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Jan 1, 1980 (Age: 44)

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Administrator, 44

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walesy was last seen:
Jun 4, 2019
    1. ELeviathan
      Hey chief! Are you joining the Ashes league this year?
    2. HeavyMen
      Hey Walsey, will be popping my $50 through to your WBC account as per prev. years. Please roll over my donor status :-) Also wondered if you could mention the Too Serious 4 Laughs
      AFL fantasy league code WUW6WPLP somewhere? Have reactivated but can't remember what size league it was last year. Anyway it has 20 spots & we want to fill it. Cheers HM
      PS Also DreamTeam code 203722 TooSerious Lads
    3. Senator96
      Hey walesy i wouldnt mind having a crack at writing a best buys column this year if there are no other takers mate...what does one have to do to apply for this job??!! I finished in the top 100 overall in 2013 and have read the articles for a few years now, anyway let me know if i can help. Cheers MC
      1. walesy
        Oh man, I've very sorry mate, I didn't notice this message at all!! Feel awful!

        Really appreciate the offer though!!!
        Apr 21, 2016
    4. DaveE
      Hi walesy, just thought I'd contact you as I can't seem to be able to upload my supercoach team. Not sure if there is a bug in the system, but every time I try it says that my "login didn't work". Any help you can give would be appreciated
      1. walesy
        Sorry mate, I didn't notice this message- Did you end up getting it sorted?
        Apr 21, 2016
      2. DaveE
        no, i just made 2 'watchlists'; one for my team and another for my watchlist. but the issue i have now is that I can't remove a player frome either list, or go to page 2 of my watchlist. seems like i fixed one problem and created 2 more!
        Apr 22, 2016
    5. HörnsySechsZeit
      I think your chat is broken.

      Or I am.

      Or both.
      1. walesy
        Yeah, it was broke for me also- but fine for Jase and Bear. Weird, will try sorting it out over the weekend.
        Mar 24, 2016
    6. HörnsySechsZeit
      You've been reported.
    7. choppers
      I've been trying real hard this morning to donate to this wonderful website as it's that time of the year again, but no matter what info I type in, I keep getting rejected as "incorrect information". I don't seem to remember having this problem last year, but then again my memory isn't the best anymore. Mate, what can I do, to get the 50 bucks to ya. Cheers
      1. View previous comments...
      2. walesy
        Cool, ok I'll add that to the list of things to fix. :D Will try to get that one sorted this evening.
        Jan 6, 2016
        choppers likes this.
      3. choppers
        Hey walesy,

        I don't reckon it's your website but more likely its Paypal. Bit hard to explain in 420 characters, as I've just discovered. No worries, wait til you've got everything sorted. Cheers
        Jan 6, 2016
      4. walesy
        yeah, I think I haven't set the paypal account which it's going towards up properly. I think I know what the problem is, just need to get the time to sit down and nut it out tonight. Will let you know once I;ve kicked the tires.
        Jan 6, 2016
        choppers likes this.
    8. tooswal1
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    Jan 1, 1980 (Age: 44)