August 2022 ORFFW Pre Season Draft

Discussion in 'ORFFW' started by FreoDockers, Aug 12, 2022.

  1. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Welcome to the Season 7 preseason draft of the ORFFW.

    By Monday 15th at noon EST everyone should have delisted their players in the delistings thread in readiness for the upcoming draft
    August 2022 ORFFW Preseason delistings | TooSerious

    We are scheduled to commence at 9pm EST on Wednesday 17th August, with the first 5 rounds being a “live” draft – 60 selections plus any compensation picks that have been awarded - with a 5 minute limit to pick.

    Please ensure you have alerts turned on for this thread with email notification, not only will you be able to see when it's your pick but you will also get a live record of which of your prospects have been "stolen" from you.

    Relevant Draft Rules (per the draft rules thread)

    A minimum of 8 players per team will be selected as per stated draft order below.

    INACTIVE players who are confirmed to be out for the entire 2022 AFLW season as at the commencement of the ORFFW Keeper Draft are ineligible to be selected in the Preseason Draft

    Welcome to the new coaches for your first ORFFW Draft – keep an eye on the other coaches selections so we can move the draft forward in a timely manner.

    @anthak @dmandrews @ver_redit_optatum @Schmitty @Len @Lachlan Brown @Tracey @Peter W @TheTassieHawk @TerryinBangkok @That KI Guy
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
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  2. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    As above Draft night for picks 1-62 to commence from 9pm August 17 (5 minutes maximum per selection, Wallabies will have 10 minutes for picks 37, 38 and 39)

    The remainder of the draft recommences at 9am (Melb time) August 18 and coaches have 6 hours to make subsequent picks 63-98, noting the clock pauses from midnight to 6am Melb time.

    Round Pick Team Player
    1 1 Wallabies Ella Roberts (WCE)
    1 2 Galahs Montana Ham (Syd)
    1 3 Demons Hannah Ewings (Port)
    1 4 Belles Gabby O'Sullivan (Frem)
    1 5 Sirens Amber Clarke (Ess)
    1 6 Trailblazers Jasmine Fleming (Haw)
    1 7 Jets Mackenzie Eardley (Haw)
    1 8 Nymphs Sarah Lampard (Mel)
    1 9 Krushers Mimi Hill (Carl)
    1 10 Mystix Kate Surman (Port)
    1 11 Valkeries Hannah Dunn (Port)
    1 12 Devils Kalinda Howarth (GCS)

    2 13 Wallabies Abbey Dowrick (Port)
    2 14 Galahs Zarlie Goldsworthy (GWS)
    2 15 Demons Mikayla Hyde (Frem)
    2 16 Belles Paige Scott (Ess)
    2 17 Sirens Sarah Goodwin (Port)
    2 18 Trailblazers Fleur Davies (GWS)
    2 19 Jets Brittany Perry (Port)
    2 20 Nymphs Aileen Gilroy (Haw)
    2 21 Krushers Annise Bradfield (GCS)
    2 22 Mystix Daisy Walker (Carl)
    2 23 Valkeries Louise Stephenson (Haw)
    2 24 Devils Jess Hosking (Rich)

    Inactive Player Comp picks (nil)

    3 25 Wallabies Amelia Radford (Ess)
    3 26 Galahs Vikki Wall (Nth)
    3 27 Demons Lily Postlethwaite (Bris)
    3 28 Belles Jackie Parry (Gee)
    3 29 Sirens Sofia Hurley (Syd)
    3 30 Trailblazers Charlotte Thomas (WCE)
    3 31 Jets Millie Brown (WBD)
    3 32 Nymphs Erin McKinnon (StK)
    3 33 Krushers Chloe Scheer (Gee)
    3 34 Mystix Nicola Stevens (StK)
    3 35 Valkeries Tait Mackrill (GWS)
    3 36 Devils Charlotte Baskaran (Haw)

    Comp 37 Wallabies (lose 7th round selection) Emilia Yassir (Ric)
    Comp 38 Wallabies (lose 8th round selection) Eliza Vale (Syd)

    4 39 Wallabies Elizabeth McGrath (Port)
    4 40 Galahs Ange Foley (Port)
    4 41 Demons Federica Frew (Ess)
    4 42 Belles Isabella Grant (WBD)
    4 43 Sirens Lexi Hamilton (Syd)
    4 44 Trailblazers Breanna Koenen (Bris)
    4 45 Jets Ellyse Gamble (WBD)
    4 46 Nymphs Jorja Borg (Ess)
    4 47 Krushers Kaitlyn Ashmore (Haw)
    4 48 Mystix Kim Rennie (Nth)
    4 49 Valkeries Lauren Szigeti (Syd)
    4 50 Devils Eliza James (Coll)

    5 51 Wallabies Hannah Stuart (StK)
    5 52 Galahs Sarah Lakay (WCE)
    5 53 Demons Elisabeth Georgostathis (WBD)
    5 54 Belles Tamara Luke (Haw)
    5 55 Sirens Jade De Melo (Port)
    5 56 Trailblazers Nell Morris-Dalton (WBD)
    5 57 Jets Sabreena Duffy (Mel)
    5 58 Nymphs Mia Busch (Ess)
    5 59 Krushers Rylie Wilcox (WBD)
    5 60 Mystix Aisling McCarthy (WCE)
    5 61 Valkeries Laura Pugh (Frem)
    5 62 Devils Lucy Wales (Haw)

    6 63 Wallabies Janelle Cuthbertson (Frem)
    6 64 Galahs Cynthia Hamilton (Syd)
    6 65 Demons Kate Darby (Gee)
    6 66 Belles Emily Pease (GWS)
    6 67 Sirens Krstel Petrevski (WCE)
    6 68 Trailblazers Olivia Barber (Coll)
    6 69 Jets Casey Sherriff (Mel)
    6 70 Nymphs Darcy Vescio (Carl)
    6 71 Krushers Cambridge McCormick (GWS)
    6 72 Mystix Kellie Gibson (WCE)
    6 73 Valkeries Alana Barba (Ess)
    6 74 Devils Olivia Vesely (StK)

    7 75 Galahs Jacqui Dupuy (GCS)
    8 76 Galahs Erika O'Shea (Nth)
    7 77 Demons Brooke Tonon (Ade)

    8 78 Demons Hayley Bullas (WCE)
    7 79 Belles Alice Burke (StK)
    8 80 Belles Bridget Deed (Haw)
    7 81 Sirens Keeley Skepper (Car)
    8 82 Sirens Bridie Hipwell (Haw)
    7 83 Trailblazers Maddi Newman (Ade)
    8 84 Trailblazers Jaide Britton (WCE)

    7 85 Jets Serena Gibbs (Carl)
    8 86 Jets Emily Bennett (WCE)
    7 87 Nymphs Caitlin Grieser (StK)
    8 88 Nymphs Tegan Cunningham (Haw)
    7 89 Krushers Mikayla Western (WCE)
    8 90 Krushers Philipa Seth (Frem)
    7 91 Mystix Serene Watson (GCS)
    8 92 Mystix Tamara Smith (Haw)
    7 93 Valkeries Brenna Tarrant (Syd)
    8 94 Valkeries Cheyanne Hammond (Port)
    7 95 Devils Meg McDonald (Gee)
    8 96 Devils Kate Shierlaw (StK)

    Inactive Player Compensation Picks
    97 Galahs (Britt Bonici inactive for 2022 season 7) Megan Kauffman (Frem)
    98 Krushers (Bri Davey inactive for 2022 season 7 ) Stevie-Lee Thompson (Ade)
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2022
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  3. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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  4. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    available players (at the commencement of the draft)

    additional players not on that list
    - Hannah Bowey (NM) MID
    - Lily Rose Williamson (ESS) MID
    - Kalani Scoullar (GEE) RUC
    - Kaylee Kimber (GCS) MID

    changed positions from the current FA list
    - Alex Morcom (ESS) is a DEF but listed as a MID in TS Leagues, to be rectified prior to Round 1
    - others ??

    this has the returning players 2022A averages and some retirees, but do not rely on positions -,RUC,FWD,DEF&salary=0&tsLeagueTeamId=FA&tsLeagueId=21&sort=ave&desc=desc&page_num=1&desc=desc&page_num=1

    And for 2021, with even more retirees, and even more wrong positions,RUC,FWD,DEF&salary=0&tsLeagueTeamId=FA&tsLeagueId=21&sort=ave&desc=desc&page_num=1&desc=desc&page_num=1
  5. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Proxy picks and autopicks

    We sincerely hope that all 12 ORFFW coaches are present for the draft, if not their selections will be made either by a proxy pick (another coach selection on their behalf) or an auto pick based on 2022 season 6 average, as follows

    id Name CLUB POS AVE #
    5146 Gabby O'Sullivan fre MID 80.5 1
    6206 Mimi Hill car MID 70.5 2
    5026 Stevie-Lee Thompson ade MID 55.5 3
    5251 Kaitlyn Ashmore haw MID 54.9 4
    5232 Sarah Lampard mel DEF 52.4 5
    6027 Elisabeth Georgostathis wbd MID 51.1 6

    5953 Kate Surman por FWD 49.9 7
    5207 Brittany Perry por FWD 49.0 8
    6219 Darcy Moloney gee MID 48.8 9
    5803 Kalinda Howarth gcs FWD 48.6 10
    6006 Olivia Vesely stk MID 47.8 11
    5215 Haneen Zreika gws MID 47.8 12
    5242 Casey Sherriff mel MID 46.0 13
    6232 Emily Pease gws MID 46.0 14
    5293 Bailey Hunt wbd MID 45.8 15
    6525 Annabel Johnson gee MID 45.3 16
    5975 Aileen Gilroy haw DEF 45.2 17
    5147 Laura Pugh fre DEF 45.1 18

    5120 Maddie Shevlin ric DEF 44.9 19
    5086 Nicola Stevens stk FWD 43.7 20
    6207 Daisy Walker car DEF 43.5 21
    5068 Lauren Brazzale col MID 43.2 22
    6018 Hayley Bullas wce MID 43.1 23
    5905 Maddi Newman ade DEF 42.8 24
    6229 Daisy D'Arcy gcs DEF 42.8 25
    6255 Tahlia Meyer gcs MID 42.3 26
    6022 Niamh Kelly ade MID 42.3 27
    5006 Nikki Gore fre MID 42.2 28
    5164 Richelle Cranston wbd FWD 41.9 29
    5103 Sarah D'Arcy ric DEF 41.4 30
    6007 Molly McDonald stk MID 41.0 31
    5301 Kimberley Rennie nth RUC 40.9 32
    6210 Amelia Velardo car MID 40.9 33
    5190 Elle Bennetts wbd MID 40.8 34
    5049 Breanna Koenan brl DEF 40.8 35
    5024 Chloe Scheer gee FWD 40.8 36
    5042 Nat Exon stk MID 40.5 37
    5235 Elise O'Dea car MID 40.4 38
    6218 Mikayla Hyde fre FWD 40.3 39
    5136 Kellie Gibson wce FWD 40.0 40
    5961 Annalyse Lister gws DEF 40.0 41

    5996 Rosie Dillon stk MID 39.5 42
    5088 Darcy Vescio car FWD 39.4 43
    6243 Bella Eddey nth MID 38.8 44
    5199 Tanya Hetherington gws DEF 38.8 45
    6254 Jacqueline Vogt ess FWD 38.6 46
    5186 Georgie Rankin gee DEF 38.6 47
    6560 Beth Schilling wce DEF 38.5 48
    5166 Kate Darby gee RUC 38.3 49
    5299 Aisling McCarthy wce MID 38.3 50
    5810 Kate Shierlaw stk FWD 38.1 51
    5175 Phoebe McWilliams car FWD 38.1 52
    5165 Julia Crockett-Grills gee MID 37.9 53
    6031 Hannah Munyard ade MID 37.8 54
    6028 Isabella Grant wbd DEF 37.6 55
    5291 Ellyse Gamble ess DEF 37.5 56
    5250 Sophie Abbatangelo nth FWD 37.4 57
    5972 Sarah Wright nth DEF 37.4 58
    6247 Amy Smith nth MID 37.0 59
    5969 Sinead Goldrick mel DEF 36.9 60
    5273 Tahlia Randall nth FWD 36.7 61
    5211 Louise Stephenson haw DEF 36.7 62
    6558 Charlotte Thomas wce DEF 36.4 63
    6025 Nell Morris-Dalton wbd FWD 36.4 64
    6514 Eliza James col FWD 36.3 65
    5202 Erin McKinnon stk RUC 35.8 66
    5261 Jasmine Grierson gws DEF 35.7 67
    5017 Sarah Perkins haw FWD 35.6 68
    5927 Alana Porter col DEF 35.6 69
    5997 Nicola Xenos stk MID 35.5 70
    5016 Justine Mules por MID 35.4 71
    5193 Maddy Collier syd MID 35.3 72
    6252 Alice Burke stk DEF 35.1 73
    5194 Jessica Dal Pos car MID 35.0 74
    6502 Abbie Ballard ade FWD 35.0 75
    5254 Nicole Bresnehan nth DEF 35.0 76
    5935 Janelle Cuthbertson fre DEF 35.0 77
    5083 Natalie Plane car FWD 34.8 78
    6272 Jess Low fre DEF 34.3 79
    5914 Maria Moloney por MID 34.0 80
    5038 Shannon Campbell brl DEF 34.0 81
    6011 Sophie McDonald wce DEF 34.0 82
    5173 Madeline Keryk gee DEF 33.9 83
    6203 Ruby Svarc brl DEF 33.9 84
    6545 Jasmine Ferguson nth DEF 33.7 85
    5208 Pepa Randall gws DEF 33.6 86
    5992 Alice Edmonds wbd RUC 33.6 87
    6521 Sarah Wielstra fre RUC 33.5 88
    5805 Rebecca Privitelli syd FWD 33.1 89
    5127 Ashlee Atkins gcs FWD 33.1 90
    5201 Tait Mackrill gws FWD 33.0 91
    6566 Jacqueline Dupuy gcs RUC 32.9 92
    6523 Zali Friswell gee MID 32.7 93
    5901 Najwa Allen ade DEF 32.6 94
    5801 Hannah Dunn por DEF 32.5 95
    5045 Tori Groves-Little gcs FWD 32.5 96
    5253 Daisy Bateman wbd FWD 32.3 97
    5174 Meghan McDonald gee DEF 32.3 98

    noting that for the purposes of team balance auto picks will be highest averaging player until a team has a maximum of 9 mids, 5 forwards, 5 defenders and 3 rucks
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  6. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Please post below once you are logged on, and @Schmitty will commence the draft at 9pm
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  7. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    I'll also try and keep the draft picks updated in this thread as they occur, so hopefully no double ups occur!
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  8. Schmitty

    Schmitty Active Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    Wongan Hills Wallabies select Ella Roberts with Pick 1
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  9. ver_redit_optatum

    ver_redit_optatum Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2020
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    Galahs select Montana Ham with Pick 2
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  10. Lachlan Brown

    Lachlan Brown Member

    Dec 5, 2021
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    Demons select Hannah Ewings with Pick 3
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  11. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Belles select Gabby O'Sullivan with pick 4
    Saved on the bell :)
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  12. Tracey

    Tracey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sirens pick
    Amber Clarke Ess
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  13. Peter W

    Peter W Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2021
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    Pick 6 - Timboon Trailblazers - Jasmine Fleming (Hawthorn)
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  14. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pick #7 Staying at Hawthorn Mackenzie Eardley DEF

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  15. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  16. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    With pick 9 the Katanning Krushers select Mimi Hill (Carlton)
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  17. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With pick 10 Manildra selects Kate Surman (Port Adelaide)
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  18. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pick 11 - Hannah Dunn PA
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  19. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With pick 12 Lake St Clair Devils select Kalinda Howarth (Gold Coast)
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  20. Schmitty

    Schmitty Active Member

    Aug 3, 2022
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    Wallabies select Abbey Dowrick (PA) with pick 13
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