stuck with him)
  5. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That Foley-Libba trade was actually mine and what makes it sting even more was Libba became Mundy & then 5 weeks later had to trade Mundy out!!!

    For me they would go:

    1. Swan > Selwood > Bartel > Swan
    2. Selwood > Hayes
    3. Foley - Libba
    4. Lower - Gilbee
    5. Watson - Mundy
    6. Gibbs (Grimes) - Adcock
    7. Tippett to McCulloch
    8. Brown to J Roo
  6. Tino

    Tino Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Haha, the Swan-Selwood-Bartel-Swan trade was the one I posted.

    I still think it takes the cake, especially since I can confirm that my mate did in fact bring Swan back in (which was a good trade coz he killed it after Arizona). The worst thing about it was they were all logical well thought out trades.

    Apart from the Triple-Loss back to square one trade, the Gibbs - Adcock trade is seriously bad. But this one is just based on plain stupidity... :p

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