Rightio-o. The ORFFL is back in town! And you know what that means? Actual FOOTBALL begins again!
What's more is @walesy has this amazing new, ultra-turbo-powered TSLeagues! If you haven't checked out yet, you must. Not simply because it's how you enter your team week-to-week for the ORFFL, but also because it's absolutely amaze-balls! It has a rising star and a brownlow tally and everything! Although I do find it a bit convenient that Todd Goldstein won the ORFFLow Medal last year and suddenly, by walesy's this new feature appears. Colour me dubious.
We're having some err 'technical difficulties' loading the fixture that @bgt2110 so lovingly supplied (big ups bro), so in the mean time here's the fixture for Round 1 of the 2016 ORFFL Championship Premiership PirateShip Season!
Round 1
Jimcumbilly Jackrabbits vs Coulta Couldabeens
Bundalong Bullfrogs vs Tarwin Lower Pigs
Smiths Beach Seagulls vs Milikapati Snakes
Poowong Pootoroos vs Bonnie Doon Bandits
Sarah Island Savages vs Mallacoota Magicians
Humpty Doo Hammerheads vs Mount Buggery Disappointments
Glenrowan Gunslingers vs Woy Woy Wizards
Queenstown Quolls vs Purnululu Bungle Rangers
Popanyinning Pyrite vs Warburton Wanderers
Whooooo-Weeeeee! Talk about action packed. At this stage of the season - year zero, anything could happen. Coaches please do the league a solid and get us off to a good start by entering teams. Usual Thursday loophole applies: if you want to play someone from the tigs vs blues game, they need to be selected before the game starts. Everyone else before Saturdays first game. We here at ORFFL HQ reserve the right to be absolute hardarses about this.
Get excited, and good hunting on the weekend coaches!
Oh and call us if you need any help. I'll be around for most of the day/evening.
ORFFL 2016 R1: Help is at Hand
Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by HörnsySechsZeit, Mar 24, 2016.
Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by HörnsySechsZeit, Mar 24, 2016.
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